It is almost TGIF... Any specific plans ??? Thanks for repping me!
thamx for the rep. stay cool & have a good one
I rarely buy lottery tickets. I do not think of it. I do not even know the cost or when the draw is.. I would pay off my mortgage and buy my mom a new condo... and give mioney to Alzheimers research! My mom always buys them. She wins 10.00 or free tickets! Good Luck to you. and thanks for the heads up and good weekend wishes!
Thanks for repping me! I hope you weekend is everything you want & more!
No interest in Rush either. In fact often I change the station unless it is YYZ. Getty's voice reminds me if nails on a blackboard! lol
I am not familiar with this and that is why I asked. Where I am I high doubt they would have it.... I appreciate the rep too Ms Parkdale Princess! I love it! Thanks much for getting back to me! Are you calling in for Rush tickets?
WOW! How do you come to this Isreali combat system? Are you from Israel? I've never been there yet, though I have cousins that moved there after highs chool.
You are on quite the roll today!!! Making up for lost time! thansk for repping me! May I ask what class you give at the gym? Are you good at motivation people?
Thanks for the rep.. I'm glad you liked the joke... Somtimes I am uncetain how others will react... so far so good! have a great pre hump day!
How are you doing? I fgiured you must be so busy as I hadn't seen you around at all. Thank you for the rep! Happy belated birthday!
happy birthday
A very Happy Birthday to you, hope it's the best one of your life.
Thank you my friend! I had a great day and enjoyed each and every puddle I ran into... Have an excellent night!
I feel very special! Thank you for the 2 reps! Incredible how quickly this week is passing by... before we know it the weekend will be upon us!
Thanks very much for the rep!!! Hope you have a great night!!!
Glad you liked the letter to Jessi. I was hesitant to post it as I didn't want any complaints.... turns out everyone enjoyed it! Thanks for the rep! I do not get to have left overs from company meetings as I work from home and our company meetings are infrequent!
Thanks for the rep!
Virrys, thank you for your good Easter wishes rep on April 1st! I hope you and yours had an enjoyable long Easter weekend!
Thanks for the rep!!! Hope you have a great long week-end!!!
Thank you for dropping by with a rep for me! hope you have an amazing weekend!
I am happy to hear from you! Works is busy for me too. Thant mean the economy is on the upswing! Everyone here is well thank goodness. May I ask what type of training your company provides?
Thank you for the Friday rep!!! Hope you're having a great Psunday!!!
Thank you for visiting me yesterday! I appreciate the rep you brought me... and I hope your weekend beats all your expectations. Will see you next time!
Survivor Day Retreat?, never heard of it. But I did clear my social calendar from 8pm-9pm so I could watch it on TV. Does that count? What is it, and did you go?
Thank you Virrys. I could relate to the dance station... I love that stuff... all over my ipod with some classic rock. Is it 99.9 or 92.5?
Thank you kindly on this beautiful day! Hope your weekend is everything you want and more!
Thank you Friend! Your beautiful red outfit reminds me of Spring and it is right around the corner...!
Thank you Friend! It is a happy Tuesday, and so is every other day and I am alive, and healthy.... I wish you very same! And I will do in as soon as my repping powers are returned to me...
It is now up to Karmac to do something immediately. She Can call the police right now. They work 24 hrs a day.It is important to support one another with situations like this. She is looking for support or she would not have posted it.
Thank you too. I am not sure however that she gets it. I understand she is upset and she has good reason. I hope she grasp[s what it is doing to her daughter. I also think something is very wrong in that school that this bully is still in action.... All we can to is support and encourage her and hopes she takes control.
Senior Canuck
Michele - 33 Year Q Fan
need to go riding