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Thread: November 2023 Frugal Chatter

  1. #256
    Canadian Genius Ciel21's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by coupon girl View Post
    Yes skippy such a positive attitude.I have had an ongoing health problem and i will see my doctor in dec as he is away on holidays .

    I went into mastermind and all sales are final it states on the door ,they may go into receivership.I bought a WWF memory game reg 19.99 on for 5.00 for miss cara.I hope they dont close i have always enjoyed their sales and grandparents day .
    Is the store still taking gift cards? I only learned of the creditor protection situation by chance Monday night as a news segment result was amongst some toy searches I did on Youtube. Mastermind Toys ran a gift card promo in the last half of October and I thought of all the people who might have gifted the gcs only to find out about the store situation now. I did see the final sale sign in the segment. Wished I had visited the store in early November. STill want to check out some toys.
    harbie, barbis9, lilo0003 and 1 others like this.
    "This is the Way." The Mandalorian

  2. #257
    Canadian Genius Ciel21's Avatar
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    Not frugal-I had to part with the supposed deal garment I got last month at the Bay. I realized why I had a skin issue on one side-my skin was tearing due to the side seams of the garment not being enclosed or facing the garment body. Once I figured it out, it was scissor time for the garment.

    Happy for the sun today. Mostly clear to walk out but open sidewalk sections had blown snow still on it. Need groceries and Mom provided my funds yesterday, so I knew shopping was on the agenda today. Yes, more yard waste bags for last push on leaf piles that must go next week.

    Found something Bro needed in the basement. During sorting/cleanup (yes, some cardboard boxes got binned-hurrah), I also came across the second charging cable with plug for his old cellphone. I could have used it last week on two days that the wireless Internet was on. Last night, that phone finally charged fast (2hours) whereas the non-branded USB charging cable would not charge the phone at all. So I have a backup Internet option when the wireless is left on or put on by a hydro drop, providing that Bro is not around when I use his old phone. That was a big bonus for the time spent sorting all kinds of RCA cables from various components just parked in the basement and dealing with dust too.

    Today Cdn Tire has a bonus $30 CT money bonus wus $150 or more instore or online. Two flyers are in effect-the one ending today and the one starting today. Don't forget to load any personal CT offers. Plus the in-store offer of $15 CT bonus e-money wus $100 on OLG (Ontario), Boston Pizza or Ultimate Dining gift cards.
    Skippy, harbie, barbis9 and 2 others like this.
    "This is the Way." The Mandalorian

  3. #258
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    Ceil -i am not sure if mastermind is still taking gift cards,they said no to the free birthday gift for cara even thou i had an email.But they are still doing grandparents day on dec5 so i was surprised.I truly loved the personal care that little store had,plus there sales and grandparents day.

    I spent a bit the past few days on xmas chocolate for gifts my younger brother i will be giving him a few chocolates as he has treated me to many eggs this past few months plus a jar of fresh honey and will take a few to my older brother in london as a xmas gift -hey we all enjoy chocolate right.
    Skippy, harbie, barbis9 and 2 others like this.

  4. #259
    Canadian Genius Ciel21's Avatar
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    @SassyAshley I feel that work keeps sinking your battleship. Whenever you have to drop everything to work on projects, deal with on-demand issues at your office or other branches, you need to have some control over the time and demands. You took a risk speaking up when you knew the others did not want you to, but I keep thinking why are the senior heads/managers constantly messing your employment with regular demands and marvel you have opinons? Especially since you pointed out that others are not following the new process all are to use.

    Gifts-if you can do gift cards, vary them for each person if you can find a deal on three or more at one store. Cookies-maybe this year it's time to look for holiday cookies at bakeries or boxed at grocers since there is a sugar refinery strike out West making sugar hard to find this year. Save your serenity/time this holiday season.
    harbie, barbis9, lilo0003 and 1 others like this.
    "This is the Way." The Mandalorian

  5. #260
    Canadian Genius Ciel21's Avatar
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    @cath007 Thank you for returning to the board to post. You have been missed in the meantime and I was not certain if you'd write before the end of the year. We are here for you.
    Skippy, harbie, barbis9 and 3 others like this.
    "This is the Way." The Mandalorian

  6. #261
    Must Coupon, Must Save :) SassyAshley's Avatar
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    Good Evening Everyone,
    Another branch day for me but today the regional manager and my step-mom came in so a lot of "discussions" and informal meetings not as much work. But a lot of things were discussed and I now have my direction for January & Febuary since they are going to be Mass Training months.

    I stopped and got groceries on my way home, I was going to grocery shop tomorrow because I wanted to head out of town for a few things I cannot Price Match here or my store does not sell. But, now I hear they are saying we may get freezing rain and I do not do freezing rain. Once years ago I drove to work in freezing rain and the only reason I made it in was because I was too afraid to try to turn around felt it was safer to keep driving straight. But I told my boss at the time never again.

    I got:
    2 x Raspberries $1.99
    3 x Russet Potatoes $1.77
    1 x Milk $4.88 - $1 coupon
    1 x Eggs 18-pack $4.99
    1 x Peameal $2.99/lb
    2 x Sour Cream $2.50

    Keeping Dinner simple, Baked Chicken Sandwiches with Oven Fries.

    Happy Thursday Everyone
    Skippy, harbie, barbis9 and 2 others like this.
    2022 is going to be my year, the year I find organization in my life and the year I focus on myself,
    follow along as tackle day to day life and whatever else 2021 throws at me:

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