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  1. #18406
    AWESOME ONE NSangel's Avatar
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    snake, it's not safe for you and any man since l2s posted a notorious pick. run while u can luv.

    will you be my friend? please?

  2. #18407
    CEDAR CHOICE FARM tammy8701's Avatar
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    thanks for all the new words

  3. #18408
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    Well the sun is just ashining here, bright and cheerful. So deceptive ... bloody cold! lol -16C ... promises of snow, rain, major icy and warmer weather???? what the ... oh well, that's Manitoba weather for ya! and I just realized white sheperds been out for about 1 hr. poor baby ... yikes ............ bye ............................

  4. #18409
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    HUGS tick!

    Any anybody else who wants / needs em!

  5. #18410
    AWESOME ONE NSangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kekes View Post
    Well the sun is just ashining here, bright and cheerful. So deceptive ... bloody cold! lol -16C ... promises of snow, rain, major icy and warmer weather???? what the ... oh well, that's Manitoba weather for ya! and I just realized white sheperds been out for about 1 hr. poor baby ... yikes ............ bye ............................

    it's been raining like nuts here, was supposed to go up to 17C. can u imagine? nope, neither can i. feels freezing out. so i got the opposite weather. it looks miserable out, and it is!

    will you be my friend? please?

  6. #18411
    Smart Canuck babygonnermann's Avatar
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    Thanks for all the new words!! I have a little catching up to do. I have been feeling very funny lately. Can get out of bed some days, and just can`t seem to do it others. Not sure what is going on. Hopefully it passes soon cause it is really annoying. - the premiere digital dollar. Earn SwagBucks to redeem for great prizes. are available here! - I have redeemed for $6 into my PayPal account in just under two weeks. You can too with this awesome PTC site!

  7. #18412
    Boo Radley Conspirator roseofblack25's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rebelinu View Post
    (((hugs))) I'm sorry tick It's so hard to watch a loved one go through that. You'll both be in my thoughts.

    Rose, if they don't agree to give you the proper minimum wage I'd report them to the ministry of labour. That's not right at all... as if the regular minimum wage wasn't low enough as it is.. jeez
    well i must have heard her wrong on the phone its 8.75 an hour plus you get a commission if you sell over a certain $$ amount in a month so thats pretty awesome, plus i love my hours for the week 5-10:15 so yay i get computer time before i have to go to work

    Quote Originally Posted by thetick View Post
    thanks everyone for your prayers, very much appreciated.

    Let us know how you make out rose, glad to read your mom is feeling better and is back home.

    my cat and 2 of my dogs are great hunters for mice and moles. The other 2 dogs will let you know there is something there, but won't catch it. My cat also kills snakes. The dogs will bark at one, but not go near it, then the cat moves in. I never had a cat that did this. We have tons of those garter snakes and he has killed some really large ones. The only bad thing the cat does is that he catches chipmunks and brings them live into the house them lets them go. I have become quite good at catching them and letting them go outside. Not sure if it is the same one he keeps bring in though. little bugger

    (((((bigs huggers for all who needs them))))

    Thanks for all the words.

    Wonder why they just opened the doors and let them rush in? Why didn't they only allow a few in at a time. Or at least only allow a single file in?? I think the store should be held accountable, this tragedy could have been prevented as far as I'm concerned.

    made out ok today didnt do too much mostly filled out stuff and watched videos

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  8. #18413
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    Quote Originally Posted by NSangel View Post
    snake, it's not safe for you and any man since l2s posted a notorious pick. run while u can luv.
    yea i been meaning to ask her where she found my picture.

  9. #18414
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    OMG P&P is NUTS! they replied to my last email about the FP contest not working with "What's wrong with it?" I felt like saying "Read the LAST 3 email you f@&^%#@%^#s! so i sent them a step by step bug report like i do at work

  10. #18415
    I'm your Huckleberry. lolcat's Avatar
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    Ok, wiki is updated, I do not see any new contest words yet, but they haven't even finished the "Winter Contest" page yet, so that will probably be a day or so before we get those..

    NS, when are we going to get to see a photo of this window!! I wanna seeeeeeeee!!!

    I'm off to write Christmas cards and feed the munchkins some lunch.
    Just got done helping Winter write her letter to Santa too! She's so excited!

    HUGS all.
    Lurv ya.

  11. #18416
    Smart Canuck haunish's Avatar
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    ugh..just got home from walmart..never wanted to punch themanager in line with my purchases and about 40 coupons ..wasnt busy..teller was ticked with me, tried to say if I didnt have the coupon with the item i couldnt use it qwhich i said when it come sup I will hand you the coupon.
    then had a bunch of the toblerone, nope no $1 off only 97 cents, cant use a coupon for something thats less the coupons states, so calls manager, who wasnt going to let me use them at all, so she monitored all my coupons and tried to fight me on all the ones over the price and using more then one..ughh..i gave up and left...piss me off

  12. #18417
    CaLoonie lol am loony stardreamer7880's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NSangel View Post
    a 15 pt word? that's weird. some of nov words are still working, so if your not caught up (like me) get busy!

    walmart should charge the people that did this. they should be so ashamed of themselves and be held accountable. i hope the families don't hold walmart responsible. they just put on the sale, it's up to each individual to act responsibly.

