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Thread: GTKY Week 13 - Sc'ers ask the questions Edition!

  1. #16
    ♥Crafty Nerd♥ Evil.Kitten's Avatar
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    What is your favourite song to sing out loud to?
    Currently Scream - usher

    Which SC member intrigues you

    Favourite Chinese food?
    Bleh, no thanks!

    Do you believe in the death penalty? Why or why not??
    Hm... Sometimes I do and sometimes I don't. If someone murders someone else then they should die aswel...but other times I feel they should get a life term in the worst prison possible and live to regret their choices.

    If you could change your username, what would your change it to?

    What is your real name?
    Elizabeth.... Don't like it much.. personally I like Anya lol [yes buffy nerd right here]

    What do you think your 15 minutes of Fame will be or has been.
    Probably getting knocked down by 2 lapdogs, 2 chihuahua's, 2 tomcats and 2 big ass dogs that think their lapdogs.. racing around and plenty of times I've had my legs literally knocked out from under me.. thank god nobody had a video recorder going. . . yet

    What question do you wish people would stop asking you?
    When are you going to give up on finishing your academic upgrading since you flopped out before on wanting to goto college.. after many times I kept telling them that before I was going into cooking because i told my dying grandfather i would in high school.. then was going to appease my I'm going for myself into a career that will always be needed and people will need me which i love regardless how hard it is.

    Describe your first kiss. (PG please).
    Haha.. i think i was 5 or 6.. it was just a quick peck..than he ran off with a little redheaded girl [the nerve! lol j/k]

    What is your biggest flaw.
    Hmmm... I second guess myself so much that I fail tests and sometimes punk out of doing things I really wanted to do.. but I'm getting better at trusting myself so.. my next flaw would be being a flipping perfectionist... so much so that it takes me months to do a simple crafting project.. if something doesn't look right I will rip it out and start again...and again..and again.. lol

    What are your plans for the holidays?
    Just going to my SIL and brothers house for christmas on boxing day.

    What Christmas song do you absolutely hate?
    it's not songs I hate but a person who sings them... mariah carey..gawd >.<

    What makes you laugh out loud?
    My SIL and brothers new chihuahua pup, Buck and her aunts new pup [his brother] gizmo.. they race around the house like nuts and today they were chasing my sil new 3mth old kitten, blondie around and around the christmas tree [and under it] was simply hilarious..had to be there..wish i had my camera.

    What was the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to you and what was your reaction?
    I was razing with my brothers dog, Pepper, back in... 2000 I think or early 2001.. i was in grade 9.. I was kneeling on the floor and blowing in her face to pester her ..she snapped her head when I looked away and then back at her and she scared me; I jumped back landing on my ass and heard a loud crunch.. I bolted up and felt my butt and realized my pants were cut and my glass of emty pop was shattered on the ground,, my brother came in and looked at me.. I ran into the bathroom and bawled.. I had a deep cut in my left buttcheek.. omigod I screamed and bawled.. my brother called my GRANDPARENTS and they came by and patched up my BARE ARSE.. holy crap my face was so red.. gawd >.< My parents came home and I showed my mother.. they dragged me to the hospital.. had to get my butt numbed and glass taken out the doctor said i was lucky it was a clean cut and barely any shards.. the nurse and doctor tried to make me feel better I was crying so hard and so damn em-BARE-ASSED about the whole thing they mentioned that several girls were coming in and having to have their.... ................ ...........ahem's stitched because they were sledding and hitting steep ramps and landing wrong and tearing their privates...gah.. that made me feel a little better but also horrified... -shudder-

    What questions do you often ask yourself?
    Why does my eldest brother [not the bro i like btw] whose 30, bold face lie to me when I watched him eat FOUR fudgesicles and throw the sticks and wrapped behind the couch... I was to smack him with a rolled up newspaper.

