None to be found in Chatham, ON...would love about 10 of them please! We go thru so much juice! 3x 1.75L this week so far lol :) so could really use...
they do tend to round up.. at my NF this week they've got allens apple juice for $1 for the dollar sale, well for the longest time its been 88c here....
* REALLY LOOKING FOR: anything? Chef Boyardee,Minute Rice cups,
Please be patient I have left this list for WAY to long and have to completely erase and start over.
Might take me a while but here is a start.
Trade List:
Grocery & Produce:
(10) Save .50c off any one bottle of French's Dijon Mustard or Honey Dijon Mustard..ex-Dec 31 2011
(10) Buy 3 select Knorr products and get one FREE..ex-Dec 31 2012
(5) Delverde Pasta Save $1.00 when buying 2 Delverde Packs..ex-Dec 31 2012
(4) Nordica Cottage Cheese save $1.00-02707147-ex Sept 30 2012
(3)Nordica Cottage Cheese save .75c-02707075-ex Feb 28 2012
(4) Nordica Cottage Cheese Save .75c- 02707150-ex Sept 30 2012
(2) Speadables save $1.00-02707163-ex Sept 30 2012
(2) Spreadables save $1.00-02707105-ex May 31 2012
(4) Spreadables save $1.00-02707062-ex Feb 28 2012
(4) Spreadables save .75c-02707176-ex Sept 30 2012
(1) $5 off Gerber Graduates Toddler Drink-ex June 30 2012
(1) Greber Graduates trial/sample
(3) Calcium Liquid Wampole Save $4 Ex Dec 31 2011
(1)Dr Scholl's Skin Tag Remover Save $5 Ex Dec 31 2011
(1)Spray & Wash Resolve-Save $1-Ex Dec 31 2011
(1)Spray &Wash Resolve-Save $2 WUB2-Ex Dec 31 2011
Hair-Body Care:
Smellies,Cleaning Supplies:
Wish List:
LF:Head & Shoulders-,$3-Nexxus,Dove,.75 Bicks,Pizzapockets,Chef boyardee,Campbells soups,Any cereal! Any Baking Stuff ie: Purex $3,Tide Stain Release,any Colgate or Crest toothpaste not .50 3D have enough,Crackers.
1 Stamp for $10 worth of coupons,GC's or Canadian tire $ make me an offer
Don't be shy...Just message me and we will get the ball rolling, If it's what I want I might send more for it! Thanks