Merry Christmas!
Thanks for the REP!!!
Thanks for the weekend rep! Puppy looks like he's enjoying the snow!
I know..they are really really good recipes too. I wish I could make some for everyone on SC.. I gotta go and see what yours is...yummy...nice to hear from you and thank you for the REP too. Have a fabulous day!!!
That is an incredible story. I spoke with my son more about it and he said it was not something anyone would want to witness but he was just so happy and proud that he was able to be there to assist and possibly keep the patients from going into shock. I'm so thankful for strangers that make a difference in this world. Your story is amazing and I'm happy it turned out the way it did. Kudos to CPR/AED and First Aid!
yeah that was a little dim lol thanks for the rep!
RE your post about the nursing student asking for money -- you are right on the money! Great detective work - I did not know that she has been in school since 2011 and has been doing well. Sorry, can't rep you. SC says I have to spread it around. Hope yo had a great Thanksgiving.
Yes thank you again and is that your furry baby? Oh what a sweetie!! Cutie! Nice to meet you and thank you for the rep as well. Have a lovely weekend.
Happy Belated Birthday snuffaluffagus
Hope everything is ok with DH.
I'm... tired. I've posted 71 coupons in the last 6 days.
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