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  1. #18496
    Must clean ears!! smb127's Avatar
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    I put an entry in the Holiday Smiles too.

    I don't have the links but the titles are Nana and Pepper and Having fun on the Drums. I can't vote from work again, GRRRRR. I can't even see the ratings, just the pics. I'll try to get on at home tonight and do some voting.

    you can join this forum by clicking on my link below.

  2. #18497
    Smart Canuck babygonnermann's Avatar
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    Thanks for all the new words

    Harley - glad you were there to save that poor kitten. He is sooo cute!!

    haunish - hope dd did not break it ... that's a pain right before christmas.

    Aphena - hope all goes well for you today

    NS - hope you're feeling better today

    Sorry if I missed anyone ... read through quickly cause DS is waking up ...... - the premiere digital dollar. Earn SwagBucks to redeem for great prizes. are available here! - I have redeemed for $6 into my PayPal account in just under two weeks. You can too with this awesome PTC site!

  3. #18498
    Frosh Canuck
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    Thanks for all the new words. I gave rep where I could.

  4. #18499
    Canadian Genius Love2save's Avatar
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    thanks for the new words

  5. #18500
    Meeee-ow! =^ö^= thetick's Avatar
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    The Washington Post publishes a yearly contest in which readers
    are asked to supply alternate meanings for various words.
    The following were some of this year's winning entries:
    1. Coffee (n.), a person who is coughed upon.
    2. Flabbergasted (adj.), appalled over how much weight you have
    3. Abdicate (v.), to give up all hope of ever having a flat
    4. Esplanade (v.), to attempt an explanation while drunk.
    5. Willy-nilly (adj.), impotent
    6. Negligent (adj.), describes a condition in which you
    absentmindedly answer the door in your nightie.
    7. Lymph (v.), to walk with a lisp.
    8. Gargoyle (n.), an olive-flavored mouthwash.
    9. Flatulence (n.) the emergency vehicle that picks you up after
    you are run over by a steamroller.
    10. Balderdash (n.), a rapidly receding hairline.
    11. Testicle (n.), a humorous question on an exam.
    12. Rectitude (n.), the formal, dignified demeanor assumed by a
    proctologist immediately before he examines you.
    13. Oyster (n.), a person who sprinkles his conversation with
    Yiddish expressions.
    14. Circumvent (n.), the opening in the front of boxer shorts.
    15. Frisbeetarianism (n.), The belief that, when you die, your
    soul goes up on the roof and gets stuck there.
    16. Pokemon (n), A Jamaican proctologist

  6. #18501
    Smart Canuck RTlady's Avatar
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    Hi everyone... busy these days trying to get settled in. Going through
    recipes trying to decide about Christmas baking for this year.

    Thank you for the words and hope everyone has a great day.
    'Life is not the way it's supposed to be. It's the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.'

  7. #18502
    Cat Trainer (Trainee??) Andit's Avatar
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    Hi all,

    Prayers for those dealing with difficult times, & well wishes for those under the weather. HG, congrats on the new addition. Sorry if I`ve forgotten anyone, I`m still trying to catch up.

    I`m baaack! Sort of. Still paying the price for pulling a couple of all-nighters (well, I got 2 hours` sleep on 2 nights, the third night was a write off).

    Skip the rest if you don't want the blow by blow of my vacation. I have a tendency to blabber on when I'm talking about vacations.

    We got there fairly late Thursday night & left on the red-eye Sunday night, arriving yesterday at the crack of dawn (I don`t do mornings very well).

    We only got to visit about a third of the hotels on the main strip, since each one is more than a block long and getting from one to the next involves a lot of walking.
    We stayed at the Monte Carlo, which was every bit as fancy as the name implies. The hotel staff was amazing. My best friend can`t walk distances. On our way to breakfast the first morning, a Bell (man? boy? person?) came running over with a wheelchair for us to use both in the hotel & on the strip.

