Hey, Just got an envie full of stamps that I sent you back in april saying moved, not sure I remember what we were even trading for!
Hi - I just like your name. A friend of mine has a two year old we call Jadiebug Cheers!
Thanks for the advice with the RCSS coupons... I noticed today when I was at the RCSS that the coupons all expire tommorow...that would mean that the board will be all covered with brand new coupons on Saturday??? I watched a video on u tube with a couponer that was using the superstore coupons at walmart. Can we stack at walmart?? or just london drugs...I am not all that good at finding mutilple coupons...for exampe the coupon for the ziplocks for buy two and save 4 dollars says on it limit one coupon per purchase...can I use more than one at a time or are they very specific on that?? I am also not sure how to use the swagbucks..?? What do I do to use these. I do not have a optimum card for shoppers...do I need that to collect the grocery money...I am so excited to have run into another couponer... I am still so new to this and am not sure of all of the tricks...!!! Perhaps one evening we can grab some coffee and you would be able to help me...\thanks Carly
hi jade i went coupon hunting today thanks to your advice didnt find all that much but some. when i am at superstore do they price adjust right at the register?
peek a boo
Senior Canuck
Just Jez
Junior Canuck
Canadian Guru