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Thread: Deals, Questions, Info. General Chatting and Skanky Mischief

  1. #646
    Smart Canuck GeorgiaK's Avatar
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    My immigrant parents put three kids through university with no debt and working 2 jobs each. My sisters and I all worked part-time jobs ALL YEAR LONG. When I asked my dad how he felt about the protests, he said "having a child is a financial and social responsibility. When you have a child, you better be able to support him/her through to the point that they decide to marry or leave the home. Do not wait for the government to take care of your family."

    DH and I waited until we were 40 years old and financially stable before having DS. We wanted to be able to provide a good life and a good education for him. We are already saving money for his future so that when he wants to go to university, he will have the money and not need to go into debt.

    I don't think that the students who are protesting understand the future implications of no tuition hikes. Somewhere along the line, the rates will NEED to go up. If you don't do it slowly (like now), then in the future they will have to be increased steeply. By that time, these students will be parents and tax payers and will be screaming bloody murder at the amount of taxes they need to pay.

    I say enough! We all need to shoulder the cost of our social programs.

  2. #647
    Member of rep ho-ing club kelly25's Avatar
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    I paid 13000$ for my education, worked after school, on weekends (had rent to pay) and got up 5am to get homework done before school! I had my kids young but thankfully I was done with school and when my first child was born I started putting money aside for his education monthly, still do and the same for second ds.

    I agree that this should be a parents responsibilities! I wasn’t admissible for bursaries because my mother made money even thought she didn’t buy me a single book or help pay rent. I saw fellow students get their education paid for even though their parents helped out and they didn’t need to get a job nor did they get a 15 year dept. I understand the injustice but I think if ppl looked around at what other countries have to offer they could appreciate what we have.

    I could go on and on about the government too but I’ll stop here
    Patty Smyth and AnnieP like this.

  3. #648
    Senior Canuck Arielmac's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by couponlinda View Post
    Wow - I was coming on this thread to ask if anyone had connections to get me one direction tickets and started reading about the student protest........what kills me is they are protesting the hike - which is not that much - i know my daughter is in concordia and i pay her tuition......i just wish these protesters would protest for tax hikes, no jobs, our failing health system - against the berger blanc for killing animals, against our f'd-up government for wasting money on crap.....i could go on and on......
    Yeah sorry, my bad. It all started with one of my joke and just became a huge collective rant!
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  4. #649
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    This thread is for every topic of conversation and this strike is affecting all of us. I for one will not be going anywhere near dowtown for as long as this goes on. I already had my car broken into last year on Viger and St. Laurent I am not risking it anytime soon. So there goes some money that we would have put into the downtown economy because we go to old Mlt. etc. as a family about once a week during the summer. Take that students.
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  5. #650
    Junior Canuck saradouce's Avatar
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    Well... I'm a student. I'm careful with money. I SAVED money for my university tuitions. I had enough for the 3000$ per year. I can't afford university right now. My parents also saved money for me, but they we're planning with the actual rates of inflation (YES tuitions are going up each year). They don't have enough.
    I pay for my appartement myself. My car is essential as I do internship away from school. I paid for it myself, cash, and I paid all the repairs.
    Last year I made 20000$ working full time between school and volontaring. I didn't get the good marks I'm use too because I had to work more to save for university.
    Lst year, I paid 3000$ in taxes to governement.
    This year, between DBF and I, we managed to make 32000$.
    DBF owed the Quebec governement 130$!!!!!! We are students, paying taxes, and government is still sucking more money from us!
    I'm a ''taxe's contributor'' unlike Charest say. I already pay taxes for all the other social programs: welfare, health and school.

    Yes, it is ''only'' 325$ per year. But it'll cumulate to a whooping 1625$, doubling the tuitions fees! I cannot afford that. I'm also not eligable for bursaries system.
    Last week, a welfare beneficient told me: stop whining and pay, it's only 325$ per year.
    I answered her: I'm going to cut your welfare of 1625$/year in the next 5 years, do you complain now?
    Trust me, she didn't pipe a word after that.

    What makes me the more angry, it's when government says that we don't count. That if we don't pay, society will have to. Well, I'm society, and I'm already paying.

    It doesn't mean that I don't want to pay anything more. I just want a balance between everything. I want to be told where my money go.
    I want better taxes return for students. I want guidelines for university so they can't do whatever they want with the money.

    I'm angry about people who just repeat medias sayings. They don't know anything about it. They didn't read about it. They don't understand the true reasons under strike.

    I know that they are stupid students who broke car and block bridges.
    But they also are stupid drivers on the road but it's not majority.
    They also are stupid people on the Colline Parlementaire and Assemblée Nationale.

    They're always be people that like to put everything upside down.
    We're not all like that.
    I prefer words better than acts. I'm still against blind actions of governement.