    If you saw someone "losing it" with a child, a senior, a pet, would you scold them, ignore it, or offer your help?
    I know it's none of my business but I would ask the person to calm down.. but most times I wouldn't get involved.. it depends on the situation.. yesterday for example these 2 gentlemen [who were at least 60-70 years old] were yelling at each other at the goodwill in new market [so classy btw].. telling the other they didnt know them, yadda yadda...go ahead hit me show me what you got.. neither would throw the first punch.. this went on for a good 10 minutes... the only cashier was a petite female who ran to the back for help and they refused to help her! they all hid in the sorting room!..finally the men left... omigod it was uncomfortable.. i wasn;t getting involved.. until it escalated further.
    Another example.. this young couple years ago had a tiny pup on a choker and chain leash and were DRAGGING the poor dog thru the parking lot as it was trying to poo. The guy looked back and yelled at it than kicked the poor thing and dragged it more. My dad was phsyically trying to exstrain me from chasing after them; I saw a cop and ged him down and he watched and another group was watchig them couple and they came by and told the cop so he went after them.. I don't know what happened after that but.. =/
    It depends on the situation.

    What is your favourite 'simple pleasure' (e.g., watching snow fall, the sound of rain on the roof, seeing squirrels playing in your yard, etc.)?
    watching the stars on a clear winter night [like last night =)]

    What sensible request would you ask of someone, as you lay on your death bed?
    Ask whom ever was there how their day was or what was new.

    Do you like to travel and where have you been?
    I've travelled to the USA [buffalo ny and norfolk virginia] and to quebec city.. that's it sadly but I really...reaaaaaally want to travel to scotland and ireland.

    Favourite place to vacation?
    Arrowhead provincal park up in hunstville, ontario ..camping baby!

    If you were a food, what would you be?
    Strawberry...juicy, sweet and a little bit tart

    What's the craziest present you've heard/seen kids [ages 4-10] asking from santa and what you think about it.
    [ohhh goody my question!!] Ipads, ipods, laptops, xbox 360 with kinect [even though they have a family xbox.. they want one for their bedroom only] It's so damn STUPID! They don't need it.. I posed this question to my niece when she asked for one.. why do you want it and what does it do [referring to an ipod] her answer.. I don't know but every has one... so silly.. they don't need that or ereaders! I think parents need to realize these kids don't need that crap and it's all hyped.. it'll just sit in the box or broken in a corner 4 months later.

    What their hidden talent is: hm... starting a conversation in the middle of a thought and having everyone think I'm nuts.. it's a talent

  2. #17
    Junior Canuck LovelyLaeticia's Avatar
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    What is your favourite song to sing out loud to? Rasputin... and Time Warp
    Which SC member intrigues you? I am intrigued by everybody... Every one has a mysterious side to them!
    Favourite Chinese food? Kung Pao anything, and General Tao anything.
    Do you believe in the death penalty? Why or why not?? Generally speaking, no. I think most people can be rehabilitated, and should be. In certain cases though, I understand it.
    If you could change your username, what would your change it to? I like mine, so I wouldn't!
    What is your real name? Kim
    What do you think your 15 minutes of Fame will be or has been? Oye... I dunno, I don't care much for being in the spotlight.
    What question do you wish people would stop asking you? If I'm pregnant (they ask because we had our two girls just 18 months apart and the younger one is 9 months now lol)
    Describe your first kiss. (PG please). I honestly don't remember the details, but he was my first love
    What is your biggest flaw. Um, I tend to be a perfectionist. To a fault. Which is hard when you have kids! And I can be too feisty at times...
    What are your plans for the holidays? Quiet Christmas Eve at my hubby's Aunts, Quiet Christmas morning at home, Quiet Christmas dinner at my Uncles... keyword being quiet! (Older DD does not do well with crowds)
    What Christmas song do you absolutely hate? I think I love all Christmas songs! Haven't heard any I don't like yet!
    What makes you laugh out loud? My husband and my kids!
    What was the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to you and what was your reaction? LOL I don't think I want to go there
    What questions do you often ask yourself? How long can I living like this for? Then I go to bed and wake up and do it all again!
    If you saw someone "losing it" with a child, a senior, a pet, would you scold them, ignore it, or offer your help? I am the kind of person who would go and offer help, and if it is not accepted, I would quietly or loudly scold them depending on the situation.
    What is your favourite 'simple pleasure' (e.g., watching snow fall, the sound of rain on the roof, seeing squirrels playing in your yard, etc.)? Relaxing in the hot tub. Reading.
    What sensible request would you ask of someone, as you lay on your death bed? I would ask my husbands Aunt and Uncle to always watch over my children.
    Do you like to travel and where have you been Yes. So far, only NS, QC, NB, PEI and BC...
    Favourite place to vacation? Nova Scotia
    If you were a food, what would you be? LOL Sweet and Sour Shrimp?
    What's the craziest present you've heard/seen kids [ages 4-10] asking from santa and what you think about it. None I can think of!
    My blog : Please join us as we talk about our journey, trials and triumphs with Autism!