    The prettiest hotel was the Bellagio. Very elegant. The lobby ceiling is covered with hand-blown glass flowers. We went to visit the art gallery in the hotel, which had a Georgia O`Keefe exhibit (you get a hand-held device - no, not that kind! - which describes each of the paintings). We then went towards the O Theatre, where Cirque du Soleil performs, & happened upon a gallery opening. We got to meet the artist who sculpted the most amazing creations based on Cirque performers. Out in front of the hotel, there is a huge `lake`where every half hour or so in the evenings, the water dances to music.

    We also saw Caesar`s Palace. One of the older hotels, lots of pillars & huge Roman statues (they come to life & have conversations, but we kept missing the `show`). Also lots of stores we couldn`t afford to browse in, nevermind shop there.

    Then there was the Mirage, where Siegfried & Roy used to perform, where the animals who used to perform in the show are now part of a wildlife conservation area called Secret Garden. I wasn`t overly impressed, course I`ve got the Zoo, African Lion Safari & Marineland within driving distance of me, where I can get more interaction with critters. The hotel does have a beautiful lobby, where the wall behind the front desk is the glass side of an aquarium.

    Ballys had this wicked movator (? those flat escalator thingys), which was very pretty all lit up at night. We saw a Vegas revue there called Jubilee, which had singing, dancing, a cirque-style acrobat (very yummy, as my friend described him), Argentinian horsemen spinning those little balls on string (bolos?) - a bit of something for everyone. We sat at a table right beside the stage. One of the dance sequences told the story of Samson & Delilah. I just about jumped out of my skin when Samson was put in chains & stumbled forward, about 2 feet from where I sat.

    Right next door to Ballys was Paris. The irony was that when we sat at the little `outdoor`cafe (the ceiling is painted as if you`re outside, with the Eiffel Tower girders in the corners) & my friend couldn`t get anything but plain old coffee (the waitress looked at us like we had holes in our heads when we asked for Lattes). Since we were in Paris, we had to go to the top of the Eiffel Tower (we laughed when they warned us of the height, since we`re all used to going to the top of the CN Tower). We had the most spectacular view of the strip & got to see the dancing water again, this time from above.

    Stratosphere, which looks like a mini CN Tower, was not overly impressive as a hotel. Lots of walking in circles to get to the next level. We went there to see a show (American Superstars - folks impersonating top singers, very talented), even though the hotel was way off the strip & geared towards the younger crowd (that`s when I realized I was getting old).

    Excalibur, which looks like a castle & has a medieval theme, was also geared to a younger crowd. While we waited for our show to start, we listened to a live band (very talented). The show we saw there (Thunder From Down Under) which was very very yummy) was the Aussie version of the Chippendales & the only real naughtiness we got up to. We sat at the back of the theatre, since none of us were interested in audience participation. Although when one girl from the audience was asked to lie on a blanket on the stage, while a very very yummy performer did a hand-stand and various acrobatics over her.

    On our last day, we went over to New York New York, on our way to MGM Grand. Not much to see at NYNY, since we weren`t into rollercoasters. But we did cross the Brooklyn Bridge & take a look at the Statue of Liberty.
    At MGM Grand, we got to be part of a market research group. Unfortunately, the show we had to watch & score was the Price is Right with Drew Carey (so not one of my favourites). Basically we had to sit & watch the show & use a joystick to rate how we liked various aspects of the show. On the plus side, we got a free Haagen Daas for our efforts.

    The last show we saw, before we left for the airport, was Popovich Pet Theatre at Planet Hollywood. Gregory Popovich started as a juggler/acrobat/clown in the Moscow Circus & now has a show with his pets: dogs, cats, ferrets, mice, doves, geese - you name it, the critter is in the show. My friends kept teasing me, asking how long it would take me to train my cat & dog to do those tricks.

    Since we were in Vegas, we did have to do some gambling. We were supposed to get $30 in credits at the hotel from our vacation package, but since it was so quiet there, we got an extra $20 to play with. Greedy that I was, I suggested we cash out the money to pay for a meal, but my friend insisted on gambling. As it was, we couldn`t get the money out, so we had no choice but to gamble. Big spenders that we are, we played the $0.01 & $0.02 machines, graduating to the $0.05 when we were running out of time. On the plus side, of the $50 we gambled with, we got $40 back, which paid for our transportation to & from the airport.

