- Age
- 42
About emmamomma
- Biography:
- looking to save money
- Location:
- laval quebec
- Gender:
- Female
- Trade List:
- Just to let you know FC means french coupon
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WAY more to come!
- Wish List:
- cleaning products (especially green works) grocery items, gc for groceries or tims or movies, new ps. also would like the gillette 5$ coupons. grocery coupons, and would really like purex coupons
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- IMLN Quebec Coupon Train **Almost home, thanks for riding** Fri, Aug 5th, 2011 12:32 PM
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- Total Messages
- 1
- Most Recent Message
- Fri, Aug 19th, 2011 09:57 PM
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- Last Activity
- Thu, Sep 22nd, 2011 01:17 PM
- Join Date
- Wed, Jul 13th, 2011
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