Hi there , I found you . Any word in the Ganz family and friends sale , you were generous to share a few years ago , do you still go?
Thanx for the likies BL.D
Send me your address and I'll send it on to you. I just finished burning a copy for you. It plays on my laptop so I think it's OK. I suppose it's probably a wee bit of a no-no but I won't tell if you don't. All my rats have passed on and I haven't been taking in any new ones. Unfortunately I'm not earning enough money to do rescuing or have a lot of pets right now. I sure do miss having the little beasties around.
I would LOVE a CD of the show! I was supposed to go, but that was when my Dad was in CCU, so didn't want to go too far from my Mom. Sounds like you had a great time! How are all your critters? Are the rats still in charge?
Hey! Good to see you, stranger! Any Gowan sightings?????
Rep thanks! Have a great week!
Thanks Blazing Driver. Happy Daytona 500 Weekend!
Thank you for the LOVEly rep this past week! Go Canada!
Happy V Day to you and yours BD!!!
thank you for the rep! Wonder if anything good is on tv right now? ....lol Olympic coverage! lol
Hey thanks for the rep today!!!
for the reps. Have a nice afternoon!
Thanks for the rep!
It's a fault that I have... I'm good at finding mistakes... LOL! Thanks for the rep Have a great weekend!
good morning!! thankyou so much for the rep!
Thanks for the rep!!
Thanks for the rep and have super weekend.
thanks very much for the rep! have yourself an awesome afternoon.
Thanks for the rep
OMG!! I know him!! I love his voice! ( and that cheesy Criminal Mind video I have playing in my head from ages ago, lol. ) I guess I forgot what he looked like. Very rugged and handsome. I have a weakness for the Scots, like comedian Craig Ferguson!! ( swoon )
ha ha, thanks for the rep, I see there are many likes for my shoe store.
Let's go racing boys. Daytona 500, in 33 days, 10 hours nice looking family.
Hope your weekend is going well; thanks for repping me!
THANKS for the Rep!!!! ...and LOL!! No Dilema - Everyone is Laughing at me at w*rk... INCLUDING me. OK... I am the Biggest Culprit.
NSFW? Not safe for work? A little fun at work is a good thing!
Thanks for helping the Bicycle Factory!
Cat Trainer (Trainee??)
Canadian Guru
Crazy for Daisies
Smart Canuck
boogey-man slayer
need to go riding
First Aid Officer
Born To Run
Canadian Genius
Couponing Princess!
no more door to door! :)