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  1. #27541
    Cat Trainer (Trainee??) Andit's Avatar
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    Thanks for all the words! How do you all manage to find all the words.

    Went to my parents yesterday, back home for a night or 2, then back there for Sun, Mon. May or may not be around, too many things going on (fun stuff this weekend). Came home & found a note saying I wasn`t here to get the PnP prize I ordered. Think someone in their shipping dept messed up & sent stuff out by UPS instead of regular mail. Grrr.

    Went to the All About Pets show today with a friend. Saw a cat show, all kinds of dog demos. Fell in love with a doberman puppy who had eyes only for his owner - sigh, my dog is a whore for attention from everyone but me.

    Watched Harper`s Island. Still not sure whether I like it or not. I think it`s cause I can remember when the older actors were young & hot. Soo hot. Sigh, I feel old.

    And then the talk about how long it`s been since school - technically I took a course 3 years ago, does that count? If we`re talking since high school, ugh, it`s over 2 decades. I really am old.

    Congrats Newsnake. Sorry I wasn't around to wish ya luck.

    Rebel - love the kitty pictures. They`re so much fun at that age...if you can keep up!

    Haun - good luck with the tiling. Is this the end of the renos or is there more?

    Jett - hope you have good weather for grilling. When`s dinner?

    Ricki - sending positive thoughts that you passed your exam.

    Tick - since when can a person be too slutty? Oh, you mean for PS. Nevermind.

    Kekes - try not to get wet!! Computers don`t work too well under water. As for things to sip, I`ve found Kahlua over ice to be relaxing.

    RTLady - we had fish too. but not Tilapia. For us it was Alaskan Char for dinner. Do mussels count? We had that for lunch & potato pancakes for breakfast (love being at my folks, except I eat too much!).

    Firefly - cute bunny!

    Amy - I`ve been enjoying the weather - although I know that being in Ontario, I can`t put the boots away yet.

    Rose - guess we all have to spread it around. Rep, that is.

    Aph - love your version of the Easter bunny. Almost as twisted as my doggy`s.

    NS - any luck getting info on the home schooling? Hope things are going better.

    If I missed someone, send me a nasty note & I`ll remember to say something nice another day. Unless my brain forgets again.

    Hope everyone has a good night & a happy Easter weekend.

    For a smile, see our vids:

  2. #27542
    Ca Goblin rebelinu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NSangel View Post

    they didn't dump homeschooling on me.

    I pulled him out of school because ryan's been acting up behaviorally and their IPP (individual program plan) I believe is not helping and maybe even alloweing the behavior to occur.

    I'm currently taking a parenting program and their way of handling this behavior (provoking others) is dealt with much differently than the schools way.

    i saw an increase in this behavior, both at school and now at home and other situations, that i felt i had to remove him to get him back on track because i'm worried about him provoking kids in jr high and getting ganged up on and the beaten out of him.

    the school had called the behavioral specialist to come in and observe ryan the end of the month but refused to change the ipp saying it's working. i disagreed.

    they emailed me that they miss ryan and want him back in school. this school is AMAZING don't get me wrong. we just completely disagree on how to handle this. they have sent the homework home for him to do.

    now they have called today and are setting up a meeting, and dh says that they are supposed to be changing the program some.

    but in the fall, i do NOT want him to go to jr high. i can see lots of problem swith that, and feel he'd be better off homeschooled at home til i can get his behaviour undercontrol and he matrues, so that he can do highschool (or maybe some jr high)

    but there is supposed to be alot of support out there and there just ISN'T.

    and to everyone i'm ignoring..ahem 40 notifications that i see right now..

    i've been at the emerg for 11 hours. i have slept 1 hour, and have been in abdominal pain since 8am thurs. (bowel issues) nothing serious, but all related to that damn sickness i had last friday. but i am still in major pain, and i need sleep.

    just wanted to clear that up.

    rebel, i had a cat named trouble. should keep the name, it fits, and she? is so damn cute.

    Good luck with Ryan. You seem to have so much on your plate.. i seriously dont know how you do it. You must be superwoman or something.

    Yes my moms totally in love with that little bugger. She called me up today to tell me that she's had to toss out 5 of her potted plants though.. kitten completely tore them apart. LOL

    Hope you feel better soon!