  3. #18
    Canadian Genius operabob's Avatar
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    OK, a couple of you PM'd we that if A Christmas Story starring Peter Billingsley as Ralphie is the second best Christmas movie then what is the best?

    A Christmas Carol starring Alistair Sim. No movie ever did a better job recreating the written word.

    OK, that's my opinion so Bonus Question:

    In your opinion what is the best Christmas movie ever?

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  4. #19
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    What is your favourite song to sing out loud to?
    Bohemian Rhapsody - Queen

    Which SC member intrigues you
    Several I would like to meet off the top of my head Sillyloocie, Mcminsen, Kool, cabmonk, Jezzebel, Gojays lots of them but I have met lots already too and they are all cool

    Favourite Chinese food? won ton soup and friedn won ton

    Do you believe in the death penalty? Why or why not??
    Tough one to answer because it depends how my emotions play on the particular case, pedophiles deserve it, serial killers.

    If you could change your username, what would your change it to?
    Peppermint Patty

    What is your real name?
    Patricia Leigh Smyth

    What do you think your 15 minutes of Fame will be or has been.
    It will come because of one of my kids .

    What question do you wish people would stop asking you?
    When my DD was born so many people asked me whose baby is that. lol( I was older and my pregnancy did not show that much I carried high and long and could disguise it with big t-shirts lol)

    Describe your first kiss. (PG please).

    What is your biggest flaw.
    That I still allow toxic people in my life.

    What are your plans for the holidays?
    Just hang out at home with the kids.

    What Christmas song do you absolutely hate?
    all of them

    What makes you laugh out loud?
    This is kind of a guilty pleasure confession also The Jackass Movies.

    What was the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to you and what was your reaction?
    Can't think of any really bad ones.

    What questions do you often ask yourself?
    Why do I put up with this person.

    If you saw someone "losing it" with a child, a senior, a pet, would you scold them, ignore it, or offer your help?
    Depends if the person was in danger then I would interfere, otherwise it woudl be a judgement call.

    What is your favourite 'simple pleasure' (e.g., watching snow fall, the sound of rain on the roof, seeing squirrels playing in your yard, etc.)?
    Something I really love, kind of strange, but in the spring and fall I leave my window open and the curtain open in the bed room and I love to watch the geese fly over and honk. We are on a flight path and they are right over the house by the thousands some days. Happy to hear them inthe spring and sad to see them go in the fall.

    What sensible request would you ask of someone, as you lay on your death bed?
    Probably to watch over my kids.

    Do you like to travel and where have you been?
    Not too much, been to the states a lot, Vermont, New York, Florida, Bermuda. I like Niagara Falls we were there the last 2 years. Want to do the cross Canada train some day.

    Favourite place to vacation?
    My backyard.

  5. #20
    claires mommy too! <3 gracesmommy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by operabob View Post
    OK, a couple of you PM'd we that if A Christmas Story starring Peter Billingsley as Ralphie is the second best Christmas movie then what is the best?

    A Christmas Carol starring Alistair Sim. No movie ever did a better job recreating the written word.

    OK, that's my opinion so Bonus Question:

    In your opinion what is the best Christmas movie ever?

    i've gotta say christmas vacation is a *must*
    operabob, VeeVee, Granger and 1 others like this.

    When life hands you lemons, make a lemon pie... lemonade will be all like WTH?!?

  6. #21
    boogey-man slayer danger_dan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CanadianBella View Post
    Los Angeles?
    I'm thinking Lori-Anne
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  7. #22
    Canadian Guru coyote00's Avatar
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    What is your favourite song to sing out loud to?
    Time in a bottle

    Which SC member intrigues you
    Everyone intrigues me. I have been fortunate to meet a few in my city

    Favourite Chinese food?
    Cantonese Chow Mein

    Do you believe in the death penalty? Why or why not??
    My biggest worry would be someone innocent being sentenced to death

    If you could change your username, what would your change it to?

    What is your real name?

    What do you think your 15 minutes of Fame will be or has been.
    Not sure but I hope it is because I have done something good in this world

    What question do you wish people would stop asking you?
    I can't think of any

    Describe your first kiss. (PG please).
    Well...its really disgusted me LOL. I nick named him liver lips after that

    What is your biggest flaw.
    Boundries with my teens; I don't set them firmly enough

    What are your plans for the holidays?
    Family, laughter, great memories and last but not least lots of food

    What Christmas song do you absolutely hate?

