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Thread: November 2023 Frugal Chatter

  1. #1
    Canadian Guru
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    Happy November
    This thread is currently associated with: N/A
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  2. #2
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    Thank you @Frugalbigmama for starting this thread
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  3. #3
    Smart Canuck Purdee's Avatar
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    Good morning everyone. My frugal brain is trying to come up with things that I can use as a candy dish or a candy bowl; this candy container will be on my desk at work so when other employees come see me, I can offer them some candies. I could use a rubbermaid container but I want something a bit heavier like a ceramic or stone bowl but not so obvious that I took a dinner bowl from home LOL My other option would be to go to goodwill or value village but the prices there have gone up like crazy that I probably get better deals at RCCS on clearance items. Anyway, just want to see what ideas you guys have. Do you have a candy dish and what do you use as a candy dish?
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  4. #4
    Must Coupon, Must Save :) SassyAshley's Avatar
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    @Purdee what about a mug, if you do not have an extra you could grab one from a Dollar Store. We have a staff member who does this.

    We have mugs with our company logo on them, she does not like drinking from it so she uses it for Candies, as her husband works at Mars and always gives her candies to bring in.
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  5. #5
    Must Coupon, Must Save :) SassyAshley's Avatar
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    Is anyone having an issue with PC Optimum today?

    I got an email that my profile has been updated but I did not update my profile, when I tried to use the Chat feature it said that right now they cannot access account information.
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  6. #6
    Smart Canuck Purdee's Avatar
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    Yes! I do have mugs and a large one too. Thanks!

    Quote Originally Posted by SassyAshley View Post
    @Purdee what about a mug, if you do not have an extra you could grab one from a Dollar Store. We have a staff member who does this.

    We have mugs with our company logo on them, she does not like drinking from it so she uses it for Candies, as her husband works at Mars and always gives her candies to bring in.

  7. #7
    no more door to door! :) walkonby's Avatar
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    no problems with my PC account, I just logged in an it is all good. @SassyAshley strange though over at AirMiles I am experiencing a glitch. It seems to not be able to show me my flash offers or my saved offers, AND for a moment it looked like ALL my AM were gone! There were zeroes all across the top headings! I hit another link and luckily they were all still there...whew!
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  8. #8
    Must Coupon, Must Save :) SassyAshley's Avatar
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    Good Afternoon Everyone,
    Not sure what is up but I gotta tell you this sleeping thing is giving me anxiety. I fell asleep around 10:30 last night (a little late for my liking but trying to not take Melatonin) only to wake up just after 11:30 and think it was morning and ready to get up. Then this morning I slept in again, UGH, I know so many love to sleep in, but I do not, it throws off my routines.

    This morning I had to run to the Post Office to pick up a package I ordered, since I was out I ran to No Frills and grabbed 2 more bags of Russet Potatoes and scared the crap out of myself. My wallet fell out of my purse, I must have opened it and forgotten but luckily the moment I realized I turned around and there it was but oh my gosh, I was freaking out. When I got in the car I must have checked my purse like 32 times.

    I have not looked at next week's flyers yet, although I do not feel like we need much other than some fresh produce. So hoping for a smaller shopping week.

    Last week should have been a smaller shopping week but since I had a few offers I could stack I took advantage, especially on those items that never go on sale so I might as well get points for buying.

    Happy Wednesday (oh my gosh, I almost said Thursday, yep that is how my day is going).
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    Mastermind Shwa Girl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Purdee View Post
    Good morning everyone. My frugal brain is trying to come up with things that I can use as a candy dish or a candy bowl; this candy container will be on my desk at work so when other employees come see me, I can offer them some candies. I could use a rubbermaid container but I want something a bit heavier like a ceramic or stone bowl but not so obvious that I took a dinner bowl from home LOL My other option would be to go to goodwill or value village but the prices there have gone up like crazy that I probably get better deals at RCCS on clearance items. Anyway, just want to see what ideas you guys have. Do you have a candy dish and what do you use as a candy dish?
    Dollar Tree candy jar. $1.50
    Glass Candy Jars with Tight-Sealing Lids, 5.125x3 in. | Dollar Tree
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  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by SassyAshley View Post
    Is anyone having an issue with PC Optimum today?

    I got an email that my profile has been updated but I did not update my profile, when I tried to use the Chat feature it said that right now they cannot access account information.
    @SassyAshley this happened to me 2 weeks ago and when I call the rep could not figured out what’s going on so he escalated it to the higher up. Had to change my password
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  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by flemeth View Post
    @SassyAshley this happened to me 2 weeks ago and when I call the rep could not figured out what’s going on so he escalated it to the higher up. Had to change my password
    Yikes..You were smart to change your password @flemeth . Hope everything gets sorted out for you @SassyAshley
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    Must Coupon, Must Save :) SassyAshley's Avatar
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    @flemeth , thank you, I did send an email but have not heard back but did change my password, checked the connected cards/devices and set everything to earn only.
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  13. #13
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    Good day!

    Up early this morning and met my friend for breakfast. Its our new weekly business meeting lol.

    Then home to work and get some housework done on my breaks. Kitchen cleaned. Laundry is on the go. Entrance cleaned out and the table in the tub drying off ( I put it in there to clean! Just easier so I can clean every surface.) Now once the printer is moved from the foyer up to my new office space (it is huge! I can not do it..I tried) I can clean the entrance floor.

    My friends husband is coming by tonight to fix a door for us. Will be happy to have this done!

    Have a great day!

  14. #14
    Must Coupon, Must Save :) SassyAshley's Avatar
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    Good Morning Everyone,
    I am still struggling with sleep, I ended up taking a melatonin last night because I started spinning before bed and knew there was going to be no sleep.

    Even though I changed my password and set my account to earn only, because I did not hear back from PC, I called them. Turns out they are doing updates on the back end (which makes sense I did update the app) and it automatically generated the email. Good to know, I do feel so much better knowing, things like this drive me insane.

    The package I picked up yesterday was my Old Navy Order, I ordered a bunch of clearance leggings and got an additional 30% off. When I checked out it showed:
    My original total was $285.89
    Saved: $201.42

    I tried them on last night there were a couple of pairs that are too big which I will have Mom try on. Some pairs were as low as $4 or $5/pair. There are a couple of pairs I might send back, they are too big on me and I do not think Mom will like the style but we will see after she tries them on.

    All day yesterday, I thought it was Wednesday so now today I feel like it is Friday which is freaking me out. We are making some changes at work over the weekend and I have to send out all of the new policies and procedures, I keep thinking I need to have it all out before we close tonight. But it is only Thursday so I have one more day to get it done.

    Happy Thursday Everyone.
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    2022 is going to be my year, the year I find organization in my life and the year I focus on myself,
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    Well technical issues with scene + offers today not loading -i just called may be fixed in a few hours.Just when i was gonna go to sobeys in a bit for a few sales -nope cause i had to fight to get my last scene points.uggggggg first world problems
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