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Thread: Protest talk - thread

  1. #76
    Member of rep ho-ing club kelly25's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Patty Smyth View Post
    Yes there may be new regulations, it was on CBC this afternoon, the government wants to limit the migrant workerscoming in. There are about 300,000 mostly from Mexico and the Islands that come in for a 4 year period limit. They want to reduce the wages they are paid. 9 provinces currently hire these workers because the locals will not do the hard labor it requires.

    Here is the clip.


  2. #77
    Smart Canuck AnnieP's Avatar
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    Du bon veiux joual!

    Quote Originally Posted by Patty Smyth View Post
    Qu'est que c'est this "TK" you speak of?
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    Procession sur ma rue.
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  4. #79
    Member of rep ho-ing club kelly25's Avatar
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    is there any violence there tonight ??

  5. #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelly25 View Post
    From what I understand is that the gouv is getting money from us workers for students but then students have to pay their school as well… its like paying something twice! I think we are all talking about this civilly and we don’t need to all have the same opinion, no judgment from me

    Well after listening to weeks of facts and statements I’m leaning on the make some noise with the pots and pans side! I really did my homework here and I’m in no way an extremist but I do not support the special law nor do I think its right to pay education twice. I think something should be done about this in the next election and I am against violence and late night protests. Everyone that knows me is shocked because I started off against the protests!

    Also one last thing I know we had to pay our school ect (this is what is said most often on radio, news ect) but really if that is a valid point then we should stop going to hospitals (because they didn’t do that back in the day) and we should remove 7$ daycares because back in the day we $$ much more then that. Well thats my oppinion anyways..

    Kelly the students pay 13% of the cost of the tuition the 87% leftover comes from taxpayers.

  6. #81
    Sith Lady and Cool Kid Darth Penguin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Patty Smyth View Post
    Mine are in public school, so much for "free" school eh? Fees are going up every year. Darth I am sure you are rolling in it and have to make absolutely no sacrifices right?
    gold-plated dishes and silk toilet paper all the way, Patty....
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    Short answer : no Long answer : NOOOOOOOOOOO!

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  7. #82
    Member of rep ho-ing club kelly25's Avatar
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    The students cut 19 million dollars! There is so many different points that can be said so many different ways this seems to be a turn in circles kind of situation. Lets just hope it gets settled soon so we can focus on other problems that seemed to have been pushed to the side.. like the Medicare system and stupid pennies

  8. #83
    Smart Canuck snuffaluffagus's Avatar
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    Meow, in regards to 7$ daycare, that's if you can even find space in a daycare. I put my younger son on a waiting list when I first found out I was pregnant (I was hoping I could get him in at McGill as my older son went there and I wanted to return to studies). This was in early 1996. I was called back with available space the summer before he started kindergarten, lol. I decided to put him in a private daycare which cost me 250$ per week. I was only earning 375$ per week at the time. I wanted a house for my children so damn bad that it was worth it for me to work 40hrs just to put that 125$ per week away towards a down payment. Oop, I'm lying, it was actually 100$ per week because I was paying back my student loans @ 100$ per month. My dh's salary was only enough to pay our immediate bills ie. rent, groceries, etc. I never even got to take advantage of the subsidized daycare and we still survived.

    It's all about opportunity cost and delayed gratification in my eyes. If you want something bad enough, you have to work for it and, in turn, give up something else. The opportunity is there, we just have to figure out which way is best for us to achieve it. A bachelor's degree is 3-4 years long. Or maybe one can work more and go part-time? Like Ontest's dh does? So during that time, if one doesn't have RESPs or help from parents, for sure we'd have to give up on lots of stuff. And yes, if it means eating macaroni & cheese and fruits and veggies on the discount rack because they're about to go bad, bad do you want that degree? Will it be worth the job and better salary once you're done you're studies? Only each individual can make up their minds about that.