    What makes you laugh out loud?
    One of my girlfriends. When she starts laughing I can't stop laughing.

    What was the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to you and what was your reaction?
    Easy one....2nd grade asked to go to the washroom and nasty teacher said no. I tried to make t back to my chair and couldn't and sat quickly in my lil frend Stewy's chair and peed. Poor Stewy and poor me. Not sure why Stewy wasn't in his chair but, he stiill reamained my friend,

    What questions do you often ask yourself?
    Why am I eating a chocolate bar before bed

    If you saw someone "losing it" with a child, a senior, a pet, would you scold them, ignore it, or offer your help?
    Hard one... If they were being physically harmed I definitely would

    What is your favourite 'simple pleasure' (e.g., watching snow fall, the sound of rain on the roof, seeing squirrels playing in your yard, etc.)?
    My morning coffee

    What sensible request would you ask of someone, as you lay on your death bed?
    To hold my hand, talk to me and feed me water

    Do you like to travel and where have you been?
    I like to travel when we can afford it. We have been to Disney World, Dominican and Vegas

    Favourite place to vacation?
    Anywhere with my husband

    If you were a food, what would you be?
    T-Bone Steak YUMMY

    What's the craziest present you've heard/seen kids [ages 4-10] asking from santa and what you think about it.
    A ride on Santa's sleigh...I want one to

    What their hidden talent is[/QUOTE]
    Waiting to be dscovered along with my 15mins of fame

  8. #23
    Un-nagged Male vesper's Avatar
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    What is your favourite song to sing out loud to?
    Celebration Kool and the gang

    Which SC member intrigues you
    Hmm. There are a few actually for different reasons. I like so many, gee this is hard.

    Favourite Chinese food?
    Fortune Cookies

    Do you believe in the death penalty? Why or why not??
    No. I'm hardcore Libertarian.

    If you could change your username, what would your change it to?

    What is your real name?
    You can call me Crash

    What do you think your 15 minutes of Fame will be or has been.
    I'm sure I will discover or solve something.

    What question do you wish people would stop asking you?
    Why don't you have a girlfriend/wife. Are you gay?

    Describe your first kiss. (PG please).
    After school in the playground.

    What is your biggest flaw.
    I don't have enough fun.

    What are your plans for the holidays?
    Elope. If not, visit my friend whom will be alone on the 25th (probably this)

    What makes you laugh out loud?
    Watching someone get pied in the face.

    What was the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to you and what was your reaction?
    Me and 6 women sitting in back yard patio. Cat shows up. Woman #1 tells me… that cat hates men. Seconds later… cat jumps on my lap. Women #1 - #6 laugh. I turned Red.

    What questions do you often ask yourself?
    What would my future self advise me to do?

    What is your favourite 'simple pleasure'
    Sky watching at night.

    What sensible request would you ask of someone, as you lay on your death bed?
    Let those be the last ones I see please.

    Do you like to travel and where have you been?
    Yes. By car. All over north america.

    Favourite place to vacation?

    What their hidden talent is
    Anticipating what is coming next
    Last edited by vesper; Fri, Dec 7th, 2012 at 02:57 AM.

  9. #24
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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    What is your favourite song to sing out loud to? I don't sing out loud. I sing in my head. It depends on the season...right now, it's "We need a little Christmas"..must have been the last one I heard on our tv Christmas music channel...

    Which SC member intrigues you Oh, many do!Members my age because we have so much in common...younger girls because they're so much like our daughter (careers, kids)...and the young men, because they're just starting to make their way in their careers, so much like our SIL....I guess I find most people interesting!

    Favourite Chinese food? Honey garlic riblet thingies.

    Do you believe in the death penalty? Why or why not?? Oh, tough question. I think it depends on the crime, and the disposition of the criminal. Sometimes I think it's the easy way out for them...I can think of better ways to punish them, esp anyone who hurts a child or animal.

    If you could change your username, what would your change it to? I used to use the name "Glitter" since I brake for sparklies..must have been a magpie in an earlier maybe that, although it seems too young for me now...

    What is your real name? Linda but no one calls me that since my hubby started calling me Lindi in high-school. It stuck and I prefer it.