  6. #651
    Junior Canuck saradouce's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arielmac View Post
    C'est aussi mon point de vu, le contraire de condamné c'est quoi encore?
    Il y a déja un malaise, je me suis presque pogné avec une de mes amies sur un de ses status facebook parce que je trouve qu'elle exagère sa réaction a la "joke" de Charest. Je vois constament des status dénoncant les hausses, la "brutalité policière", le fait que le gouvernement ne veut pas bouger mais rarement sur le vandalisme qui a été fait. J'ai d'ailleurs fait ma montée de lait sur facebook comparant les protestataires a des enfants qui piquent une crisse dans un magasin pcq ils n'ont pas la bébelle oou le bonbon qu'ils veulent.

    C'est mon 2 ieme building d'étudiant et quand je les voit entrer avec des caisses de biere, des bouteilles de vin ou de fort, laissez des meubles/appareils électronique/rideaux/linges/vaisselles etc dans l'appart quand ils déménagent juste pcq ils sont plus "in" et qu'ils vont en acheter du neuf, qu'ils sortent dans les clubs tout les weekend et se soulent la gueule mais quand tu leur parles de faire du couponning pour économiser, soit qu'ils rient de toi ou disent qu'ils n'ont pas le temps. BULL!

    Tout le jeunes ne sont pas étudiants et tout les étudiants ne sont pas comme ça.
    Je suis étudiante et je couponne. Mon chum surveille les spéciaux. Tous nos meubles nous ont été donnés et on en prend soin.
    Je peux te dire que où je suis à l'école, la grève n'a pas lieu, car les étudiants ne peuvent pas se permettre de ne pas travailler cet été.
    TOUT mes amis ont de la misère à arriver.
    La boisson, oublies ça.

    Certains jeunes ont leur parents qui paient. Certains autres ne sont pas réellement à l'école.

  7. #652
    Senior Canuck Arielmac's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by saradouce View Post
    Tout le jeunes ne sont pas étudiants et tout les étudiants ne sont pas comme ça.
    Je suis étudiante et je couponne. Mon chum surveille les spéciaux. Tous nos meubles nous ont été donnés et on en prend soin.
    Je peux te dire que où je suis à l'école, la grève n'a pas lieu, car les étudiants ne peuvent pas se permettre de ne pas travailler cet été.
    TOUT mes amis ont de la misère à arriver.
    La boisson, oublies ça.

    Certains jeunes ont leur parents qui paient. Certains autres ne sont pas réellement à l'école.
    Je sais Saradouce, j'avais d'ailleurs hate de lire ce que tu avais a dire. Je suit ton blog et tu as ete mon exemple quand j'ai parler a une etudiante de faire de couponing, malheureusement, toutes les excuses etaient bonne pour ne pas economiser.

    Ta situation n'est pas exceptionelles mais dans ce que je vois depuis quelques années, elle est rare. En tout cas, dans mes edifices.

  8. #653
    Junior Canuck saradouce's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Patty Smyth View Post
    Oh Ariel , I didn't know you had student buildings , I can't imagine what it must look like after they leave. I had friends that used to rent out downtown and they caused so much damage, not by vandalism mostly just neglect. It's just as bad when they come and go and don't do a bloody thing.'
    Anyhoo I am waiting for someone to get killed and then we will see real action. That head of CLASSE need a real dose of reality as do they all. Mama et papa won't be happy when they have to bail these kids out and pay for their tuition.

    Can you imagine yesterday when they were throwing rocks if one of the rocks had gone down into the ville marie tunnel???
    We are leaving our appartement, and I can assure you that we take care of it. Msot on the proprio rent ugly places to students. Wanna talk about it?
    We are moving to Sherbrooke.
    We visited a place where the guy will only rent to students (sounds weird hein?).
    The walls were riped appart, they were molds everywhere.

    The guy asked 650$ per months nearly 100$ more than every other plce in town.

    He was stealing students, just because most of them won't complain because they have a place to live.

    And the place was ''Clean''. The girls who live there take care of the appartement. It was just in a soooo bad shape!

    There is not only bad students.

    Most of you here take the worst cases. But BS peoples could be even worse!!

  9. #654
    Smart Canuck AnnieP's Avatar
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    I'm sorry, this is my fault...

    Quote Originally Posted by Arielmac View Post
    Yeah sorry, my bad. It all started with one of my joke and just became a huge collective rant!
    More savings and tips? Go see this site.

  10. #655
    Junior Canuck saradouce's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arielmac View Post
    Je sais Saradouce, j'avais d'ailleurs hate de lire ce que tu avais a dire. Je suit ton blog et tu as ete mon exemple quand j'ai parler a une etudiante de faire de couponing, malheureusement, toutes les excuses etaient bonne pour ne pas economiser.

    Ta situation n'est pas exceptionelles mais dans ce que je vois depuis quelques années, elle est rare. En tout cas, dans mes edifices.
    Merci de me lire.
    Moi de ce que j'ai vu, la plupart du temps, la faute reviens au manque de connaissance.
    J'ai converti mon ancienne voisine au couponnage alors qu'elle ne savait pas comment suivre les spéciaux.

