Conversation Between Littlemoe0 and tattoodprincess

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  1. thanks :D :D
  2. hey! its been a while! I just finally got a computer again and I cant wait to get back to getting free stuff again! lol I got a pretty good deal on a netbook at futureshop, $249 for a 10.1in gateway, not bad huh? hows the family? hope all is well!
  3. Hey there stranger, hope all is well. Hope to gab soon, Moe.
  4. hey! I"m pretty good you? I'm still having an issue with Cogeco so I still don't have net or cable :s I'm going crazy lol I'm on whenever I can steal my moms laptop for the day lol hows the kids and hubby??? all is great I hope! :D
  5. Ack, you were on, and I missed you. I saw your name and was so happy to see it in a thread. How's things been going?
  6. Hi ya buddy, halloween exchange is up and running, please send me a pm for the answers, questions r on the 1st post of the thread, see ya , boo, Moe.
  7. Hi and have a great and Happy Canada Day!!!
  8. hey! its been awhile!! things are good here! you?? I'm glad to hear the kids loved Great Wolf Lodge, that place is beautiful isnt it?? Not much going on here, I'm going to start looking for a second job so I can start putting money into getting my truck on the road. Which, I must say it quite the ultimate in freebies lol I won an XBOX last year through YTV and ended up trading to a guy for a truck..not a bad deal eh? lol My step dad is going to do all the work for me, I just have to buy the parts and a case of beer lol his buddy owns a garage who does safeties and its an 84 so it doesnt need an etest. Ive already named her and have all these plans for her lol I'm such a dork.
  9. Hey there, how's life been treaten ya? Was down your way a couple weeks ago, went to the Great Wolf Lodge with the girls and they loved it, will be going back again. Anyhow, just checking in to see if all is well, take care, Moe.
  10. thanks hun...if you have a low WBC count you should keep an eye out for the same thing, it happens when its too low and when its too high. Apparently I've had a weak immune system since I was a kid but I havent had blood work done since I was really little and I've had a few viral infections in the last couple years which they figure made it even worse. I'm really hoping that because I have it now, it'll never come back. If it does theres the possibility of kidney failure and needing a transplant. Yeah..its been a long couple months lol
  11. Okay, now I get it, I have that happen, but not like that extent, wow, your awfully young to be getting all this going on. Ever need anything, give me a shout, even just to gab. I stand all day at my job too, and have noticed alot of problems with my legs and circulation, so be careful.
  12. purpura is blood vessel condition that causes them to basically burst and blood to rise to the surface under the skin causing red spots and temporary arthritis. Its more annoying than anything but it kept causing my foot to swell if I stood too long so I had to take time off work. I think I might need more blood tests though cuz the last ones my dermatologist had me get done my white cell count was high and a few other things came back as abnormal..which worried me a bit because like an idiot I googled my results lol I never suggest doing that btw...bad idea lol
  13. What is purpura? Never heard that before, goodness, you have had it pretty crappy lately. I understand about the low immune system, I have an odd one where I have too many white blood cells, and instead of fighting off something, they fight one another, so when I get sick or cut, it takes me a long time to heal. Make sure you take good care of yourself.
  14. As far as I know its not lol Ive been sick since February but hid it from work until my doctor told me not to go in anymore. Ive seen 6 doctors, been to emerg, had blood taken 3 times and they're still not 100% what I have. A part of it is purpura which thankfully is now gone for the most part so I'm hoping at one of my next dr appointments he'll let me go back to work. On the plus side, we finally found out why I'm constantly catching everything, I apparently have a week immune system. fun fun lol
  15. Glad to hear about Mr. Fix it, but sorry to hear you have been ill, hope it's nothing serious.
  16. I'm hoping its not bad on gas...the plus side for me is my moms fiancee like fixing cars, so hes already told me he'll do as much work as he can on it and all it'll cost me is a case of beer and parts lol I'm still working at Wal Mart but I've been off for about 3 weeks on sick leave so I havent been there.
  17. I like that name, welcome to the truck club. We have a big old Dodge 4x4, pig on gas, but it's one of the few that can get thru anything. Glad you were able to get a vehicle. Still at Walmart full time?
  18. thats awesome!! thanks so much!! That'll definitely make it cheaper to get it on the road. I chose Bubbly for the license plate cuz I called her Colbie like Colbie Callat lol I know...I'm a cheeseball lol
  19. Okay asked around, if over 20 years old, there sure you don't have to get an etest done, so that might help out. Bubbly, that's cool, like that.
  20. I'm not 100% sure I'm gonna look into more when I go to register and plate it..I wanna get personal plates lol I want to paint it Cobalt blue and get Bubbly as the license plate...I call her Colbie lol
  21. Is this the last year for an etest on it? I thought womething like 20 years and you didn't have to get it done anymore. Glad to hear it runs great, that is too cool.
  22. Nope everything is fine on it. He was driving it until the day before my mom and stepdad picked it up. I dont have the money to get it safetied and etested yet until my profit share comes through this month but I cant wait to get it painted and get a new stereo..shes gonna be cherry!
  23. that is great? Any problems with the truck or does it run fine?
  24. lol yupp!! The guy was trying to sell it, but I didnt have the money, so I asked if he was willing to trade for the 360 Arcade and Guitar Hero III, he was more than happy to! I couldnt believe it! So I got a 1984 GMC Sierra in exchange for a free 360 that I won from YTV lol how awesome is that???
  25. For a truck? You mean a real vehicle?
  26. not a thing lately..I havent won anything since my XBOX 360 in September..which I ended up trading for a truck lol
  27. Everything is good here, thank goodness spring is coming. No, no new wins lately, but hopefully. How about you?
  28. im pretty anything new?? win anything good lately???
  29. Hey, saw ya on and dropped in to see how ya have been?
  30. Ya, lots of colds have been going around lately, and they seem hard to get rid of. Glad to hear you have been busy working, that's always good. Here too, same as usual.
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