    What do you think your 15 minutes of Fame will be or has been. Being the arts coordinator for our city for a few years...loved it!

    What question do you wish people would stop asking you? Is your hair colour natural? ( comes from a bottle..LB01, L'Oreal's supposed to be very light blonde, but it turns my hair a lovely silver-white.. )

    Describe your first kiss. (PG please). I have no idea where or when it was!!

    What is your biggest flaw. I procrastinate. Then finally get down to doing that which I was procrastinating about, and wonder what the big deal was, since it took so little time and effort!

    What are your plans for the holidays? Spending the day at our Daughter's home with her hubby and their little guy, along with SIL's side of the family...lots of food, wine, chatter, and later a game or two...Then it gets repeated several days later when my brother his wife and their daughter visit us and stay at our DD's home since it's so big and ours now is so teensy..)

    What Christmas song do you absolutely hate? "So This Is Christmas"...maudlin', not Christmassy...yuck. It's in the same catagory as their "Imagine"....gah!

    What makes you laugh out loud? Very little, actually...the antics of our grandson and Jenny, I guess, and particularly when they're playing "chase me" and you don't know who's ending up chasing who, and he's giggling and screaming and she's barking. Lovely chaos!

    What was the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to you and what was your reaction? Honestly? I don't remember, I really don't. If I think if anything I'll come back later..

    What questions do you often ask yourself? Why am I here and what did I come here for? Not in the philosophical sense...I really mean: why did I enter this room, and for what reason?

    If you saw someone "losing it" with a child, a senior, a pet, would you scold them, ignore it, or offer your help? I hope I'd do something, even it's giving them the evil eye...I hate to be brutally honest here, but I think I'd be more inclined to jump in if it was an animal being scolded, since that usually take a really bad turn for the worst. If a child seems lost or ignored, I would, and have, intervened.

    What is your favourite 'simple pleasure' (e.g., watching snow fall, the sound of rain on the roof, seeing squirrels playing in your yard, etc.)? Watching dogs walking on a leash...they are so into that moment, so excited to be exactly where they are, and content in that moment. I think it's a lesson to be learned...

    What sensible request would you ask of someone, as you lay on your death bed? Wow. Um....that it's all about loving each other, and accepting each other as they keep in mind that we're all put on earth to experience exactly what we're to experience, and that we all have our own agendas...therefore not to judge others be more accepting of everyone..that everyone's an angel.....

    Do you like to travel and where have you been?Love it. Been to: the west coast of both Canada and the US (Vancouver/Victoria and California), the east coast of the US (from NY to Florida), Michigan many times because we love shopping there, as well as the NFL games we attended, then Italy (Rome, the Amalfi Coast, Sicily), Greece, Turkey, and Egypt (Cairo). We're planning to return to Rome as soon as I can convince myself I want to fly over the ocean again.....But what I'd really love to do is experience a "home game" in every NFL home field. Except for the Raiders and Cowboys. Not in the least!

    Favourite place to vacation? Close: Michigan (Auburn Hills); Far: Rome

    If you were a food, what would you be? Hot, fresh from the oven bread!

    What's the craziest present you've heard/seen kids [ages 4-10] asking from santa and what you think about it. Not running in those circles lately except for our little grandson, who's 4, and he's not asking for anything, so I have no idea!

    What their hidden talent is: Hm. I don't think I have one...I've never been one to hide my talents!

  10. #25
    Canadian Genius operabob's Avatar
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    If you were a food, what would you be? Hot, fresh from the oven bread!
    Brings back memories of Grandma's house on Saturday mornings. Slathered in butter.
    Lynn49, danger_dan and coyote00 like this.

    Who Says Men Can't Shop!

  11. #26
    Un-nagged Male vesper's Avatar
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    experience a "home game" in every NFL home field. Except for the Raiders and Cowboys
    The new Cowboys stadium looks like a space colony! I think it be worth visiting!

  12. #27
    Mastermind Natalka's Avatar
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    What is your favourite song to sing out loud to?

    Can't pick one; most often old Rock songs or Disney soundtracks.

    Favourite Chinese food?

    I love it all, as long as it's not spicy - depends upon what restaurant, too - esp. Cantonese chow mein, chop suey and DF shrimp.

    If you could change your username, what would your change it to?

    Something clever.

    What is your real name?


    What question do you wish people would stop asking you?

