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Thread: 2024 February Frugal Chatter

  1. #1
    Smart Canuck
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    Wow! I've never gotten to start the new thread for the month.
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    Last edited by HermanH; Thu, Feb 1st, 2024 at 01:30 AM.
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    My food may not befit a king, but I eat like a horse.

  2. #2
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    Happy Thursday! Yippee! It is almost Friday

    I need to pop out and get cheese and paper towel since both are on sale and want to make sure I get some. (my cheese stock up is almost gone...DS loves his cheese.) I don't normally use paper towel but for some cleaning jobs I like it.

    Didn't do any laundry yesterday (I was busy with work and didn't take any breaks) so put a load in the washer first thing this morning. Will hang it to dry when done. Then will put a load of white towels in the washer and try to follow through today (dry and put away!)

    Cooking up ground beef now to make meat sauce. That can be dinner and leftovers will be put in the freezer for another day.

    Goal today- Pull 10 items for sale and post on Marketplace. I need to get back at this to build the crap sold envelope! I have $60 in it from a few sales in Dec/Jan.

    Have a wonderful day!

  3. #3
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    Just went to RCSS and the PC App was down. I didn't bring my wallet so couldn't use my card to get the cheese.
    The lady checking out in front of me wanted to redeem points and couldn't.
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  4. #4
    Must Coupon, Must Save :) SassyAshley's Avatar
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    Was it just to remdeem? I went to RCSS just after noon and scanned my cards and got my points, I also went to No Frills around 1:30 and got my points there as well, I did not try to redeem at either.

    Quote Originally Posted by Frugalbigmama View Post
    Just went to RCSS and the PC App was down. I didn't bring my wallet so couldn't use my card to get the cheese.
    The lady checking out in front of me wanted to redeem points and couldn't.
    harbie, barbis9, lilo0003 and 1 others like this.
    2022 is going to be my year, the year I find organization in my life and the year I focus on myself,
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  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by SassyAshley View Post
    Was it just to remdeem? I went to RCSS just after noon and scanned my cards and got my points, I also went to No Frills around 1:30 and got my points there as well, I did not try to redeem at either.
    I think the entire app was down because I couldn't bring it up to scan. They were probably working on fixing the issue. ( I didn't have my card on hand to scan)
    harbie, lilo0003 and Ciel21 like this.

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    I just went to shoppers seniors day for me spent over 50 so got a 10.00 promo for next time .This time i got 2 milk 4 litres .I noticed all the fruit in shoppers has gone up in price strawberries 30 cents etc ,maybe other stuff too.
    I did get apples 3.99 a bag i paid -500 points =3.50 i had points on my bread a nd my lays chips also .

    At least i saved on the milk and a few other items,oh and i id get a dented box of granola bars for 50% off =1.74.

    Oh and my points card worked at shoppers.
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  7. #7
    Canadian Genius lilo0003's Avatar
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    OMG, I am seriously lol here. I am over in the January thread thinking were is everyone why do we have no action today. Then it hits me. Happy February.
    I went to lunch at Panera today with my BFF and skipped the drink and realized I had 5.00 off on my card, they must have missed me. So my salad was $13.00. I am taking this as a win as we are leaving for NS soon so I won’t see her until March. It was nice to catch up.
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    Friends don't let real friends pay full price.

  8. #8
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    RCSS soup sale on Swiss Chalet is back, after one week hiatus.
    3x cans of 540mL Swiss Chalet chicken noodle soup for $3
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    My food may not befit a king, but I eat like a horse.

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    Last night went out shopping with my friend. PM'd the broccoli at No Frills and received the 4000 pts. Will make a roast dinner Sunday so it is ready when they return home. Broccoli will be the veggie! Will invite the oldest to grab dinner on his break. (He is usually busy Sunday afternoon/evening with work)

    Will get stuff off my work desk. Clean my office.