    So, all in all, we had lots of fun, but was a bit too much for me & I`m paying the price for it. But it was worth every ache & pain. I spent most of yesterday napping on & off, & trying to placate the critters who are both upset with me. The cat still hasn't stopped screaming at me, & the dog wants nothing to do with me (she'd rather be with my parents).

    Hope everyone is having fun.

  8. #18503
    Smart Canuck haunish's Avatar
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    quick question..does anyone know where i can get a free security program for computer..i have norton 360 but it expires in a week and I cant afford to buy another at the moment, especially after tires and for anyhelp

  9. #18504
    Junior Canuck Jettred's Avatar
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    Andit sounds like you had a blast in Vegas, I envy you. I know what you mean about the Bellagio--the company I work for manufactures woven wire products & we supplied the wire panels for the employees parking deck when it was built. They furnished us lots of pictures & it really looks like a fabulous place. Glad you are back--always good to sleep in your own bed.

  10. #18505
    Smart Canuck babygonnermann's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andit View Post
    Hi all,

    Prayers for those dealing with difficult times, & well wishes for those under the weather. HG, congrats on the new addition. Sorry if I`ve forgotten anyone, I`m still trying to catch up.

    I`m baaack! Sort of. Still paying the price for pulling a couple of all-nighters (well, I got 2 hours` sleep on 2 nights, the third night was a write off).

    Skip the rest if you don't want the blow by blow of my vacation. I have a tendency to blabber on when I'm talking about vacations.

    We got there fairly late Thursday night & left on the red-eye Sunday night, arriving yesterday at the crack of dawn (I don`t do mornings very well).

    We only got to visit about a third of the hotels on the main strip, since each one is more than a block long and getting from one to the next involves a lot of walking.
    We stayed at the Monte Carlo, which was every bit as fancy as the name implies. The hotel staff was amazing. My best friend can`t walk distances. On our way to breakfast the first morning, a Bell (man? boy? person?) came running over with a wheelchair for us to use both in the hotel & on the strip.

    The prettiest hotel was the Bellagio. Very elegant. The lobby ceiling is covered with hand-blown glass flowers. We went to visit the art gallery in the hotel, which had a Georgia O`Keefe exhibit (you get a hand-held device - no, not that kind! - which describes each of the paintings). We then went towards the O Theatre, where Cirque du Soleil performs, & happened upon a gallery opening. We got to meet the artist who sculpted the most amazing creations based on Cirque performers. Out in front of the hotel, there is a huge `lake`where every half hour or so in the evenings, the water dances to music.

    We also saw Caesar`s Palace. One of the older hotels, lots of pillars & huge Roman statues (they come to life & have conversations, but we kept missing the `show`). Also lots of stores we couldn`t afford to browse in, nevermind shop there.

    Then there was the Mirage, where Siegfried & Roy used to perform, where the animals who used to perform in the show are now part of a wildlife conservation area called Secret Garden. I wasn`t overly impressed, course I`ve got the Zoo, African Lion Safari & Marineland within driving distance of me, where I can get more interaction with critters. The hotel does have a beautiful lobby, where the wall behind the front desk is the glass side of an aquarium.

    Ballys had this wicked movator (? those flat escalator thingys), which was very pretty all lit up at night. We saw a Vegas revue there called Jubilee, which had singing, dancing, a cirque-style acrobat (very yummy, as my friend described him), Argentinian horsemen spinning those little balls on string (bolos?) - a bit of something for everyone. We sat at a table right beside the stage. One of the dance sequences told the story of Samson & Delilah. I just about jumped out of my skin when Samson was put in chains & stumbled forward, about 2 feet from where I sat.

    Right next door to Ballys was Paris. The irony was that when we sat at the little `outdoor`cafe (the ceiling is painted as if you`re outside, with the Eiffel Tower girders in the corners) & my friend couldn`t get anything but plain old coffee (the waitress looked at us like we had holes in our heads when we asked for Lattes). Since we were in Paris, we had to go to the top of the Eiffel Tower (we laughed when they warned us of the height, since we`re all used to going to the top of the CN Tower). We had the most spectacular view of the strip & got to see the dancing water again, this time from above.