    Quote Originally Posted by roseofblack25 View Post
    LOL ricki seriously??? thats when i would let on that it was impossible for me to be pregnant haha seriously 4 years rofl
    they did that though when i was about 16 i had bad bad pains (was lactose intolerant) was in there soo many times and every time they would ask if it was possible i could be pregnant and everytime i told them it was impossible they looked at me like i was lying to them LOL uh ya ok like im going to lie to the doc when i want a solution to the problem seriously i wonder how some of them got their degrees
    That reminds me of the time i was at the hospital when i was 12 with stomach issues. The nurse asked me if i could be pregnant! WTF? I was SO offended! I guess they have to ask since it happens but still.

    Quote Originally Posted by newsnakeowner1978 View Post
    tks Shebby. i hope so. lol been outta school for 10 yrs and now planning on goin bk.
    I know the feeling Snake. Im looking at going back to school myself. Its scary as hell.. i may end up going to a smaller private school rather than the big college for that reason. Still not sure. Good luck with everything

  3. #27543
    Smart Canuck haunish's Avatar
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    Uhgg, we ran out of tile we bought more then enough and somehow we ran out..I think the person who sold us messed up..oh well just need a couple more..

    Andit there is sooo much renovating to do its sad..need a fence, siding, garage, kitchen and basement yet, and flooring though the rest of main floor...I hate this part. cant wait till done

  4. #27544
    I'm your Huckleberry. lolcat's Avatar
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    I went downstairs to get a load of towels out of the dryer, so that I could have some for the kids baths... came upstairs to find BOTH girls covered head to toe in baby powder. The whole bathroom was covered in a fine coating of it as well. I didn't know what to do at all, I can barely bend over now. Took me about 2 hours to clean everyone/everything up. Now I can "LOL" at it, but at the time I was so mad! LOL

    Hugs all, off to bed I'm exhausted.

  5. #27545
    Ca Goblin rebelinu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lolcat View Post
    I went downstairs to get a load of towels out of the dryer, so that I could have some for the kids baths... came upstairs to find BOTH girls covered head to toe in baby powder. The whole bathroom was covered in a fine coating of it as well. I didn't know what to do at all, I can barely bend over now. Took me about 2 hours to clean everyone/everything up. Now I can "LOL" at it, but at the time I was so mad! LOL

    Hugs all, off to bed I'm exhausted.

    LOL you poor thing! This is when you should call the hubby to come in and clean up the mess.

  6. #27546
    CaLoonie lol am loony stardreamer7880's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andit View Post
    If I missed someone, send me a nasty note & I`ll remember to say something nice another day. Unless my brain forgets again.

    Hope everyone has a good night & a happy Easter weekend.
    lol if your gonna say something nice you missed me well not that I think there was anything to respond to particularly but yeah you missed me...well as long as you are gonna say something nice that is, if not then no you didn't miss me !!!

    woohoo NO more crutches! The dr was so pleased with how much smaller my wound is. The sadist did want to stick a needle in there numb it and clean it up better, the edges still have a bunch of gunk on them but it is better several places no longer have it on them so the stronger medicine is working. lol talked him outta picking on me since it is Good Friday after all! Even better I don't have to go back for 2 weeks but not sure I may have to go next week. Dh's coworker threw a clot and had a stroke. He's still in MICU been there a couple days and can finally understand what people are saying to him but unable to talk yet. Anyway he was going to go to a school the company is sending him and one other guy to but since he can't go it looks like dh is going in his place since everything is already paid for. It's in S. Carolina and he'll be gone for a week if he does go so far they haven't said for sure. If so he's taking me to Houston to stay with the kids while he's gone so I won't be here in two weeks probably. If thats the case I'll have to go in next week probably. Will be good to see the kids and will probably spend 2 weeks if I'm going but geez No computer. I can take my laptop but last time I was there I didn't find a wireless connection to use evidently these neighbors are much more security conscientious then the neighbors they had before lol found lots of connections there.
    Thanks for the words everyone and incase I miss anyone before we leave Sunday morning hope you all have a wonderful Easter weekend.

