I have been reading that yoga is very good for anxiety stress tension and well pretty much everything, I personally find yoga very hard but I think I...
I hope everything clears up for you, I have never heard of snow in May or it could be I just don't remember lol who would want to remember that lol,...
I just recently discovered on facebook that cities have like 24 hour yard sales and auctions for the specific city, I am in a farly small city maybe...
Thanks for the advice, maybe I should google breathing exercises, Yeah it is hard to not focus on the anxiety for sure especially when I am having an...
I get to get all our last minute packing done YIPPIE lol, Moving on Tuesday so it will be a working long weekend for me :( but come tuesday when the...
Part of your rant should be in the brag section, 94% average is AMAZING! Just wanted to say that :) Congratulations for going back to school, it has...
I am glad you responded, to me any advice helps, and also helps more then you know knowing I am not alone, the worst thing about anxiety is thinking...
I had the same sort of comments made to me and DH when our pup Delila ate a bottle of advil, People said we were crazy spending that much but I would...
I personally am not a big fan of that show, I found it repetitive but after seeing that I might have to check it out, That was funny, if that were me...
$3.00 off Huggies Little Movers slip ons exp oct 21/11
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For Pets:
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