Conversation Between Littlemoe0 and tattoodprincess

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  1. hey stranger!!! Hows it going?? I hope everything's good!! Things have gotten SO much better around here! I'm still working alot, but things have happened around here to make it all worth it. For the first time in a LONG while, I can actually say I'm more than content. And I like it lol
  2. Hey there, dropping in to wish you a Great Weekend!
  3. Thanks!! I love prizes you're not expecting hahaha I think the main prize for that was a trip to Greece or something? I enter so many I dont even remember anymore lolz..How's things with you? Hubby and kids good???
  4. Oh ya, congrats on the latest win, that was cool surprise.
  5. Hi there, popped in to see if you were around, talk to ya later, Moe
  6. Hi, glad to hear you are getting extra hours, but try not to tire yourself out. How's the xbox fun doing? Becoming a gaming master? All is well here, my 4 year old started school last week, and that was big around here. My little one gets more attention now from mommy so she is having a great time gtting her own way more often. Work as many hours as before, but it really slowed down lately. I'd rather be busy than slow, it drags the day out so long. Anyways, glad to hear all is well, and I'll talk to ya later, Moe
  7. Hey!!! How's things??? Sorry I haven't talked in a has been insane...people quitting left and right, we're down 4 on the front end alone. I've been getting Courtesy training, and picking up shifts when I can. My sisters job has reduced hours dramatically so I'm trying to make up for it. I've had one day off in ten days...I'm exhausted lolz Hope all is well with you...ttys!!
  8. Hi ya stranger, popped my head in to say Hi! Hope all is well, must be busy at work. Talk later, Moe
  9. Hey there, must be playing xbox so I'll chat with ya later, have fun Moe
  10. lolz thanks...actually it took no time at all to hook up. Its just AV cables n a power cord. It took longer to unpack everything than to put it together lolz I'm already in love with it. I played Guitar Hero for the first time last takes a LOT of getting used to but its sooooooo fun!!
  11. Congrats on the xbox, glad to hear you received it and that quickly. It might take you longer to hook it up,lol. Have a great day and Happy Labour Day Weekend, Moe
  12. yes I got it today!!!! I faxed the paper on monday and it came by UPS today just as I was getting ready for work..I havent had a chance to hook it up but I'll take some pics..I'll probably create an album on my profile for the pics. EEE!!! I'm gonna hook it up now!!
  13. Hi, thought I would give ya a shout. Did you receive the xbox yet? Good way to pass by time they are. Have a great day, and I'll talk to you later, Moe
  14. I have to fill out the form and either fax it or mail it in by I think Sept 12th. SO monday I'm going to fax it in, just to be safe. I am NOT screwing up this win lolz I only found out I won by a letter in regular mail. Then it will be 4-8 weeks before it gets delivered.
  15. Hi, how ya doing this afternoon? Did you hear when you get your xbox? That is so cool, been trying to win any type of gaming for the girls, and the big kid(hubby) Have a great day, have to go in to work extra today, yuck, but get Monday off instead.
  16. Everything is FANTASTIC here!!!!! I just found out I won an XBOX 360 Arcade with Guitar Hero III:Legends of Rock...I'M SOOOO STOKED!!! I cant wait to get it...I've never even played an XBOX before lolz Any new wins for you lately???? Hows the iPod workin out?
  17. Good Morning, hope all is well. Maybe I'll catch you here on the weekend. Have a great day, Moe
  18. Hey! How's it going? Things are okay here...just finished two days off. Today I start a 6 day streak of shifts...WHEEEE!!! lolz Not much else going on...things are pretty tame here...
  19. Hi there, just thought I would drop ya a note. Hop[e all is well, and talk to ya later, Moe
  20. I've only been with Wal Mart since November last year. I started at Christmas time so I had pretty good hrs, then they went down cuz we get slow around mid Jan, but now they're back up to usually 30+ hrs/wk. I'm really hoping it stays at that. Right now we're in back to school season, then we jump into Halloween. Beginning of Nov, there's a bit of a lull until Christmas shopping starts near mid Nov. when we go full force again. I think they're already accepting resumes for Christmas help! lolz ttyl
  21. Good Morning, how are you? Good your getting those hours, how long have you worked there? I've been at the same place since 1995, oh goodness, I am getting old. I started with only 6-10 hours a week, now full time and it's so close to home. Have a good day and I'll talk to ya later, Moe
  22. Yeah I'm up to 30 + hrs/wk right now. I have today and the next two days off so I'm quite enjoying it lolz I know exactly what my next tattoo is going to be. I have a really bad tribal dragonfly that I need covered up so I'm getting a dark and light blue lotus flower to cover it up. Because the lotus grows from the mud and dirt in water and rises to the surface it signifies coming from a dark time, or seeking an extreme change from how things are. The lotus also closes up @ night and reopens in the sunlight so it signifies a fresh start in that sense as well. I want blue because its a symbol of victory of the spirit over the senses, and the wisdom of knowledge. Its often seen in art featuring Manjushri, the Buddhist God of wisdom. Then on my feet I'm getting Egyptian symbols. The Ankh, a symbol of eternal life and the Udjat. It's the symbol for healing and protection. After those 3 I think I'm done for a while lolz. That puts me up to 10 so I think I'll be good lolz I just got my last one on July 3rd so I'm waiting a little while before I get the lotus.
    My sister was 13 when I got her her first tattoo. She got a small dolphin jumping on her upper right arm. A lot of artists wont do someone that young even with parental permission. Especially now with tattoos being more popular, they're cracking down on who and what they do. I had to wait til I was 17 to get my first, I pretty much regret the ones I got way back then, I wish I would have waited. I tell people that too cuz I always get asked by customers @ work.
  23. Hi, nice seeing you on here this morning. All is well, my kids are driving me nuts. But that's nothing new. Work is fine, boring as usual, and all is well with the family. Not too much new, being hanging around home a bit, which is ok by me. Just working alot lately? Oh well, extra money always comes in handy. Any new art work on you? Do you have your next tat picked out? A woman I know just got her and her son each one, and she drew them both, the suprise to me was the son is 14, but that way they know who did it. Talk to ya in a bit, Moe
  24. Good Morning! How are things? Things here are good...kinda busy but good. Nothing going on but work as usual lolz it's pretty much my life at this point lolz Sad I friend reminds me everyday lmao he's so helpful that way...*rolls eyes* lolz How's work going for you? How's the family?
  25. Hi there, how's it going? Just thought I would drop in and see if all is well. I know you've been busy so I'll let ya go, talk to ya later, Moe
  26. lolz thats good to hear...not much going on today..I finally got a day off and am enjoying it lolz I got some good news at work the other day, I'm finally getting customer service shifts! I've been waiting since Christmas to find out whether I was ever going to get any or not. My manager told me they were going to finally start scheduling me on @ the desk as well as cash so I'm pretty stoked!! lolz Its a step up from being just a cashier!!
  27. Hi, hope everything is okay, all is fine here. The kids are there usual driving me crazy at times, and the hubby, same as the kids. If you get time drop me aline, but I'll check in with ya . Talk to ya later, Moe
  28. hey! sorry its been way too long! Yeah between work and some personal drama things have been crazy around here...haven't really been on here too much are things? hows the hubby and kids??
  29. Hey there stranger, how have you been? Haven't chatted in a while, just checking in. Hope all is well, must be keeping busy at work, I'll talk to ya later, Moe
  30. Congrats to your mom, that sounds like a nice trip for her and her bf. Just hanging around today, got lots of work to do around the house but feel like doing nothing. Talk to ya later, Moe
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