    Stratosphere, which looks like a mini CN Tower, was not overly impressive as a hotel. Lots of walking in circles to get to the next level. We went there to see a show (American Superstars - folks impersonating top singers, very talented), even though the hotel was way off the strip & geared towards the younger crowd (that`s when I realized I was getting old).

    Excalibur, which looks like a castle & has a medieval theme, was also geared to a younger crowd. While we waited for our show to start, we listened to a live band (very talented). The show we saw there (Thunder From Down Under) which was very very yummy) was the Aussie version of the Chippendales & the only real naughtiness we got up to. We sat at the back of the theatre, since none of us were interested in audience participation. Although when one girl from the audience was asked to lie on a blanket on the stage, while a very very yummy performer did a hand-stand and various acrobatics over her.

    On our last day, we went over to New York New York, on our way to MGM Grand. Not much to see at NYNY, since we weren`t into rollercoasters. But we did cross the Brooklyn Bridge & take a look at the Statue of Liberty.
    At MGM Grand, we got to be part of a market research group. Unfortunately, the show we had to watch & score was the Price is Right with Drew Carey (so not one of my favourites). Basically we had to sit & watch the show & use a joystick to rate how we liked various aspects of the show. On the plus side, we got a free Haagen Daas for our efforts.

    The last show we saw, before we left for the airport, was Popovich Pet Theatre at Planet Hollywood. Gregory Popovich started as a juggler/acrobat/clown in the Moscow Circus & now has a show with his pets: dogs, cats, ferrets, mice, doves, geese - you name it, the critter is in the show. My friends kept teasing me, asking how long it would take me to train my cat & dog to do those tricks.

    Since we were in Vegas, we did have to do some gambling. We were supposed to get $30 in credits at the hotel from our vacation package, but since it was so quiet there, we got an extra $20 to play with. Greedy that I was, I suggested we cash out the money to pay for a meal, but my friend insisted on gambling. As it was, we couldn`t get the money out, so we had no choice but to gamble. Big spenders that we are, we played the $0.01 & $0.02 machines, graduating to the $0.05 when we were running out of time. On the plus side, of the $50 we gambled with, we got $40 back, which paid for our transportation to & from the airport.

    So, all in all, we had lots of fun, but was a bit too much for me & I`m paying the price for it. But it was worth every ache & pain. I spent most of yesterday napping on & off, & trying to placate the critters who are both upset with me. The cat still hasn't stopped screaming at me, & the dog wants nothing to do with me (she'd rather be with my parents).

    Hope everyone is having fun.
    Sounds like you had a blast!! Wish I could afford to go ....

    Quote Originally Posted by haunish View Post
    quick question..does anyone know where i can get a free security program for computer..i have norton 360 but it expires in a week and I cant afford to buy another at the moment, especially after tires and for anyhelp
    Unfortunately, I don't. Sorry. - the premiere digital dollar. Earn SwagBucks to redeem for great prizes. are available here! - I have redeemed for $6 into my PayPal account in just under two weeks. You can too with this awesome PTC site!

  11. #18506
    Canadian Genius Love2save's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by haunish View Post
    quick question..does anyone know where i can get a free security program for computer..i have norton 360 but it expires in a week and I cant afford to buy another at the moment, especially after tires and for anyhelp
    AVG anti virus is free, I will find the link
    Last edited by Love2save; Tue, Dec 2nd, 2008 at 12:38 PM. Reason: added link

  12. #18507
    Junior Canuck Jettred's Avatar
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    I have AVG on my computer at home & I really like it.

  13. #18508
    Smart Canuck Shebby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jettred View Post
    I have AVG on my computer at home & I really like it.

    So do I. Click here to Earn free Giftcards!!!

  14. #18509
    Smart Canuck haunish's Avatar
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    Thanks for help ..and the link..very appreciated..

  15. #18510
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    5 mice we caught! OMG aahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ;0

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