Conversation Between Littlemoe0 and tattoodprincess

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  1. I'm gonna be 23. and its scaring the *beep* outta me. I havent done a dang thing with my life that I wanted to yet.
    I'm getting to the point that its not even fun entering the contests anymore cuz I pretty much know I'm not gonna win. What bike did you win?
  2. Congrats on the upcoming birthday, how old are you gonna be? Ya, haven't had much luck in the past month and a half, not a single win, or instant win. Won some small stuff when I first started, by they were instant wins on some u.s. contests, and haven't received one of the prizes. But I did win that bike, which I finally heard today I can pick up now. That was my biggest win so far, worth $340.00 so I was happy with that one, and the girls Max and Ruby win, books and a g.c. worth $89 in total, not doing bad. Fireworks sound like fun over the falls, no big plans here at all.
  3. Hi there, still can't win on the milk contest, it must not like me, oh well. Been on a bit of a dry spell lately, but I keep on entering. What's new with you? Nothing going on around here, just the usual. Talk to ya later, Moe
  4. Thanks for the advice on the milk contest, I'll try it tomorrow. Only plans for this week are work and yard work. No big plans that's for sure. Don't think we even have anything planned for Canada Day. What about you?
  5. Hi there, how are you today? Congrats on the pedometer win. Haven't been able to win anything on there yet. Well, did we ever go nuts in the yard this weekend. Thought I was just gonna clean a flower bed out and plant some flowers. We did that, then the hubby hooked up the truck and started ripping out these shrubs he hated. Man what a difference. So as you can expect, next weekend will be way more yard work to get the mess cleaned up and get something new to plant. Anything going on this week for you? Talk to ya later, and enjoy your day off. Moe
  6. Im guessing you have to work this weekend? We have no plans for this weekend, just do some yard work and shopping.
  7. Good morning, how are ya today? The bite on the little ones neck was just that, a bug bite. Got the day off today and must do some cleaning, it's amazing how things get in the house after a couple of days. Talk to ya later, Moe
  8. Know what you mean by weird hours. I'm the full timer where I work, and I work anywhere between 6 and 13 hours a day. Ya, I guess you could have had some sauce at the ribfest, but what fun is that lol. Talk to ya later, gotta try and get in to the doctors with the little one, got bit by something, and looks alittle funny, so better safe than sorry. See ya later, Moe
  9. Hi there, how are you? The birthday went well, and thank goodness, it's over. Still have dishes to do, yuck, my job works similar to yours, I work three days, get thursday off go in Friday, and then the weekend off, I get around 37-40 a week that way, but makes some long days. Fridays I work 12-13 hours, but I like having that Thursday off so I do it that way. How was ribfest? Did you try any? Anyways, talk to ya later, Monica
  10. Hi there, how are you today? Gotta work this weekend or do you have it off? I know what you mean about short staffed at times. I work in a place where there is two employees and one extra just in case, and if your busy they don't think ever of bringing someone else in, and when people get rude, your right like you don't have enough to do already. Sorry didn't write back sooner, been a busy week. My oldest daughters birthday is today, father's day tomorrow, and stupid me planned a bbq for half the town I live in to celebrate. Gotta go make a cake, talk to ya later, Monica
  11. Ya tobacco work is dirty, but money is ok, we got a mixed breed of husky, shepard and golden retriever, he's gonna be a big boy. The girls named him Popcorn, the hubby dosen't like the name, but it's the girls dog, and I said, how many other popcorn's do we know? teehee
  12. Hi there, how are you? Did you have to work this weekend? Finally done working at the farms, and now back to my usual job, thank goodness. Talk to ya later, Moe
  13. Hi there, done work in tobacco, yahoo, the old body just ain't what it use to be. Gotta go to my normal job again today. Oh ya, gotta a cute huge puppy for the girls this weekend. The oldest loves it, and the baby is scared to death of it. Oh well, she''l get use to it. Talk to ya later, Moe
  14. Hi there, how are ya doing today? Got done work a bit early, and thought I would drop in and see if anything is new, talk to ya later, Moe
  15. Hi just me, noticed you have no one on your friends list and thought you might want a buddy, I know I can use the a friend on here, talk to you later, Moe
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