Happy New Year!
thanks for the rep!
thank you for the comment on my puppy
Thanks so much for the rep! Hope you have a great weekend!
Thanks for the rep!
Thanks for the rep mle (and the JEARS comments too)
I will ask about that, Thanks
Happy Easter!
I will sure try! thanks, you as well.
Today I got 2 new P&G and 2 new Red Plum, but not much in either of them to write home about. Have a nice Day
I " rescued " some P &G, CG coupons from becoming the next lining in the birdcage! lol
Thanks for the rep...and survivor wasn't like I wanted it to be. Darn it.
Thanks for the rep. Have a great night.
well I must log off for a bit, need to search upstairs for any CG coupons I might have but didn't know I would use! ttyl
I know eh? what a commitment they made inking their hands for tea?? Still, they must gets lots of comments.
ha ha thanks for the rep. Did you find that tattoo intimidating? I thought it was kinda cool.
Thank you
Thanks for the wishes and rep!
Senior Canuck
Smart Canuck
dun dun dunnn