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Thread: 2024 February Frugal Chatter

  1. #31
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    Good Morning! Happy Monday!

    Scrap guy came this morning to pick up the old fridge. Happy to have that out of the garage!

    Friday night went out for dinner with my bestie. Saturday morning was up early and decided it was a nice day for a drive for breakfast Went to casino for free breakfast (and brought home two meals to enjoy during the weekend- no cooking weekend for me ) Used free play. Won huge
    Came home to the dogs and had a pretty chill Saturday afternoon/evening. Sunday went out to Walmart early - found 3pk peppers for $2.48 (reg $4.98) they were on the clearance cart because the package was sticky. Deal for me! $1.48 cauliflower and a package of lean ground beef.

    I bought 4 broccoli on Thursday (PM at NF for 4000 pt deal) have a package of mushrooms, onions and the peppers and cauliflower. So those are our veggies for the next few days. Thinking tonight I will make a pasta bake with the broccoli for dinner. Will go to the freezer and pull some chicken. I think DS will really like it. (he is my pasta lover) (We love it from a restaurant we like out of town but it is so rich so I will tone it down a bit )
    Tomorrow- A roast beef with mashed potatoes and the veggies. Will text oldest DS to let him know to pop by to grab dinner in between his clients or on his way home.
    Wednesday- Stir-fry to use up the veggies.
    There- A bit of a dinner plan for a few days.

    Have the cash ready for our 1st property tax payment that is due Feb 20th so will go to the town today to pay it so it is done. Saving 2 cents since paying cash and it will round down haha!!

    Have a fantastic Monday!
    Last edited by Frugalbigmama; Mon, Feb 5th, 2024 at 11:54 AM.

  2. #32
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    Apparently we are to receive an email from PC Pts about an extra redemption happening Feb 6th and 7th at Loblaws/Zehrs and Independent- The more costly stores of Loblaws.
    harbie, SassyAshley and Ciel21 like this.

  3. #33
    Must Coupon, Must Save :) SassyAshley's Avatar
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    Good Afternoon Everyone,
    Was up early this morning and trying to get all of the things done.

    This week is going to be very busy for work so I needed to jump right on that. But I also needed to get house stuff done.

    I started my morning by cleaning up my emails and writing a To-Do list of everything I want to get done for work as today might be my only sit at my laptop knock out the things day this week. Every other day I have other things going on even on my work-from-home days.

    Then I decided after I completed each task for work, I would take 5 to 10 minutes of something around the house. I started my day by stripping my bed and putting my sheets in the washer, Mom's are on now. I have emptied the Dishwasher, took out the garbage and cleaned the bathroom on my lunch break. It is shocking how fast you can get something done when you tell yourself you only have 5 to 10 minutes.

    Dinner tonight is a mystery I thinking something on the simpler side as I have feel by the time dinner time rolls around I will be done but happy with everything I have been knocking out. I am getting stuff done for work and around the house.

    Happy Monday Everyone.
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  4. #34
    Must Coupon, Must Save :) SassyAshley's Avatar
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    @Frugalbigmama , I saw someone post in Instagram they got an email offer for redemption at RCSS a couple of weeks ago but the only offer was Redeem 300,000 points, get $30 back in points.

    Will be interesting to see what this offer is, although I assume I won't see it since none of those are my "home" store which make sense since I do not shop at any of those stores often. I have never been to Independent and the closest Loblaws is an hour away, we do have a Zehrs but honestly unless it is a member pricing offer, I price match at No Frills.

    Quote Originally Posted by Frugalbigmama View Post
    Apparently we are to receive an email from PC Pts about an extra redemption happening Feb 6th and 7th at Loblaws/Zehrs and Independent- The more costly stores of Loblaws.
    harbie, barbis9 and Ciel21 like this.
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  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by SassyAshley View Post
    @Frugalbigmama, I saw someone post in Instagram they got an email offer for redemption at RCSS a couple of weeks ago but the only offer was Redeem 300,000 points, get $30 back in points.

    Will be interesting to see what this offer is, although I assume I won't see it since none of those are my "home" store which make sense since I do not shop at any of those stores often. I have never been to Independent and the closest Loblaws is an hour away, we do have a Zehrs but honestly unless it is a member pricing offer, I price match at No Frills.

    Looks like the details are posted on Smartcanucks homepage!
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  6. #36
    Must Coupon, Must Save :) SassyAshley's Avatar
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    I can see why they did not include No Frill since it is their "Discount Chain" (But, I mean really is there a Discount Chain anymore) but I feel like RCSS wasn't included because they Price Match.

