Any time! I strongly believe I have excellent intuition and usually go with it... I am really pleased to have helped you in my own way. BTW, I was doing work at 1:30 am last night or I mean today! Have an excellent weekend!
You are most welcome! I hope you are feeling better and you got rid of the cold before it took hold. Every rep I give out is different than the next. I know some people copy and paste the same thing to everyone.. I am not like that! You will have good luck regardless if you forward that silly post or not... re your rep to me... I am a Capricorm.... no wonder you and I get along famously! It is your lucky day! I wanted to make you aware of it!
Rest will help you as well as vitamin C. Take care of yourself!!!!! All is well here.....! xoxox
I know it would be great. I just wasn't ken on all the money 112 + parking and fuel.... Oh well some other time! Could youse well from the grass?
Thanks for the rep!
I am trying. I got through twice whih is better than ever! I am dialing. You got throught so many times so far. I m expecting to win! After being bumped from Ringo's party trip... I am convinced I will win!!! I have also requested a song from Al.
Thanks for the rep <3
You are welcome! Have you got your tickets for Santana already? I like DJ this am telliong the headline winner he has great seats for Santana... Steve Miller was ok but not great.... and I am so happy I didn't have to pay for them! How was your seating for Steve Miller? I looked around but had no idea who you were.....
Thanks for my morning chuckle and the rep boost. Have a great day.
Thanks for the rep! Stay cool!
Thanks for the rep! Happy Friday! :D
any time
Heyy!! Thanks for the luck, missed a few of them but the other times I tried alot, didn't get through once. Your hogging all the luck man, pass some thisa way! LOL
Lucky you! Life is good No complaints... I have been dialing like crazy and get busy signals... Help me!!
guess i shud play eh? Good luck to you!
Thanks for the rep. Have a great weekend too
thanks for the rep! What big draw are you referring to?
Thank you for the rep hope you have a great Friday
Thanks, gl 2u2
Bad mood. Co-workers driving me nuts. Thanks for the rep!
Thank you my friend! Monday was great! I need the weather to stay sunny until my landscaper completes the front porch and steps etc. Hope you have a superb week!
Hey!!! That would be great The lines are super busy today and I haven't gotten through yet, your lucky you got a good phone at work.... Mr.VOIP
Thanks for the rep, hope yours rocks as well!
I am sure the clip surprised many here! Thanks for the rep and have a great night!
Thanks for the rep! You too have fun 2nite! Still going for beer at Quinn's in the Sheraton if you're intertested
you enjoy your whole week. live, love and laugh as must as you can my friend. ")
Work is a necessary evil You are welcome for the rep@!
Thanks I go every year. Its at Woodbine Park down here Fri 6 - 10 p.m., Saturday Noon to 10 p.m. and Sunday Noon to 6 p.m. Check out for more info. I love it, its free and I always hear some new artists I didn't know as well as some I did, such as Fathead tonight, and Paul Reddick (sidemen) tomorrow. I can just walk over so its handy for me. Anyways, check it out!!! Rain, rain go away.....
Junior Canuck
need to go riding
Smart Canuck
Canadian Guru