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Thread: Protest talk - thread

  1. #106
    Smart Canuck AnnieP's Avatar
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    Miaow, do you have a bun in the oven?

    Quote Originally Posted by MiaowTheCat View Post
    Hi ladies. Haven't caught up with the thread, but wanted to post first We went out for the afternoon/evening with DH for his bday yesterday, and today, I feel awful. I dunno if this is heat stroke but my throat is so dry, feels like a sore throat, yet I don't feel like drinking (but crave it anyway?) and have felt nauseated/exhausted since the morning. I don't wannna moooove.

    Have to catch up with this thread later
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  2. #107
    Sith Lady and Cool Kid Darth Penguin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MiaowTheCat View Post
    Hi ladies. Haven't caught up with the thread, but wanted to post first We went out for the afternoon/evening with DH for his bday yesterday, and today, I feel awful. I dunno if this is heat stroke but my throat is so dry, feels like a sore throat, yet I don't feel like drinking (but crave it anyway?) and have felt nauseated/exhausted since the morning. I don't wannna moooove.

    Have to catch up with this thread later
    Quote Originally Posted by Patty Smyth View Post
    It's going around because we have all had different variations of something similar in the last week. tooo.

    Short answer : no Long answer : NOOOOOOOOOOO!

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  3. #108
    Smart Canuck GeorgiaK's Avatar
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    DS is sick with a virus, brought him today to the doctor to confirm. Poor kid, sick in this heat.

  4. #109
    Smart Canuck AnnieP's Avatar
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    There's so many virus around... I hope your son will feel better very soon. Take care of him Georgia(and of course of you).
    Quote Originally Posted by GeorgiaK View Post
    DS is sick with a virus, brought him today to the doctor to confirm. Poor kid, sick in this heat.
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  5. #110
    Member of rep ho-ing club kelly25's Avatar
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    I was sick for almost 2 weeks

  6. #111
    Member of rep ho-ing club kelly25's Avatar
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    And about the 60% blabla.. they asked 5% of Montreal so do the math.. I don't take these ''polls'' seriously.

  7. #112
    Senior Canuck Arielmac's Avatar
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    It's not a student boycott anymore (remove strike from the equation please, it's a boycott), it became much more then that.

    It started going downhill when the gvt started to negotiate and came to an understanding with the student association. During the press conference you noticed in their body language that it was not going to be approved. Why the heck did they stop negotiating then? Because it became much more then tuition hike.

    La ClAsse is a radical union group and became CSN and FTQ puppets in this. People other then students are taking the streets joined by anarchist groups to protest against the gvt, social equity, corruption, collusion etc.. Listen to them on the news before protests starts, journalist ask them why they are there, none of them have the same reason. Opportunist took over the causes which open the door to vandalism and violence. Students see that as people being on there side, they don't see that people are not marching with them anymore, they brought their own cause.

    I joined a "green" rally and had the chance to talk to many of them. This guy was telling me that when he went to his general assembly and tried to ask a question he was booed, insulted and intimidated. He is not going anymore for fear of his own security.

    I don't know if you ever been to an Union general assembly but in most of them, it's the same. You don't agree with the big guns, you will get the dirty looks, the booing and some may even wait for you at the end to have a "talk" with you.

    Another girl, who's school is not on boycott when to ask a question to her professor. The professor told her, and I quote: Toé t'es une verte, va t'assoir!

    According to the Chart, Education is a right, no one is allowed to block access to a school but yet, they are doing it. When they do have access, "reds" go in, disrupting classes.

    Actor, singers and other artist has stepped up and encourage this while a few months before they started a big campaign against intimidation...

    For bill 78 I am torn, I did suspect it would be throwing oil on the fire but at the same time, enough is enough. When I see them crying about freedom I want to strangle each and everyone of them. What about the Montreal population's freedom? The stores owners? The taxi drivers? The other students that want to go back to school? The people voicing their opinion that are different from theirs? I guess Freedom doesn't apply to them?

    /end of rant... for now!
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  8. #113
    Senior Canuck Arielmac's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by saradouce View Post
    I'm sorry, but, if your parents make more than 45k, you only get loans.
    I'm f****** getting married to have the bursaries in order to absorb the rise!

    Sometimes, and don't get me wrong, I get angry at people who only take parts of the information available and think it is all that have been said!
    With the offer they last made, students that parents make 100K and less would have access to loans and burseries.

