happy cdn thanks giving
Just checkin in and seeing how your doing.
so glad to hear from you!!! keep in touch, your well liked around here ya know.
Love you too....Sorry your bored im tired...LOl.
have a good weekend
Where was i naughty???? Im behaving....
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Got ya! Hope you are havign a great day!
hope have good weekend
hans't happned yet, boo is really slow getting aroudn to stuff.
yep he can i'll tell him...
i'll let u in on it, since i was supposed to start yesterday but boo dint' get around too it. i'm supposed to have unlimited rep and be kinda like someone that goes around spreading happiness to new members etc just to make everyone feel welomed and appreciated. your mom will hate it because she's a self proclaimed anal repper, but I have THE POWER!!! or supposed to..
pretty much the same. hey, you on msn?
nothing much, you?
thanks for the rep and the comments! just trying to redirect some of the heat off ME!!!!! LOL!!
Well it could be worse...HEHHEHEEHEH. I think I missed my callign as a sex therapist....
Haha, it's no problem
Hi Mystery very nice to meet you. Really like your mom No problems about the rep
your mom has a thing for beavers..yes she's been tormenting as usual, but i keep missing her. she has some newbies in our thread to keep her busy for a while. it's nice to have u pop in once in a while you know? how is ya doing?
Hi there, I was just talking to your Mother, Nice to meet you!
You will see this eventually and after all I LOVE YOU. You were my first born. You are my princess. I am fighting for you and i will ALWYS fight for you. I love you baby!
Ohhhh Lordy... No private details here. Even though you used your real name and a pic of yourself already....UGHA.
your added dear..
Well HELLO TRISTAN! I had to drop in and see who was requesting my friendship! see you around, enjoy SC
Hey Everyone! My name is Tristan. This is my page. Not to interesting at the moment I know. I'm working on it!!
Pirate Wars Whoremaster
Smart Canuck
smart canuck
SC Candy Addict
Ca Goblin
The Sane One
Meeee-ow! =^ö^=