I am having this issue too. I got an email about a PM about 7 hours after I got the PM! I haven't received new post notifications either on threads I...
Our store closes next week. I've been able o get a lot of really good deals in the last week. Average savings of 80 percent or so. I was disPpointef...
I think that the store would also not be able to resell these either once they have been returned. I can appreciate the need for money but hope this...
I really think it is just luck of the draw somtimes. Ive had $500 worth of clothing/toys/house items and not had to pay, but been pulled in for $40....
Personally I dontmind buying couopons from eBay. I just bought eBay coupons for $3 that will save me over $20. The time spent at home with my family...