  7. #27547
    CaLoonie lol am loony stardreamer7880's Avatar
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    Rebel has your mom checked to make sure none of the plants she has are poisonous. With animals and children its good to get a list and am sure there is one online at poison control website of which plants are harmful to pets. Sheeesh didn't hardly sleep last night my head has been hurting so bad and everytime I write something I have to go back over it cuz I'm finding that the things I'm writing aren't making sense. I dozed all day after getting home from the dr but guess between missing good sleep last night and the headache its rattling my brain. So wish this headache would take a powder, it got better for a couple days but started building up again until its a rip roaring monster!

  8. #27548
    Ca Goblin rebelinu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stardreamer7880 View Post
    Rebel has your mom checked to make sure none of the plants she has are poisonous. With animals and children its good to get a list and am sure there is one online at poison control website of which plants are harmful to pets. Sheeesh didn't hardly sleep last night my head has been hurting so bad and everytime I write something I have to go back over it cuz I'm finding that the things I'm writing aren't making sense. I dozed all day after getting home from the dr but guess between missing good sleep last night and the headache its rattling my brain. So wish this headache would take a powder, it got better for a couple days but started building up again until its a rip roaring monster!
    I'm sure she has (she's really careful about stuff like that) but just in case I'll try to find a list of poisonous ones to send her. Actually years ago my ex's cat had eaten some of a poisonous plant and had to be rushed to the vet when she started having a seizure. After that she was never the same and continued to have them. Ugh.. the day my ex and i moved in together (and we introduced my cats to his), she became stressed, had a seizure and then died . Sorry for the awful story... it just reminded me of it.

  9. #27549
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    Quote Originally Posted by haunish View Post
    Andit there is sooo much renovating to do its sad..need a fence, siding, garage, kitchen and basement yet, and flooring though the rest of main floor...I hate this part. cant wait till done

    ROFL are you sure we're not sharing the same house??? only tack on a barn, workshop and house roofs! lol

  10. #27550
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    Quote Originally Posted by haunish View Post
    Congrats newsnake!!!

    Ok, why don't I see baby delivery in there ???? ROFL

  11. #27551
    First Aid Officer Ricki911's Avatar
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    Morning, (Night for me).

    Just got off work and dont have to go back till next Friday

    My proff finally emailed me back and I passed

    I came home from this morning to find all my samples and deals had been raided. My older brother (whos in major debt and spends his money like crazy) took a crap load of stuff. Ive started to stock up for next yr. Im asking my dad to put a lock on my bedroom door. Not my problem that hes in debt and cant manage money. Err just makes me mad. (He so not getting a xmas or bday present from me).

    Anyways heading to bed for the day.

  12. #27552
    Smart Canuck amycrows's Avatar
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    Congrats Ricki on the pass, way to go! And yes you need to lock up your freebies, I would hate someone raiding it like that

  13. #27553
    AWESOME ONE NSangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lolcat View Post
    I went downstairs to get a load of towels out of the dryer, so that I could have some for the kids baths... came upstairs to find BOTH girls covered head to toe in baby powder. The whole bathroom was covered in a fine coating of it as well. I didn't know what to do at all, I can barely bend over now. Took me about 2 hours to clean everyone/everything up. Now I can "LOL" at it, but at the time I was so mad! LOL

    Hugs all, off to bed I'm exhausted.
    i can picture that, because my friend, who has two, around 4 and 18 months, got into her large (rubbermade tote size) container of flour...she sent me the was hilarious

    will you be my friend? please?

  14. #27554
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    Quote Originally Posted by flip View Post

    congrats newsnake

    Quote Originally Posted by rebelinu View Post
    I know the feeling Snake. Im looking at going back to school myself. Its scary as hell.. i may end up going to a smaller private school rather than the big college for that reason. Still not sure. Good luck with everything
    Tks. i am lookin forward to it but nervous to. lol good luck with yer course.

    Quote Originally Posted by kekes View Post
    Ok, why don't I see baby delivery in there ???? ROFL

    Quote Originally Posted by haunish View Post
    nite snake..wish I could relax, but dh decided now is a good time to tile bathroom

    always a good time to start.

  15. #27555
    Meeee-ow! =^ö^= thetick's Avatar
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    LOLCAT ((((((((((hugs))))))))))

    (((star)))))) feel better soon, have fun in Houston

    Congratulations Ricki!!

    can't remember all the posts I wanted to answer so (((((hugs)))))) to everyone.

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