Thank you for all the birthday greetings. Sorry for such late response.
I stopped in to wish you a very Happy Birthday, may it be the best one of your life.
Best wishes this holiday season oudette
Thanks for the rep! Happy friday!
You too
Thanks for the message oudette. Enjoy your weekend.
Thanks oudette, and good luck to you too.
Thanks for the reps Oudette.
Thanks for the rep.
Thanks for visiting!!! Please vote for my photo and you can win $1000 travel gift check!
Sorry to hear about that, spending anytime at all with the inlaws would be bad enough, let alone after work and on your bday, hopefully the hubby will do something nice for you on the weekend.
You are very welcome, and I hope it was a good one.
Hope you have a great and Happy Birthday.
You're welcome
thank you verymuch. hope you enjoy canada day
Happy Canada Day oudette
thanks for the rep oudette! good luck
Smart Canuck
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