Hi Idonovan! How are you? I wish you a very nice long weekend and Happy Easter with you and your family....................
Thanks for the rep! Good luck with your project.... schoolwork's driving me nuts this week, so I can empathize with just wanting to be DONE the course
you're welcome, quick run to get that great deal quick! lol
got the coupons today, thanks a lot
Thanks for the Rep. Plants might beat zombies but zombies have more fun
Thanks for the rep.
oh nice, did you get anywhere with walmart? did you call ho?
I do..just down on 16th and 10th...so not beside but down the road some
Thank you .
hi.. just to let you know that I mailed your coupons today... hopefully you'll get it at the end of this week or Monday the latest! Enjoy
You're welcome Hope your having a nice long weekend
YES lol definitely my fav movie of all time
thanks for the rep!
Very welcome