    that is one reason why i will NOT shop during crowds. people become such ignorant jacka$$e$ and don't care about anyone. lots of xmas spirit there! i wonder if these ppl still got their purchases while ambulances are showing up etc etc etc. I don't know how walmart handled it, but i would have immediately closed the store down, and thrown everyone out, and kept it closed for a full day out of respect.

    o great. i'm starting my week of in a pissy mood. THANKS INGORANT XMAS SHOPPERS. thanks for spreading the true meaning of xmas

    and i was gonna decorate the window today.
    Actually people were rushing around snatching up things from one article I read and totally unconcerned about what had happened. They became irate when asked to leave the store that it was closing due to this. In one article a woman was heard asking what the pregnant woman was doing putting her unborn baby in danger like that to begin with while laughing with a friend said it was irresponsible parenting. Guess some shoppers left worried about their safety before the doors even opened. This is just one of the articles its the 2nd story down One article the writer wondered how these people would feel giving these gifts on Christmas Day if saying 70% was worth a life am betting they are blaming walmart in some way for it and not themselves.
    This just really upset me a lot more then the stampeding their attitude about what had happened more then anything bothers me. People need to relearn what it is that Christmas is supposed to be about and not the greed it has turned into.

  13. #18418
    One of a kind! Harley Grandma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by amycrows View Post
    As for the Walmart incident they are not charging anyone because it was in the masses and they would not know who to charge as the people who fell on him were pushed by the ones behind them like a stampede. I do however think this is a call for the gov't officials or police to make retailers stop this crazy black Friday. People are racing in for those 5 items in the store they put super cheap and that is just insane. Make it online only or something to avoid this. There was also a pregnant woman out there injured and I just wonder what it will take for this to be stopped.
    The worst part I heard about the Walmart thing was an interview where this woman said as they announced on the PA system that an employee has been killed by a stampede everyone must leave, people started fighting authorities saying I have been in line all night and day. Gimme a friggin break the life of this man worth less than that $5 DVD player in your hand?
    Well did you guys hear about the incident here in California?
    Two people are dead in a Black Friday shooting at a crowded Toys "R" Us in Palm Desert, Calif.
    One woman says she was in the store looking at coloring books with her two young boys when there was a commotion in the next aisle. She thought it was a scramble for a sale, then heard gunshots. She says her four-year-old grabbed her leg and said he didn't want to die.

    Here is the FULL STORY!

    Quote Originally Posted by haunish View Post
    ugh..just got home from walmart..never wanted to punch themanager in line with my purchases and about 40 coupons ..wasnt busy..teller was ticked with me, tried to say if I didnt have the coupon with the item i couldnt use it qwhich i said when it come sup I will hand you the coupon.
    then had a bunch of the toblerone, nope no $1 off only 97 cents, cant use a coupon for something thats less the coupons states, so calls manager, who wasnt going to let me use them at all, so she monitored all my coupons and tried to fight me on all the ones over the price and using more then one..ughh..i gave up and left...piss me off

    Well talking about being PISSED OFF!!!
    I had to go do some errands. I am driving down the street behind my house (not even been in truck 1 min) at 10:30 AM to find 3 boys (I use the term LOOSELY) pre teen to teens WHO SHOULD HAVE BEEN IN SCHOOL. 1 of them runs in front of me hitting & kicking the CRAP out of something I stop to find out it is a 6-8 week old KITTEN. I spin that V-8 truck around stopped got out. Stopped traffic, told the boys they had 2 seconds to get the out of here before I did something I should not do.. Then the bully that was kicking asked if it was my cat because it bite him. I said you'll lucky thats all it did not get the out of here before I start kicking & hitting. Then the little SOB said I hope it bites you. The kitty came right to me and is safe in my home curled up with my cats right now. ALL I can say is what SAVED their A$$ is their AGE!

  14. #18419
    Meeee-ow! =^ö^= thetick's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stardreamer7880 View Post
    Actually people were rushing around snatching up things from one article I read and totally unconcerned about what had happened. They became irate when asked to leave the store that it was closing due to this. In one article a woman was heard asking what the pregnant woman was doing putting her unborn baby in danger like that to begin with while laughing with a friend said it was irresponsible parenting.
    this is so outrageous, I would have smacked that woman. I am so glad I live in a very tiny community.

    Thanks for the words!

  15. #18420
    Boo Radley Conspirator roseofblack25's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Harley Grandma View Post
    Well talking about being PISSED OFF!!!
    I had to go do some errands. I am driving down the street behind my house (not even been in truck 1 min) at 10:30 AM to find 3 boys (I use the term LOOSELY) pre teen to teens WHO SHOULD HAVE BEEN IN SCHOOL. 1 of them runs in front of me hitting & kicking the CRAP out of something I stop to find out it is a 6-8 week old KITTEN. I spin that V-8 truck around stopped got out. Stopped traffic, told the boys they had 2 seconds to get the out of here before I did something I should not do.. Then the bully that was kicking asked if it was my cat because it bite him. I said you'll lucky thats all it did not get the out of here before I start kicking & hitting. Then the little SOB said I hope it bites you. The kitty came right to me and is safe in my home curled up with my cats right now. ALL I can say is what SAVED their A$$ is their AGE!

    awwww poor kitty at least its safe with you now though...they are lucky it wasnt legal to kick their a$$es I sure would have if they were legal

    Quote Originally Posted by thetick View Post
    this is so outrageous, I would have smacked that woman. I am so glad I live in a very tiny community.

    Thanks for the words!
    tiny unless its tourist season...

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