    How did you know that?

    Describe your first kiss. (PG please).

    Honestly, don't remember it!

    What is your biggest flaw.


    What are your plans for the holidays?

    Having a fabulous time at home with family.

    What Christmas song do you absolutely hate?

    "Grandma got run over by a reindeer" - "Happy Xmas, War is Over"

    What makes you laugh out loud?

    The antics of our cats, especially Vader.

    What questions do you often ask yourself?

    How did I get SO lucky to find such an amazing husband?

    What is your favourite 'simple pleasure'?

    Petting the cats.

    What sensible request would you ask of someone, as you lay on your death bed?

    Just be nice to one another.

    Do you like to travel and where have you been?

    Used to, but haven't been anywhere far, just in SK and AB.

    Favourite place to vacation?

    Never have had one as an adult.

    If you were a food, what would you be?


    What's the craziest present you've heard/seen kids [ages 4-10] asking from santa and what you think about it.

    Adult technology; stooopid parents.

  13. #28
    Coupon Princess sheetsofemptycanvas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Natalka View Post
    What is your favourite song to sing out loud to?

    Can't pick one; most often old Rock songs or Disney soundtracks.

    Favourite Chinese food?

    I love it all, as long as it's not spicy - depends upon what restaurant, too - esp. Cantonese chow mein, chop suey and DF shrimp.

    If you could change your username, what would your change it to?

    Something clever.

    What is your real name?


    What question do you wish people would stop asking you?

    How did you know that?

    Describe your first kiss. (PG please).

    Honestly, don't remember it!

    What is your biggest flaw.


    What are your plans for the holidays?

    Having a fabulous time at home with family.

    What Christmas song do you absolutely hate?

    "Grandma got run over by a reindeer" - "Happy Xmas, War is Over"

    What makes you laugh out loud?

    The antics of our cats, especially Vader.

    What questions do you often ask yourself?

    How did I get SO lucky to find such an amazing husband?

    What is your favourite 'simple pleasure'?

    Petting the cats.

    What sensible request would you ask of someone, as you lay on your death bed?

    Just be nice to one another.

    Do you like to travel and where have you been?

    Used to, but haven't been anywhere far, just in SK and AB.

    Favourite place to vacation?

    Never have had one as an adult.

    If you were a food, what would you be?


    What's the craziest present you've heard/seen kids [ages 4-10] asking from santa and what you think about it.

    Adult technology; stooopid parents.
    Funny how we all have such different tastes, those are two of my favorite Christmas songs lol
    operabob, Natalka, Lynn49 and 3 others like this.
    Soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur... happy kitty, sleepy kitty, purr purr purr

  14. #29
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vesper View Post
    The new Cowboys stadium looks like a space colony! I think it be worth visiting!
    Oh, Vesper, Hon, I know...I watched the opening, the building of it on tv...but ugh. I quite dislike Jerry Jones and how he thought all his money could buy him a Superbowl ring!! Didn't work, Jerry! Hah! I hear that there are rumblings that people want him to take a much more of a back-seat regarding the organization. I'm not sure how that'll go over or how it could happen, but for now...for next stadium will be in Pittsburgh!'s back to Lambeau... Then there's the M&T Bank Stadium...if I want to see my hero, Ray Lewis (I loves him!!) before both of us are too old, then perhaps that should be my next one. He's coming back this year, fingers crossed!!!!
    Last edited by Lynn49; Fri, Dec 7th, 2012 at 09:36 AM.
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    Everyone there hates Jerry Jones. They call the stadium Jerry's world, because he screwed tax payers for that stadium. I paid about $7 in tax on my car rental towards that stadium. Booo!

    Quote Originally Posted by Lynn49 View Post
    Oh, Vesper, Hon, I know...I watched the opening, the building of it on tv...but ugh. I quite dislike Jerry Jones and how he thought all his money could buy him a Superbowl ring!! Didn't work, Jerry! Hah! I hear that there are rumblings that people want him to take a much more of a back-seat regarding the organization. I'm not sure how that'll go over or how it could happen, but for now...for next stadium will be in Pittsburgh!'s back to Lambeau... Then there's the M&T Bank Stadium...if I want to see my hero, Ray Lewis (I loves him!!) before both of us are too old, then perhaps that should be my next one. He's coming back this year, fingers crossed!!!!
    operabob and Lynn49 like this.

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