Hope your having a good Monday
I hope you and your family have a great Thanksgiving..and that you are doing well!
Hi there long lost buddy!I hope this finds you well... You seem to have fallen off the face of this group! Hope to hear from you some time!
Thank you for the pillow rep... Are you looking in my window? I had better make sure my shutters are closed properly...very tempted to place an icon... maybe next time! Hope you saw the rep I gave you a day or so ago!!! Have fun....
Shhhhhhhhhhhhh These notes are not private...lol If that is that is the worst/best(?) you are called.... then... Catch you next time!
I have you now!
Thank you for the intriguing rep my friend... wait until.... 'It's your move' and your turn... do enjoy... Later....
thanks for the prefect view pic.it looks peaceful.
Thank you Poly for the fabulous reps! So you enjoy playing games... What about It's your move?
Thanks for the rep!!! Hope you have a great long week-end!!!
Sometime, though not in visitor messages, could you explain what it is you do.. Clean up for Uncle Phil??? It sounds intriguing...sort of... Montreal is awesome! There is a real joi de vivre that I haven't experienced elsewhere! Enjoy a great long Easter weekend & save a few chocolate eggs few for your kids.lol I did tune in for D.A.Y.D. this am but it kept cutting out. No computer at my mom's hence no internet. I access gmail on my phone & part of this site. Hoping to access answers to submit. My Points = 10,540,900. Nothing recently has yanked my chain. No idea just how many entries people make until I joined this group... Have fun & play safe PolyBoy! xoxo
You get overtime! You are lucky! I do not. I do get 3 weeks vacation and am not docked for any appointments for myself or my daughter. As for your and my sanity, it is long gone. I think that is why we get along... or part of the reason ... lol Am not sure how long I will be around to night. Am getting things packed to tomorrow afternoon and yes you are correct about my destination! Have you ever been there? It is an amazing place... Like a miniature Europe! Don't work too hard, cause all work and no play....;-)
Thank you for the bubble gum rep! Just remember not to swallow it! How do you do it and keep your sanity? Burning the candle at both ends! OUCH! It is no wonder your choice is smokey...
It is good to see you here this evening... Mr Pot or is that smokey flame???...Smokey..is an interesting choice of adjectives...hmmmmmmmm
lol I was going to answer with a twisted reply, but thought I wouldn't give your secrets away just yet! Want to let them keep thinking you are a wholesome....man! Of course you are! That is part of why I like you!. Are you the pot, or the fire/heat that makes the kettle....
you're welcome, you earlybird! have a great day!
Thanks for the Thursday rep!!! Have a great night!!
Thanks Poly! Now if I could figure out why every profile pic i've tried doesn't work
Hey!!!! Thanks for all the reps over the week! Have an awesome weekend!!!
THANKS for the Friendship Request!! Gladly accepted.
You are still up? I am in rep jail... I tried to do you and was told no. Too many given out in the last 24!! Thanks for the visit and for repping me! Did I scare you before?
Are you next on Larry King? Can you guess what colour his hair will be?? Thank you for the rep!
Thank you for the rep yesterday. I finally got some time to say thank you! Maybe later...
Thanks for the rep. As you were the one to mention it on your welcome post, how do I go about paying it back to all you good folks? Thanks~ the very green Newbie!
Thanks for the rep. Have a good night
Hi thanks for the rep. We are all in the Tea Room if you care to join us once and a while. Enjoy your new Q thread.
Cat Trainer (Trainee??)
Smart Canuck
Master Baiter
Life Is A Dance Floor
need to go riding
Canadian Guru