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5 Visitor Messages

  1. Thank you, Mary
  2. View Conversation
    I forgot to tell you Maxi takes a coupon zone + manufacturer coupon. Although some have limits as to how many you can purchase.
  3. View Conversation
    Hi, glad you came back. Rules have changed a bit. You can now price match at some Walmarts in Quebec with flyers from all over Canada(printed, or on a smart phone). You can use 2 coupons at Target 1 manufacturer and one Target coupon(they have booklets at the store or they have Smartsource printable that are target specific). Maxi price matches all competitors and you can use coupons and price match at all these I mentioned. I think those are the major changes.
  4. View Conversation
    You're so kind to even think about it! To do so, click on my nickname and on the ''Bar'' with the about me and wall stuff, go to the extreme right and click feedback. Then complete feedback, then leave a feedback. Thanks a lot!
  5. View Conversation
    Thank you so much for such a wonderful ROAK these coupons will really come in handy
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5
About maryboberry

Basic Information

About maryboberry
Montreal, QC
couponing and movies
Daycare Educator
Trade List:
Baby Products:

$3.00 off Huggies Little Movers slip ons exp oct 21/11
$1.50 off Huggies diapers exp oct 21/11$1.00 off Huggies Wipes exp Oct 21/11
4X $1.00 Cashmere wipes exp oct/2011
$5.00 off Enfamil powder900g or concentrate 12X385 ml exp Dec11/11
$1.00 off any Johnson's Baby or Penaten exp dec11/11
$3.00 off PediaSure complete 4X 235 ml exp May 1/12
$1.00 off Disney vitamins exp april 4/12

For Pets:

$1.50 offPuppy pads Arm and Hammer exp dec11/11
$1.00 off Arm and hammer clumping cat litter exp Dec 11/11
$1.00 off T Bonz dog treats exp Jan 31/12
2X $1.00 off Saular Plus odor control bag 3.5kg,7kg or 12kg no exp???


$1.50 off any 2 Dr.Oetker pizza casa di mama exp dec11/11
$1.50 off any 2 ristorante pizzas exp dec 11/11
$1.00 off Dr. Oetker bakery crust pizza exp dec 11/11
Free Glade Sense and Spray Nov 13/11
$1.00 off 2 catelli healthy harvest exp dec 11/11
$0.75 off giovanni pasta exp dec11/11
$1.00 off Chex honey nut flavor or rice exp nov 27/11
3X $0.50 off Quaker Hearty Medleys 216g exp dec 31/11
2X$1.00 off Astro Zero yogurt 16X100g exp nov 4/11
2X$0.75 off Rice Thins exp dec 31/11
5X$1.00 off All Bran Bars (180g-600g) exp Nov 19/11
$0.75 off Nordica Cottage Cheese (250g, 500g, 750g or 4X 113g exp Feb 28/12
5X $0.50 off Yoplait Tubes8x60g, Yop 6x200ml
5X Source Yoplait Source Yogurt 16x100g or 650g exp feb 29/12
5X $0.50 Source Yoplait exp feb 28/12
5X$0.75 off Rice thins Brown Rice Crisps exp dec 31/11
2X$1.00off Hidden Valley Ranch 473 mlexp dec 31/11
2X $5.00 off Maple Leaf Prime Naturally Portions exp nov 18/11 and nov 13/11
$1.00 off VH Steamers exp dec 31/11
$1.00 Cheez whiz exp dec 6/11
$0.75 Premium plus crackers 450g or 500g exp dec 31/11
4x Kellog's special K Chocolatey Delight Bars various exp dates
2x $0.50 Fibre plus bars exp nov 19/11 and dec 11/11
1x $1.00 Fibre 1 100 Calories Strawberry flavour bars exp nov 13/11
$0.50 Habitant Reg. jam or Light Spread exp nov 18/11
3X $0.50 Maple leaf Top Dogs hot dogs various exp
2X B1G1 VH Free Steamers various exp
4X $1.00 wub2 LU Biscuits exp april 30/12
$1.00 off Kraft Shredded Cheese exp dec11/11
5x $0.50 Diana brown sauce exp march 31/12
5x $1.60 off St Hubert Sugar Pies exp oct 31/11
5X St Hubert Coleslaw exp oct 31/11
4x $0.75 Grissol Baguettes exp may 31/12
3X $1.00 melitta Coffe exp dec 31/11
3X $0.75 Melitta coffee filters exp dec 31/11
4X $0.50 french's dijon mustard exp dec 31/11
3X $ 1.00 off Cavendish Farm Products exp feb 29/12
5X $0.50 wub Nestle Pure Life Petillante 2X1L or 6X500L exp march 31/12
2X$1.00 Post honey Bunches of Oats cereal exp nov 19/11 and dec 11/11
2x$0.75 Bagel-fuls exp oct 25/11 and oct 29/11
2x$0.50 Shkae n' Pour Bisquick exp nov 6/11 and nov 13/11
$0.75 Catelli smart product exp oct 28/11
$0.75 Kellogs All Bran cereal exp nov 19/11
$0.75 Giovanni panzani pasta exp nov 19/11
5X$1.00 highLiner frozen Signature 680g exp may 31/12
$1.00 Danacol yogurt drink exp dec 23/11
$0.75 Smart Kraft macaroni Dinner exp dec 23/11
2X b2 VH sauces and get $1.00 off VH Steamers

$1.00 Gaviscon exp dec 11/11
$3.00 off Lactaid exp dec11/11
$2.00 off any L'Oreal Haircolor exp Nov 13/11
$1.00 off snuggle liquid or sheets fabric softener exp dec11/11
$2.00 off Green Works laundry detergent exp nov 27/11
$3.00 off any 3 Green Works cleaners excl. laundry or dish cleaners exp nov 27/11
$0.75 off Green works dishwashing product exp Nov 27/11
$1.00 off Colgate 360 Manual toothbrush exp nov 27/11
$2.00 off Cetaphil cleanser 250ml exp nov 13/11
2X $2.00 off NOS Energy drink exp nov 13/11
$1.00 Finish Quantum, Powerball, Gelpaks exp dec 31/11
$5.00 off Osteo Flex supplement exp April 15/12
$2.00 off Nature's Bounty vitamin Suplements exp april 15/12
$2.00 off Poise hourglass exp nov 5/11
$1.50 off Poise exp nov 5/11
$0.50 off Senokot exp dec 11/11
Wish List:
Alberto hair products
bear paws
sunlight laundry detergent
any dish soap coupons
toilet paper *not picky
$5.00 Tim Horton's card for 50$ worth of coupons


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Sun, Aug 14th, 2011

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