    Quote Originally Posted by Frugalbigmama View Post
    Looks like the details are posted on Smartcanucks homepage!
    harbie, barbis9 and Ciel21 like this.
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  7. #37
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    5-pound lasagna at RCSS for $8

    Salvaged 8-pounds of sticky rice from a trip to the dump.
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  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by SassyAshley View Post
    I can see why they did not include No Frill since it is their "Discount Chain" (But, I mean really is there a Discount Chain anymore) but I feel like RCSS wasn't included because they Price Match.
    Exactly! They don't want us price matching to make it a better deal!

  9. #39
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    Good Morning! The sun is shining!

    I forgot to mention that I took the pup for a walk at the beach on Sunday afternoon. There was only snow/ice at the shore so the sand was dry and soft and it felt like a summer beach day. It is such a good workout walking on the sand and the pup was tired out after. Finally!!

    Took out more BLSL chicken this morning for tonight's dinner. Oldest DS took the chicken I had out yesterday to use for his dinner (we didn't end up cooking last night and just ate simple/leftovers) So I will make sure to make the baked chicken and broccoli pasta dish today Will get it all ready early afternoon so it is ready to pop in the oven just before we want to eat.

    I am feeling a little overwhelmed workwise but sometimes those are my best days Just makes me buckle down and get it all done
    At least I have a massage to look forward to this afternoon

    Have a fantastic day!

  10. #40
    Canadian Guru harbie's Avatar
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    It’s been a few days here.

    Thursday at 3am woke up to a wonderful kidney stone (first and only was back in 2017). Went to life labs for urine to make sure it wasn’t a kidney infection etc…. Then a CT scan Saturday morning. Thankfully we’re literally right across the street from the hospital and that’s where the CT scan was.

    On the same days as the scan my dad ended up in the emergency department and after 7ish hours was diagnosed with shingles. Luckily it was caught early and he actually started the blisters in in the ER.

    Then woke up to water under my kitchen sink. Weeeeeeeeeee! Are we having fun yet? It could always be worse so I can’t really complain. It’s just the faucet leaking so most likely a cartridge failure. Easy fix but still a pain.

    Now waiting for my dr to call so I can get a re referral to my urologist so she can schedule the surgical removal of them. I was given the option a few years back but since I had no issues, no new stones formed I felt I was safe. Stupid me! Lesson learned. DON’T PROCRASTINATE!

    I did manage a trip to Safeway yesterday and grabbed my soy curls(approx 8 meals worth or a bit more) and some other things. Used $20 in points so it was $5.05 OOP.

    Huge Costco stock up but only spent $278 so not bad considering all the things we were out of and now good for a while.

    Hope everyone has a great day ahead.

  11. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by harbie View Post
    On the same days as the scan my dad ended up in the emergency department and after 7ish hours was diagnosed with shingles. Luckily it was caught early and he actually started the blisters in in the ER.
    After watching my mother suffer that nightmare, I got my ShingRex shot(s). Hopefully, they will successfully prevent any outbreak.
    Quote Originally Posted by harbie View Post
    Now waiting for my dr to call so I can get a re referral to my urologist so she can schedule the surgical removal of them. I was given the option a few years back but since I had no issues, no new stones formed I felt I was safe. Stupid me! Lesson learned. DON’T PROCRASTINATE!
    How are they removing them, with ultrasound? Sorry to hear how painful they are.
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    My food may not befit a king, but I eat like a horse.

  12. #42
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    OH shingles i had them on my face a few years back awfull.I will get the shingle shingrex shots later this year as after age 65 they are free.

    My brother came for a small visit,he has arthritis in his feet so i showed him my rhumetoid arthritis in my fingers.Ahh the joys of being in our 60's.

    Son just called little cara will be getting her tonsils out in the spring ,that poor little soul has suffered so much sickness and snoring and waking up in the night due to overlarge tonsils and adnoids.I told son i could help with watching her a bit on the 2 weeks she needs to be off school.
    harbie, barbis9, lilo0003 and 2 others like this.

  13. #43
    Must Coupon, Must Save :) SassyAshley's Avatar
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    @harbie , oh my gosh, I hope you and your Dad both feel better soon.
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  14. #44
    Canadian Guru harbie's Avatar
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    @HermanH they basically go I with a camera and basket and collect them all kinda like a creepy Easter egg hunt ( gotta laugh so I don’t freak out). Otherwise blasting with the shockwave method they just make smaller stones that still need to pass and they can’t guarantee they can get some of the smaller ones so surgery is a definite way to ensure I get a total spring clean!

    When I hit 50 I’ll definitely be getting the vaccine for shingles. My dad unfortunately didn’t and thought he’d be fine. Now he has to wait a year to get it. My mom will get hers now.
    @coupon girl OUCH! The face ,especially near the eyes is awful and can cause blindness. Thank goodness you’re ok.

    I hope your granddaughter finds relief after her tonsils are removed. Poor kiddo

  15. #45
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    @harbie I hope you and your dad gets better soon.

    @coupongirl hoping your granddaughter will get better after her tonsils is removed . She has been going through so much at her your age.

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