Là một trong những website tiên phong trong lĩnh vực xuất khẩu lao động Nhật bản tại Việt Nam, Chúng tôi cam kết mang đến cơ hội việc làm ổn định, góp phần nâng cao thu nhập, cải thiện chất lượng cuộc sống cho người lao động. các đơn hàng thực phẩm nhật bản, đơn hàng cơ khí tại nhật, đơn hàng dệt may
Nice being able to spend time w/ kiddies (being able to stay @ home and not go back to work! Although my little one don't sleep as much as I would like.. Tired or not tired I LOVE spending time w/ the boys. :D
Doing good. Busy w/ both kids @ home now. Def keeping me on my toes! U going back to work (ur baby now 13 mth)? How's that?
Hope all is well. How's the kids? thx for the milk coupons a couple mths back.. used them today @ Metro!
Just dropping a hi and how ae things going?
your very welcome!!
nice meeting u this am.
RPNShell has agreed to accept 2 nutrigrain coupons with an early expiry date of Feb 5 and 26. "Thanks for the pm, I will accept the nutri grain bar coupon." Thanks, Sarah
Was a boy.. he was only 6 lbs, but absolutely adorable!
Busy!! Pretty good for the most part (a few bumps, but the good outweighed the bad). My sister in law had her baby after Christmas so that was exciting.
Hope your holidays went well!
What a lovely photo!
Canadian Genius
Senior Canuck
Junior Canuck
Smart Canuck
Canadian Guru
Addicted To Laughing Cow