My email: [email protected]. Thanks again!
i was just commenting on what you wrote in the lockerz thread. I didnt hear anything, wondering what you heard.
did you see lockerz prizes get restocked today? did you get anything? I hear its the 16th...
Hello: Do you still have Lockerz invites? Thanks a bundle
could u do me a huge favour? Could you plz tell me wat Lockerz said when u called themand if you called them! Thank you sooooooo much!!!
Thanks for the compliment. Glad you like the picture of my brats.
Hi, thanks for the rep. Enjoy the last hours of the weekend.
Good morning and thanks for the rep. Cheers
thanks for the rep!
thanks for the rep
I like it too. It gets silly every once in a while but it's fun and for me is a little stress buster
ehehe... yes, i do. it's my guilty pleasure
Thanks I agree! LOL! I actually own a small tardis piggy bank! It lights up and makes noise... so proud!
Thanx for the rep!
Good Morning!
Hey you CONGRATS!!!! Who will be sent home among the remaining contestants on American Idol on Wednesday, March 18, 2009? $25 USD 500 alexis grace 3% Gebraroest from Ottawa, ON 2009-03-08 02:37:24 PM
Hope you feel better soon
Older. Lol!
Lmao Aphena, I think you had the same reaction as me... Omg how old are u! heheh. Hi Gerbra.
Sorry, I don't have any 'secret'...I post things to help people anyways not to get thumbs up.
Look closely ay there tout dates not the first page but more tour dates. Look the list over closely
Thanks for the rep! Have a wonderful weekend!
what's up?
lol thank you
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Just Jez