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  1. #17236
    Cat Trainer (Trainee??) Andit's Avatar
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    This will give you a laugh.

    My best friend (who is more like a sister, since we've known each other since we were 4) & I were out late one night, so she decided to stay over & crash on the couch instead of going all the way home.

    In the middle of the night, I was awakened by my friend muttering something about bathroom.

    "Ok, I'll take her out," I said, still half asleep, thinking the dog had to go out.

    "No, not the dog, I need to use the bathroom. But the door's locked. What are we going to do?"

    Somehow she had managed to lock the bathroom door earlier that night. I got out my tool kit, pulled out a screwdriver, turned the lock & opened the door.

    I was putting the kit away, when she came out & said to me, "You don't need a man. You are a man."

    That's been our running joke ever since.

  2. #17237
    AWESOME ONE NSangel's Avatar
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    omg between andit and aphena.. ppl are going to thing this is a transvestite thread

    if that doesn' cheer jode up..we'll kidnap her and bring her to my house.

    will you be my friend? please?

  3. #17238
    One of a kind! Harley Grandma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by seekthetruth View Post
    I have been Wanting blackberry cobbler so bad, but they were too expensive at walmart and no other store had one in town. WTF?? No blackberries around here either lol.

    Stater Bros had them to 5.6 oz packages for $3.00 ..$1.50 a package

    We all must share the same mother lmao. SISTERS!!!!!
    [quote=NSangel;557651]i noticed your thing said BRRR IT'S COLD!!!

    tell me about it! we just got our first snow!!!

    yes i said the 4 letter word
    I have been wear shorts all last week and this week. Was 79 yesterday suppose to hit 80 today.. Nights here have warmed up too from the teens to the low 40's.

    Thanks for all the new words..I have to take son to be tested.. Be back in about 2 hours.

  4. #17239
    Canadian Genius Love2save's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by haunish View Post
    Ooh thanks a bunch, I have been dying to see how it went!!
    Haunish, she said she got it at either HMV or Music World in Ottawa but it was a few years ago. What about the internet?

  5. #17240
    Smart Canuck haunish's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Love2save View Post
    Haunish, she said she got it at either HMV or Music World in Ottawa but it was a few years ago. What about the internet?
    I tried that but I dont know if I am looking wrong, as I alwyas see it in sections, so it gets confusing. I will look again. My sis said she got it but she lives in the states, so will ask her later and see. I will find it

    But now I am off to second hand store and to shop for christmas exchange, after to myself and its not freezing outside..yay!

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    FROLIC 200pts from Family Corner

  7. #17242
    Cat Trainer (Trainee??) Andit's Avatar
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    Don't know where to find the DVD for the show, but here's a link that will give you info on the show:

    Hope it helps.

    I was supposed to go see the stage version of Misery last year, but was warned against it. Apparently, the first 3 rows were "splash zones", & patrons were complaining about getting their clothes stained with "blood". I chose to go see something less messy.

  8. #17243
    Smart Canuck haunish's Avatar
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    I found it on I say and $33 I swear I am an idiot some days that was too

  9. #17244
    Smart Canuck haunish's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andit View Post
    Don't know where to find the DVD for the show, but here's a link that will give you info on the show:

    Hope it helps.

    I was supposed to go see the stage version of Misery last year, but was warned against it. Apparently, the first 3 rows were "splash zones", & patrons were complaining about getting their clothes stained with "blood". I chose to go see something less messy.

    Aw man, that would have been as you said messy, never been to a stage show of anykind.

  10. #17245
    Canadian Genius Love2save's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jodew71 View Post
    I'm still here and still fuming mad. Once again he's acting like nothing happened. I took the van this morning to bring Alex out and I couldn't care less what he would say about it. It happens to be pizza day at school and Alex has a volleyball game today so he chose to go to school this afternoon. Actually he behaved just like his dad saying "I guess I HAVE to go then". I kept telling him it was his choice. I wasn't going to force him to go but he'd miss out on the pizza and his game. Once he bought his Webkinz stuff he was in a much better mood. I spoke to his principal this morning and Alex is going to meet with the school counsellor on Thursday but he doesn't want to. Says he refuses to. If that's the case I'll send him to a different therapist 'cause he needs to talk to someone.
    Anyway, before we left I said to Jim "We DO need to talk but I'm afraid I'm going to blow up at you again". "Probably" he says (with attitude). I walked out and told him that anything I say he deserves because of what he put Alex through last night. I don't understand how he could put himself ahead of his kids. BTW.. Alex is our son and he has 2 other kids from another relationship that we only get to see every other week. What's worse is that THEIR mother chose to marry a verbally abusive man (I'm waiting for the physical part) knowing that the kids didn't want her to marry him. And they are only 6 & 10 (no, he didn't cheat on me - we weren't together at the time). aarrrggghhhhh!!!

    So, since I can't talk to him I'm writing another carefully worded letter. I don't think it will change things but we'll see. How can they be so damn stupid?? My mom wants me to give him the boot too but I can't afford my house on my own (will have to find a room mate) and I'd have to put in at least $15,000 of work in order to sell it. I've dealt with worse crap than this but never when it puts my kid in the middle. I'm the angry bear protecting her cubs. lol

    You know, I felt so good yesterday after blowing up at him and I feel better now being able to vent. Thanks for all the encouragement!!
    writing a letter can be a really good idea, people tune out words but when they have it in writing they can keep rereading it!

  11. #17246
    Canadian Genius Love2save's Avatar
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    1 (100%) Keyword: LANDMARK worth 100 points good through 12/18/08.

  12. #17247
    Junior Canuck jodew71's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andit View Post
    Somehow she had managed to lock the bathroom door earlier that night. I got out my tool kit, pulled out a screwdriver, turned the lock & opened the door.

    I was putting the kit away, when she came out & said to me, "You don't need a man. You are a man."

    That's been our running joke ever since.
    I am soooo with you on that one! I lived with my boyfriend when I was 19 and it only lasted 1 year and I know I'm hard to live with. After that I lived alone for 12 years - I raised Alex by myself till he was 6 years old and if I had to do it again I certainly will. If I didn't own this house I could up and move anytime so things are a little more complicated than in the past. Ever watch HGTV - Holmes on Homes, Take this House & Sell It, Flipping Houses etc... my dad bought houses then turned them into apartments so between working with my dad and watching HGTV, I know more than Jim does about houses. I'm proud of that too. I'm not dumb and I make sure everyone knows it. Why do we amazing women end up with the dorks? Better yet, why do they have to turn into dorks?

  13. #17248
    Junior Canuck jodew71's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hmcsp View Post

    FROLIC 200pts from Family Corner
    thanks! I wonder why that one took so long to get posted.

  14. #17249
    AWESOME ONE NSangel's Avatar
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    glad 2 see you there jode. seek was worrying about you. i was more worried about the dh (rq's version) in this case.

    damn i lost my train of thought..oh ya.

    harley..shortssunwarm weather.

    that's enuf out of you , now GO TO YOUR CORNER!

    will you be my friend? please?

  15. #17250
    Waiting for spring.... symalteria's Avatar
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    does anyone know when the cutest halloween contest actually ends I thought it was the 15th and the 17th and know i check and once again my Amber lost some of her rating so i voted and it let me?

    new word: twilighttrivia for 450 pts newsletter

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