    No one can force us to do anything we don't want. But we can't always be putting the onus on others because we can't have what we want either. We all have the essential right to make choices. And then we have to own them.
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  9. #84
    Smart Canuck GeorgiaK's Avatar
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    Snuff, the daycare situation has not changed...I had to quit my well-paying job to stay home with DS because I could not find affordable daycare. I was one of the lucky ones in that I jumped the queue by having my sister pull some strings at her subsidized daycare. The daycare is in Laval and I live in St Lazare! I know that I can easily find a job because I have a university education and a professional certification.

  10. #85
    Sith Lady and Cool Kid Darth Penguin's Avatar
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    I was lucky in finding a garderie which was prepared to keep a space open for me until we had our PR interviews.They took Penguinette 1 in the day after I could show the newly printed paper and really worked with her to understand French.

    when Penguinette 2 and lilPenguin came along, they went to the same place and the staff still went that extra distance for us.

    Snuff, back in 1998 I was paying UKP125/week which at the time was nearly $300 and that was small town UK..I had friends in London who were paying UKP350 or over $800 per week..

    Short answer : no Long answer : NOOOOOOOOOOO!

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  11. #86
    Smart Canuck snuffaluffagus's Avatar
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    And Darth, for conversation's sake, if you weren't able to afford it, what would the alternative have been? You would have stayed home? You didn't expect the gov't (read: taxpayers) to pay for it?

    I wanted to go back to studies at McGill but, there was no daycare spaces available at 5$ (it was 5$ back then if I'm not mistaken). I couldn't afford to work full-time with two children, pay 250$ per week for daycare, and return to studies. So my opportunity cost was furthering my education. It was a choice I made by having children and, while things didn't work out the way I had originally hoped for, well, I still have two wonderful children, managed to work my arse off for my home, and we're doing just fine. Changing ones plans, delaying them, or just figuring out another way doesn't mean the end of the world. I wish some of these young students, the ones who believe they genuinely can't afford the tuition raise, could see that.
    Last edited by snuffaluffagus; Fri, May 25th, 2012 at 12:52 AM.
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  12. #87
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    Quote Originally Posted by snuffaluffagus View Post
    It's all about opportunity cost and delayed gratification in my eyes. If you want something bad enough, you have to work for it and, in turn, give up something else. The opportunity is there, we just have to figure out which way is best for us to achieve it. A bachelor's degree is 3-4 years long.
    Mr Penguin was offered the chance to do a PhD when we had just left the FWB stage. He was in 2 minds about it. I was pushing him to go for it. It meant 2 years long distant rel@tionship for us.One or other travelling week-ends..There were times when neither of us had the money to visit but at the end of the day, here we are. Together for over 26 yrs, married for 12...DD1 is 14 yo...

    Short answer : no Long answer : NOOOOOOOOOOO!

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  13. #88
    Sith Lady and Cool Kid Darth Penguin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by snuffaluffagus View Post
    And Darth, for conversation's sake, if you weren't able to afford it, what would the alternative have been? You would have stayed home? You didn't expect the gov't (read: taxpayers) to pay for it?
    At the time , we were both working. However had we sprogged again, I would have had to leave work as I was earning less. However Mr Penguin's company was going through some finically bad times, so it may have been , he took one of the redundancy packagesbeing thrown around and stopped at home...

    Had we been able to get subsidised child-care..I may have gone back to university and do my BSc..

    Short answer : no Long answer : NOOOOOOOOOOO!

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  14. #89
    Smart Canuck snuffaluffagus's Avatar
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    See, this is where my dh would say something like, "well of course they're married that long...the early long-distance relationship is to thank for that" lol.

    Waaaait a minute ....married for 12 with a 14 yr. old daughter ?

    Lol, just kidding .
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  15. #90
    Sith Lady and Cool Kid Darth Penguin's Avatar
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    One of the things immigration picked up on...DD1 born before marriage...DD2 after 1 yr in Canada...Gotta love Dem Anchor Babies...

    Short answer : no Long answer : NOOOOOOOOOOO!

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