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Thread: How did he miss that he was being offered a job?

  1. #1
    Mastermind Natalka's Avatar
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    Our son got a phonecall early this morning, and he came out of his bedroom all happy, yet panicked!

    It was a workplace calling, wondering why he wasn't at work this morning. Didn't he have the day right?

    He had gone for an interview there Monday after school, and as much as he told us, he was to go back there today to just speak to someone more.
    He didn't realize he was HIRED, oy!!!

    Needless to say, he was showered, made his lunch, got his shopcoat, workboots on, and was out the door in 20 minutes. Gosh, I hope he's having a good day!

    He did say he apologized on the phone, and explained what he 'thought' the owner had said, and he gave him the choice to still come in today, or start Monday.

    I just told him to apologize once more when he got there, then just deal with whatever came...
    Milan must have been thinking during his shower, because when he came out he told me - now it made sense to him why the man was talking about where to park and stuff.

    So I don't know if it's my son's fault, or the owner's - but what a thing to have happen! Milan was embarrassed, and I knew he'd feel that once he got there, too, but I think he'll handle things okay.

    He's supposed to begin work this Monday at the place he worked the two years before he began school, that was just arranged Wednesday - but that will require a phonecall. It was just to be back as a labourer, and they took him on knowing that he'd be looking for mechanics work, taking time for interviews, etc. - they are very easy-going (same company my husband works for).

    Of course he's so happy he's gotten something in his field, since he just graduated as an automotive service technician yesterday! He was VERY grateful that he wasn't drinking last night, since it was the year-end BBQ and party for his class - good time to choose to be the driver!

    Well, all in all, I just can't see myself being in the same type of situation - not realizing that one had been hired for a job! But, I wasn't there, and it's hard to say...

    Anyone ever been in similar circumstances?
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  2. #2
    Sith Lady and Cool Kid Darth Penguin's Avatar
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    Thankfully, no.

    Everytime I got a job offer it was in writing with a start date and time and detailing what I needed to bring SIN, bank details etc...
    Natalka and hollyquaiscer like this.

    Short answer : no Long answer : NOOOOOOOOOOO!

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  3. #3
    Smart Canuck
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    Well I hope his day went well.
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  4. #4
    Smart Canuck
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    I have.

    I applied to waitress at a new restaurant, I just dropped off my resume and left (at the time i had no experience in serving). A few days later I had a call from the owner asking me to come in...I thought it was for an interview i dressed liked it was one (mainly I was wearing heels.) as I was turning in I got into a car accident someone cut out of the lane and hit me as i was turning left into the parking lot oh well what can you do but anyways. Once I got in they were like so are you coming back after you settle all this to work???....I was so confused as I hadn't even interviewed for the job. Needless to say it ended up being run very poorly and i quit days later.
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  5. #5
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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    Lol, Natalka.....some smaller companies can be so casual about hiring someone, and he'd have to have been a mind-reader to know that he was hired! Imagine the opposite happening! Showing up, thinking he was hired, and it was just another interview!
    Now THAT would have been an Oi-yoi-yoi!!!
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  6. #6
    Mastermind Shwa Girl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Natalka View Post
    Milan must have been thinking during his shower, because when he came out he told me - now it made sense to him why the man was talking about where to park and stuff.

    Anyone ever been in similar circumstances?
    Wow a great place to be in - having two jobs at once. Congratulations to your son.

    Yes, this happened to me. My first job after graduating. A six month contract - maternity leave replacement. I did not feel good after the interview. I had to go back through the security gate to hand in my visitor's badge.

    The really nice security guard asked how it went. I told him that I wasn't sure. He asked if they did a medical check and when I said yes, he said, then you're in and you will get a call from HR.

    Sometimes you don't know if you're hired or not.

  7. #7
    Canadian Genius
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    Congratulations to your son, Natalka!
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  8. #8
    Smart Canuck
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    Usually it's fairly obvious, but then, like you said, you weren't there.

    I'm so happy for your son, Natalka! Please give him my sincere congratulations! He must have made a really great impression, landing a job so quickly out of school.
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  9. #9
    Smart Canuck matrix82's Avatar
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    Similar in some ways. Had a great interview, heard back from them, they wanted to have a second interview, where they showed me the whole place, including the offices one which would be mine. They even gave me a couple websites for my husband to look at to find work (as we would be moving if I were to take the job), I thought that was a positive sign, but They never however said I had the job, until about four days later a phone call saying the contract was in the mail and we could negotiate the details.
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    Merician Loving Nuck! kparker1786's Avatar
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    Never had it happen to me but congrats to your son! I hope he had a wonderful first day!
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  11. #11
    Judstir Judstir's Avatar
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    You should be very proud of your son, and congrats to him and good luck to him in the job.
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  12. #12
    Mastermind Shwa Girl's Avatar
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    So how was the first day for your son Natalka?
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  13. #13
    Cat Trainer (Trainee??) Andit's Avatar
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    Huge congrats to your son!!!

    In my weirdest job interview, I was to work at a local cable station. The interviewer went through my resume with me line by line, word by word ("You know Word?" "Yes." "You know Excel?" "Yes." etc etc). I was convinced I blew the interview (he didn't ask any questions other than checking what was written in the resume), but when I was asked if I wanted a tour, I figured it would be my one chance to see a tv station. I was half-way out the door when he asked me if I could start the next day. Some people really do not belong in an HR field.
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  14. #14
    Canadian Guru macw1960's Avatar
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    Hoping he had a great day even after the confusion.
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  15. #15
    heartgirl99 heartgirl99's Avatar
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    that's terrific, natalka!
    your son's on his way!
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