Conversation Between Natalka and Lynn49

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  1. Thanks for the rep and concern... but I'm really okay, just going through some health issues, nothing serious, just more of a 'pain' when a few conditions manifest themselves simultaneously! I do soldier on, though!
  2. Wow, I smile each time I see a pic of that sweet puppy!
    Thanks for your comments about the eggs - I really miss creating them!
  3. Oh, Natalka!! LOL....thank you for that puppy 'hello'! Jenny just makes my day...they're such a curious dog, not to mention determined and (one of her more charming qualities)...disobedient! But, in a good way, like when she swipes something she shouldn't have but 'sneaks' by us to enjoy her find...too cute!
    AND you reminded me to take out my collection of Ukrainian Easter Eggs! Mine is certainly not as extensive as in your photo, however! I used to love making them as a teenager...I should have taken "lessons" at our former church this year and made one...

    Easter Blessings to you and your family, Hon!!
  4. Thank you for the rep, Hon. Yes...the Ides of March..the day Caesar committed suicide 'by cop'...but that's just my opinion, lol...Have a great day..hope the Ides are good to you!
  5. Happy Valentine's Day, Natalka!

    Although this isn't our Jenny...she's's impossible to say no
    to those eyes...Your kitten pics are THE cutest!!! Why can't they stay
    like that?
  6. Happy Valentine's Day!

  7. Lol...a cat and a teddy-bear! So cute! Yes, I could sew a tote out of it, too! IF they had any...
  8. That fabric is WAY cute! It's interesting on etsy how many matryoshka items there are - lots of totes, etc. Last year I got a big totebag - but it's not on the site I got it on now so I can't show you.
    I like this one - if you look, there's a mat. cat!
  9. Natalka, I just came across this CUTE is it??!
    I'm thinking maybe an apron? Hmmm

    Gah! I just noticed it's out of stock...rats.
  10. Thank you for the rep, Natalka...and Ogden Nash was SOOO right! LOLOLOL!!!!
  11. Kittens are here! One came at noon, and thought that was it. But she had two this evening just after 8:30, so WOW! More info on the cat thread in the tea room, and I'll add pics tomorrow.
  12. Yes, the waiting for kittens is excruciating! I was hoping it would happen on the weekend! She is just really, really big, and pretty much just eats, drinks, washes herself (so much harder for her to do with the big belly), and sleeps. Wants lots of cuddles, which is nice, of course! It's got to be pretty soon, though!
    Your Jenny is just SO sweet!
  13. So I'm guessing no new kittens today? dare Taffy make you wait so long! hehehe!
  14. The 'purr' isn't too bad, Natalka...but to watch a sleeping dog simply breathe, to me is pure joy...

    Hope you're having a really nice weekend, Hon....Personally I'm exhausted tending to our grandson from after daycare yesterday to now....! The 'kids' are in Toronto until tomorrow...our SIL bought our DD a spa and overnight package at the Cosmopolitan there as a Christmas it my turn now??!!

    Thank you for the rep, Natalka!
  15. Thanks for the rep! You will definitely need to have a restful day to gear up for your very busy and fun weekend to come!
    Yeah, I don't sleep.. and do have to have a nap late morning or early afternoon. Imagine what it was like a year ago when I couldn't nap... it was zombie time!
  16. Gah, Natalka! My hubby still thinks the Disney Movie Club is a good idea! He said that after we get our initial 5 for $2, we'll just order our other 4 at one time to suffice the contract then quit. Sigh.....I'll keep you posted..PS...our friends just moved to Africa for 3 years...I think of them when I see your cutie-pie giraffe!
  17. really is a lovely way to start the day, Natalka!
    I probably don't need my high blood pressure meds when she's around!
  18. Aw, the cuddle story is most awesome! What a lovely way to start the day!
  19. Thank you for the rep, the quote. I was awakened this morning by Jenny with her teensy whining...I put her on the floor to make coffee and she just sat there in the kitchen staring at me...didn't want to piddle on her pad or anything. So, armed with my coffee, our fun-fur blankie and tv converter, we snuggled in our big chair.
    FOR 2 1/2 HOURS!!! LOL!!
    Yes...I'm one of those old crazy dog ladies!!!

    Have a lovely day, Hon!!
  20. Merry Christmas, Natalka!!

    I can't believe I can't rep you, yet, but truth be told, I've been doing very little repping busy with the new pup, I just parachute in now and then!
  21. I saw your post in Skippy's nice that you keep our traditions going...ours unfortunately passed away with my Mother. I doubt I'd be able to start them up would seem forced now....but oh my...those were the days of my childhood! Almost better than 'normal' Christmas...the carolers...the visitors, parties...such lovely times.....
  22. Thank you for the rep, Natalka...seems I can't get you back, yet (again!)...But will when I can...Happy New Year, Hon!
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