  9. #114
    Senior Canuck Arielmac's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Patty Smyth View Post
    Migrant workers - he is against bringing in mexicans to pick the crops because it's taking away jobs from young people

    FACT!!! Go ask ANY QUEBEC farmer and they will tell you Quebecers WILL NOT do these jobs point finale.

    You know, when I was a teen, it was a summer job... what happened since?
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  10. #115
    one jar at the time 2010ontest's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arielmac View Post
    You know, when I was a teen, it was a summer job... what happened since?
    Since this time teenager (and many other) don't want to do this job, this is "too hard" for them.

    They come first day, sometime left in afternoon because they don't want to do more. Some do all the first day, but never came back the day after.

    OK some do the job, some stay, but they are not alot. And many produce are harvest in september and october, student are already at school. And the other part of the job is in april and may... not all student have finish school at that period also.

    Other Quebecer available in april/mail and september/october don't want to do that job anyway because this is a too short windows of time and they are cut in "chômage" so if they come they don't want the money be declared.
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2010ontest View Post
    Since this time teenager (and many other) don't want to do this job, this is "too hard" for them.

    They come first day, sometime left in afternoon because they don't want to do more. Some do all the first day, but never came back the day after.

    OK some do the job, some stay, but they are not alot. And many produce are harvest in september and october, student are already at school. And the other part of the job is in april and may... not all student have finish school at that period also.

    Other Quebecer available in april/mail and september/october don't want to do that job anyway because this is a too short windows of time and they are cut in "chômage" so if they come they don't want the money be declared.
    The worker shortage is not isolated to here, it's a growing problem across canada getting "non-skilled' labour.

    I always disliked the term non-skilled because it implies a lesser value but these folks work much harder than a lot of us and many more hours.
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  12. #117
    one jar at the time 2010ontest's Avatar
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    I know, and I know many farmer who employ them
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  13. #118
    Senior Canuck abouret's Avatar
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    Mon ordi a planté quand je suis venu pour publié.. a fallu recommencer!
    Last edited by abouret; Sat, May 26th, 2012 at 10:57 PM.
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  14. #119
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    I wonder if instead of starting with student fees, we can address abuses in welfare, medical treatment for terminal patients, conference expenses for all government employees, retirement pensions for upperclass, and unnecessary military expenses. Once these issues were addressed then maybe we can touch student fees. If you only touch student fees when other glaring issues are staring you in the face it feels like an attack on youth.

    At the same time of addressing the above mentioned cost cutting measures perhaps we can start: pumping more money into medicare so doctors are accessible, putting more money into youth programming/education so we have less crime, violence, & our society is more competitive, increasing accessibility to unemployment benefits, and finding places for the mentally ill to live that isn't on the streets.

    If I were in government that is what I would like to see us do. If they don't start addressing some of these issues I may leave the province. If medicare gets any worse and right now with babyboomers starting to get sick, it will get a lot worse. I will move and take all my tax dollars to Ontario.

  15. #120
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    Quote Originally Posted by mandolinatou View Post
    I wonder if instead of starting with student fees, we can address abuses in welfare, medical treatment for terminal patients, conference expenses for all government employees, retirement pensions for upperclass, and unnecessary military expenses. Once these issues were addressed then maybe we can touch student fees. If you only touch student fees when other glaring issues are staring you in the face it feels like an attack on youth.

    At the same time of addressing the above mentioned cost cutting measures perhaps we can start: pumping more money into medicare so doctors are accessible, putting more money into youth programming/education so we have less crime, violence, & our society is more competitive, increasing accessibility to unemployment benefits, and finding places for the mentally ill to live that isn't on the streets.

    If I were in government that is what I would like to see us do. If they don't start addressing some of these issues I may leave the province. If medicare gets any worse and right now with babyboomers starting to get sick, it will get a lot worse. I will move and take all my tax dollars to Ontario.
    I agree that all these issues are worthy of revision. The problem is there is not enough money when only 60% of people in this province pay income tax.

    For the government priorities change on an as needed basis. Right now the students are whining, then it will be seniors, then unions, then civil servants and on and on. People have to face up to the fact that too many people are not paying their fair share AND abusing the system at the same time.

    There are too many under the table jobs here, too many people claiming refugee status(they get more than people on welfare). immigrants coming in to the country with no concept of the culture nor any skills and they have to be trained which is another drain on the system. I think we need to cut back on our quota of immigration for a few years in order to get our system healthy again. We can't take care of everyone and it shows.

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