    Put away clean laundry. Wash the dishes in the sink. Make breakfast later this morning. I am going to have the house to myself all weekend! Not going to lie...kind of excited My boys are going to a hockey tournament 3.5 hrs away. I would usually go but it would mean asking the oldest to stay here with the dog and I just didn't want to have to bug him to do so. Also we are dog sitting for my sister so I just want to make sure they are aren't lonely. I was thinking of going tomorrow to catch a game but that is a lot of driving for one game. Will be good for a Daddy/Son weekend away.

    So I am taking advantage of DS being away and washing his bedding and work clothes! Will toss his bedding in the wash as soon as they leave so I can hang it to dry.

    I used a salad dressing glass jar to collect toonies. Finally counted it yesterday. $490.00!! Now to roll it and cash it in.

    Going out for dinner tonight with my bestie and then thinking Chinese food tomorrow night I'm a party animal

    Have a wonderful weekend.

  10. #10
    Must Coupon, Must Save :) SassyAshley's Avatar
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    Good Morning Everyone,
    Yesterday I had to go into the office for a meeting so I decided I would shop my way home but of course this week did not line up that the best deals were at No Frills.

    But I did run into Suprestore for a few things including to see their price on Oregano Oil, there price is still $10.99 and I got the last bottle. I also grabbed:
    1 x Mandarin Oranges 4lbs $3.99
    1 x Mini Cuucmbers 11-pack $6 + 300 pts (grrr my cucumber offer is now 50 pts/$ instead of 100 pts)
    2 x Artichoke & Asiago Dip $5 WUB 2
    3 x Astro Yogurt $8.25 WUB 3

    No happy that Loblaws has recuded the size of their "family-pack" Mini Cucumbers for 15/pack to 11/pack but since I do not know when I will make it to Costco, I grabbed them. Also we are almost out of Greek Yogurt which I buy at Costco so I grabbed some to get us through until I shop.

    Then I went to No Frills and got:
    1 x No Name Peppers 2.5lbs $6
    1 x No Name Limes 2lbs $5 - 50% off stock $2.50 + 800 pts (100 pts/$ on No Name Veggies)
    2 x Russet Potatoes 10lbs $2.44
    2 x Blueberries pint $2.84 (PM Walmart) - I know Food Basics is a little cheaper but they were from the wrong place so I could not PM, my No Frills checks, they almost denied these ones because the packaging said Chille and USA but the supervisor said to go ahead because I did check and didn't see USA where is the cashier saw USA and not Chille.
    2 x Dijion Mustard $2.49 + 500 pts (250 pts/bottle)
    9 x Campbell's Beef Broth $1.69 + 1500 pts for spending $15
    1 x SkyFlake Crackers $5.88 (PM Walmart)
    4 x Gay Lea Sour Cream $2.49 + 2000 pts (50 pts/tub)
    2 x Eggs 18-pack $4.99 (PM Sobeys) + 1000 pts (100 pts/$)
    1 x Oasis Orange Juice $3.49 (PM Food Basics)
    1 x Almond Milk $2.98 (PM Food Basics)

    I bought the eggs to make Breakfast items for the freezer, but forgot to buy the bread Mom needs to the French Toast Casserole and the avacodos to go with the limes, so this morning I ran back and got:
    4 x Broccoli $1.25 (PM Food Basics) = 4000 pts
    1 x Avacodos 5-pack $187
    1 x Hot Dog Buns 12-pack $3.49 - 50% off stick $1.74

    They had none of the bread I was looking for even thought I checked online and it said in stock but they had to Broccoli they were out of yestrday. I did check Sobey's but there bread was $1.99/loaf vs No Frills at $0.99 and I need 6 loaves so no thank you and Giant Tiger has nothing so that may have to wait till next week.

    I am sorry, I am going to rant:
    Why does PC have to assign a Home Store, I get it, yes 80% of my shopping is done at No Frills, but when I work in our other location I shop at RCSS, why can't the offers be at any Loblaw Banner store, I got an offer to Vitamins which I would LOVE to use for my oregano oil but none of the No Frills close to me have a pharmacy and only sell like a handful of vitamins.

