My list need to be up-dated will do it eventually... please feel free to ask!
Wish List:
All coupons valid in Québec for :
Philadelphia (whipped, dips or any)
Lactancia butter or milk
Oreo Frozen dessert
Peek Freans cookies
Leclerc cookies
Fresh produce
Nestea powder
Harvati cheese
Alexis de Portneuf cheese
Tartare cheese
Boursin cheese
Ice Cream
Heinz (any or Ketchup)
Kraft (any or a lot of them!)
Chips (Lay’s, Ruffles or Doritos)
Fontaine Santé (any or at least not hummus)
Johnson & Johnson (any size, especially baby)
Garbage bag (big ones not kitchen size)
Garnier 5$ WUB 3 or 1$ with December expiry
Royale 2$
Cashmere 2$
Hi! I'm a shopaholic... hum no, scratch that, I'm a dealaholic!!!