    Le problème est que le crédit est tellement facile. Pouf l'épicerie est passée sur la carte de crédit et on ne s'en rend même plus compte!
    Le problème n'est pas étudiant, mais générationnel, je vous assure.

    Depuis que le Gouvernement a enlever les cours d'économie, c'est de pire en pire! Mon petit frère ne sait pas comment fonctionne une carte de crédit, à part la glisser dans la machine!

  11. #656
    Senior Canuck Arielmac's Avatar
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    C'est vrai, c'est bien une question de génération. Il y a eu tellement d'enfant roi que personnes (je généralise, je sais) ne veut prendre ses responsabilités maintenant.

    Je ne compte plus combien de fois des cheques de locataires ont rebondi, manque de fond, et le locataire nous blame pcq on l'a déposé 5 jours apres qu'il nous l'ont donné.

    J'ai bien généralisé quand je parlais des étudiants qui font la fete constament et ne comprenne pas la valur de l'argent mais il y a des exceptions. Tu en ai une, je suis désolé que tu a pris ma montée de lait personnellement, j'aurais du précisé dans mon exemple de couponing. J'admire énormément ta détermination et tes démarches.

    Malheureusement, dans tous les édifices que j'ai eu il n'y a que tres peu de ses exceptions. Je ne parles pas d'étudiant étranger mais bel et bien de Québécois. J'ai beau me creusé les méninges, dans plus de 120 locataires étudiants, je n'en connais que 4 qui ne font pas d'abus, économisent, travaille fort et ne se permettent pas le luxe de se soualer ou sortir dans des clubs.

    C'est pas juste le cours d'économie qu'on devrait remettre mais méthodologie aussi. La logique c'est vraiment pas donné a tout le monde!

    Quote Originally Posted by saradouce View Post
    Merci de me lire.
    Moi de ce que j'ai vu, la plupart du temps, la faute reviens au manque de connaissance.
    J'ai converti mon ancienne voisine au couponnage alors qu'elle ne savait pas comment suivre les spéciaux.

    Le problème est que le crédit est tellement facile. Pouf l'épicerie est passée sur la carte de crédit et on ne s'en rend même plus compte!
    Le problème n'est pas étudiant, mais générationnel, je vous assure.

    Depuis que le Gouvernement a enlever les cours d'économie, c'est de pire en pire! Mon petit frère ne sait pas comment fonctionne une carte de crédit, à part la glisser dans la machine!

  12. #657
    Senior Canuck abouret's Avatar
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    I will change subject completely.

    WM in Longueuil at the Purex sheet 3-in-1 Tropical smell (not the spring one) in liquidation at 1.50$. The price on the shelf say 5.83$ (I think) but it scan at 1.50$. Maybe you can check your local WM to see if it's the same for you...
    Hi! I'm a shopaholic... hum no, scratch that, I'm a dealaholic!!!

  13. #658
    Senior Canuck Arielmac's Avatar
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    Next year my DH is turning 50. I am looking for a fun thing to do in a group, I was looking at diner cruises but seems April is not the time for that. Anyone got suggestions?

  14. #659
    one jar at the time 2010ontest's Avatar
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    Maybe I'm different than other people, but when I decided to go at University, rent an apartment, ect... I was considering that it was not the responsability of my parents it was my choice and my life. Oh they was having put cash aside for school for me, my sister and my brother. But I decided it was my choice to go at university in an other city and wanted to pay my stuff myself. I never regret that.

    My parents remember me that they could help any time if I needed. But I wanted to be independant of them for that because I was not living in the same house. I wanted to take my responsability.

    Maybe this influence the point of view I have with all the thing happening with students strike right now.
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    Liberty of one finish where liberty of the other one start

  15. #660
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    Just want to say to saradouce, don't lump yourself in with those protestors. The really bad ones are not even students they are just professional sh*t disturbers who come out everytime there is a march or something. They are the same garbage that wreck things when the Canadiens lose the playoffs. We know who the bad ones are and that group in probably under 1000 people.

    I will say that most of the students I know work and party almost every weekend. It's the culture, some have money, some have their parents paying, some are getting loans.

    When I went to school I paid over $5000 a year tuition and that was in 1983. It took all my savings, me working and my parents had also saved for me.

    I think the students big misconception is due to the nanny state in which we live here in QUebec. Our education is GIVEN to us until high school. Our taxes are the highest in the country because too much is given or subsidised. I think asking the students/parents to pay 15% instead of 13% is more than reasonable.

    There is also the argument that funds are mismanaged by the university. True, but there is still a need for higher fees.

    I pity the students once they get full time jobs and then see how much they will be taxed. Yup you will be paying for the education of others for a long time and the less they pay the more you will pay as a taxpayer.

    This province will collapse if things do not change soon here. It is not sustainable.
    AnnieP and GeorgiaK like this.

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