Thanks so very much for the birthday greetings! Cracked me right up, lol!
Merry Christmas!
oh!! You go girl!! I understand totally, I was as strong as an ox in my younger years as well, I never waited for DH to move the furniture around or haul things up and down the stairs, that kind of workout is so awesome! Very rewarding for body and mind. lol at your Dad.
omg!! Is that a cartoon condom man? lol!!!!! I am so glad it is all behind you.
have a wonderful birthday today!!
I just got back here late this evening! Hope the day was grand for you!!
Have yourself a wonderful birthday!!
Thanks so much for the birthday wishes! Have a great week!
Hello there! May I aska favour?
It might just be,lol.
Can you take a look at the thread I posted entitled " Where should I go with this?" and leave a comment to let me know what you think of the piece of writing?
May I ask a favour?
Hello there!!!!
hey us hookers gotta stick together! lol
You're very welcome, hope it's a great day thus far my friend.
I'd rather be in Maui
Smart Canuck
Junior Canuck
boogey-man slayer
Canadian Genius
Crazy Camper
Michele - 33 Year Q Fan
First Aid Officer