    Happy Friday Everyone.
    2022 is going to be my year, the year I find organization in my life and the year I focus on myself,
    follow along as tackle day to day life and whatever else 2021 throws at me:

  11. #11
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    Afternoon just came back from a 30 minute walk ,it is sunny here and may as well enjoy this lovely weather.

    Today i need to vacuum,finish my puzzle .I just wrapped the gift i got for the 75th birthday i am going to on saturday night.I dont have to run out and get cards or bags or wrapping paper ,i still have a lot in stock .Plus when my daughter-in-law doesnt want the gift bags i bring them home .lol

    Back to babysitting this week wed,thursday night from 3.30 afterschool til about 6.30.As son is back on shift work.I do miss the girls love seeing them and sebastian also .I chatted with sebastian this morning as he is not going to school a stomach bug.He and my daughter got,again the things kids pick up from school plus there is a lot going around .
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  12. #12
    Smart Canuck
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    Cineplex Canada Offers: Enjoy $5 movies every Tuesday in February

    Alas, I checked the listings and there's nothing worth watching, even for $5. They haven't had this price for 25 years.
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    My food may not befit a king, but I eat like a horse.

  13. #13
    Canadian Genius Skippy's Avatar
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    Good day my friends!...and Happy February given the rodents predict spring sooner than later! I do hope they're right but was thankful to get out walking and taking in much appreciated sunshine!
    QOTD do these sudden weather changes affect anyone else's body? just asking as I would like to think I'm not weird(at least in this respect cuz I maybe in others!).
    Took a brief look at the "sales" but again much to be desired IMO, so glad I took advantage of what there was when I did because now it seems you can't necessarily count on any consistency from one week to another!
    Whatever you're up to,wherever you are this weekend stay safe and well my friends!
    Always remember the What are you thankful for today? thread as there always is something to be thankful for.

  14. #14
    Must Coupon, Must Save :) SassyAshley's Avatar
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    @Skippy , I find the weather affects my head, today I have just felt pressure all day.

    Made it through my work day, mid-afternoon all of a sudden I got super tired and the pressure in my head was really bothering me. All I wanted to do was lay down but I also wasn't giving in.

    I think I have a meal plan for next week. I do not know why, I keep second-guessing it.

    I had hoped to get some cleaning done today but did not get any done, so tomorrow I will focus on the house. Will also write a prep list I have some apples and blueberries to use so will do some baking for sure. Plus I have a bunch of produce to prep.
    Skippy, harbie, barbis9 and 1 others like this.
    2022 is going to be my year, the year I find organization in my life and the year I focus on myself,
    follow along as tackle day to day life and whatever else 2021 throws at me:

  15. #15
    no more door to door! :) walkonby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skippy View Post
    Good day my friends!...and Happy February given the rodents predict spring sooner than later! I do hope they're right but was thankful to get out walking and taking in much appreciated sunshine!
    QOTD do these sudden weather changes affect anyone else's body? just asking as I would like to think I'm not weird(at least in this respect cuz I maybe in others!).
    Took a brief look at the "sales" but again much to be desired IMO, so glad I took advantage of what there was when I did because now it seems you can't necessarily count on any consistency from one week to another!
    Whatever you're up to,wherever you are this weekend stay safe and well my friends!
    @Skippy if it wasn't for my birthday at the end of Jan. I'd say the entire month was hell. Physically I suffered tremendously ( joint wise )
    and I say it WAS due to this up and down, back and forth with the temperatures. Deep freeze with no warning, then mild, then back to
    the kind of cold that makes a man know he has nipples! Then rain, let's round it out with rain because arthritic joints love dampness.
    I'm thrilled the groundhog has offered some relief in the prediction of an early Spring. This does sound a tiny bit like a rant... oops.
    Skippy, harbie, barbis9 and 3 others like this.

    Charles R.I.P. passed October 29th 2024 52 years old

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