Thanks for the rep! I hope mailman brings me some some decent mails today.
Thanks for the rep and hope you enjoy your weekend.
Thanks for the rep! Have a great weekend!
Thanks for the rep. Glad you like my avatar
Happy Easter!!
Thanks for the rep Hope you have a great weekend!!
Thanks for the Rep, rainy!! I hope your mailbox is full of 'fun mail', too!!!
I continue to ask all my praying canuck friends to keep praying for my daughter and the recent loss of her baby girl.
aw, I'm glad You made me smile too!
Hi good news I have received the second hat from Searay today in the mail so check your order reorder if you have to. This one is black instead of white I thing its better. LOL
Hi rainy, hope you had a nice Thanksgiving too
Thanks for the rep boost. Have a Happy Thanksgiving also.
Thanks for the rep, Rainy. I am so sorry to hear the loss of your daughter's baby. Take care.
Thank You! and you as well
For all my praying canuck friends... I would like to ask you to remember my daughter in your prayers. She really needs them right now she just lost her baby (9mo old)and she is struggling.Please keep our family in your prayers.... Thank you.
Rainy can you get rid or move this page please for iCoke - Nestea Camoue Messenger Bag - Free When You Spend 45,444 iCoke Pts or 36 it came from angel1010 but I don't want it. I have submit an feedback or the post concerning that advertisement. Thank you! Angel1010
Hi I just checked my new order and it shows it was shipped Oct 5 so try reordering yours again.
Thanks fo the rep and I am so sorry to hear that you had a loss in your family. Take Care
I just had a death in my family.... if I dont respond or get back to anyone I am just not myself right now.
Hi i just checked my order that i just did on Sept 26th"s it is in process may be i will get another one this time i will keep you up dated.
Thanks for the "bacon" cuppiecake rep, rainy!! baggypants
Hi iI just check on the site for the Sea Rayhat and it showed my order was cancealed so iI just tried again I will keep you up dated on what happens Bucky01
Thanks :D Happy Sat to you too!
Thanks rainy for th rep
Special Agent Gibbs
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