I never receive the promised trade, and ignore my messages for many months as well.
Still waiting on the 8 stamps from February.....
can u please leave feedback
are u interested or not
Obviously you are not getting my point, sorry if it turns you off of trading. I prefer to look at life with a positive attitude and will just keep on trading. Hope you enjoy the rest of the weekend.
I can understand that everyone's life can get a little hectic but trade was made on July 5th and the postmark on your envelope that I received was July 21st. I mailed mine the same day which you said you were doing that is why I gave you a neutral. Sorry, maybe you think that is wrong but that is the way I felt.
Morning, I was just wondering if you have received my envelope yet? I am still waiting on mine. Mail seems to be slow on this one and I'm hoping it's not lost.
No problem just wanted to make sure you received it that was my only worry lol
Hey I keep meaning to ask u You did receive my coupons for the begining of March never heard back from you I left feedback but didn't hear from you Hope all is well
Hope your weekend is WONDERFILLED!!!
ThX for the rep!
Hope we get our coupons today!!!! Happy Thursday
poke!! hehe happy new year!!
Happy New Year!
Poke Poke Happy New Year!!!!
I poked your penguin and this is where it took me
I never get to sleep in my cat or dog always have me up by 6:00 am I don't know what sleeping in is!!!!
I am looking forward to it I will be off for 2 weeks no school, no job no getting the kids ready for school I am sooo excited I have an exam today and Thursday then I will be able to breath a little better lol.
okay maybe just maybe I exaggerated a little lol lol Hope your day went well
Hey that poke hurt
lol i'll take the dogs, they're easier to clean up after!
It was fun 'meeting' you in the contest today!!! Come to the Tea Room sometimes for chitchat on all sorts of topics!
yep third time in a week! want another child? I will gladly take him back when he out of this stage.
Hi welcome any questions feel free to p'm me
tickled toad
Just Jez