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Thread: Club Q Q107-Loyalty Club (Southern ON Only)

  1. #34696
    CrazyGilligan psells's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Summer365 View Post
    Personally I'll take a Ship's Cabin or Hotel Room over a Campsite any day. Camping is just not my cup of tea.
    I like roughing it (recycled photos from a previous post):

  2. #34697
    Pull Together Argo53's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by psells View Post
    I like roughing it (recycled photos from a previous post):
    Ah, a man after my own heart!

  3. #34698
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    Quote Originally Posted by tad01 View Post
    Thanks for the overnight codes wizeguy!

    Your welcome Tad. It's my pleasure to contribute to a board that gives me so many chuckles throughout the day.

    You.....Us guys and girls are the best

  4. #34699
    Cat Trainer (Trainee??) Andit's Avatar
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    I'm a wimp when it comes to camping. My idea of a fun time requires indoor plumbing.

    I've only been camping once. My folks sent me to summer camp when I was 12. The buildings were fine, but I was not impressed that I had to go to another building for any sort of plumbing (water fountain or ladies room). They decided it would be a good idea to take us out for an overnight adventure. We had to trek there by canoe, which sounds wonderful, unless you can't swim & have no clue how to steer a canoe (don't ask me how I ended up with that job). We finally arrived in one piece onto terra firma (yippee!) & the counsellors had set up the camp. Since they were the first ones there, they set up their sleeping bags around the bon fire (tents are for sissy folks, ya know). I had to sleep far far away from the fire. It had been a hot July day, turned freezing cold night. The counsellors sang House of the Rising Sun over & over & over, til about 2 in the morning. I finally fell asleep, only to be awakened by a frog jumping on my leg. Needless to say, I didn't sleep after that.

    That was my first & last camping trip. I refuse to go anywhere that doesn't have room service & indoor plumbing.

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  5. #34700
    Still keeping the faith SillyLoocie's Avatar
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    I am in repping jail but.........

    Many of you have given me rep so very many times,
    & as you may have gathered, I like to rep you in these rhymes,
    I would rep you on a saturday night
    & rep you as you dance by the brilliant moonlight,
    I can rep you this way & also that,
    & rep you as you step up to bat,
    I could also rep you from a tippy canoe,
    & rep if your undies are powder blue,
    I’ll rep you for baking a delicious meal
    & rep you cause reppin’ is simply ideal,
    Remember that rep is something earned,
    Cause what you give out is always returned,
    So thanks to all who have repped me so sweetly,
    This rep is for you & I give it completely!

  6. #34701
    Cat Trainer (Trainee??) Andit's Avatar
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    Recaps might be a bit late tonight. I'm going out to dinner to celebrate my friend's b-day tonight. The restaurant's a smidge pricy, but the food is to die for - Copacabana Brazilian steakhouse at Yonge & Eglinton. I was there last summer, we were there for over 3 hrs, trying a little bit of this & a little bit of that. Yummy! Can't wait!

    For a smile, see our vids:

  7. #34702
    SweetCheeks myopic_mouse's Avatar
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    Ah, Chili, another one of those wonderful foods that would need baby wipes

    Thanks to all who posted the overnight words. I haven't been able to race this week, but, watch out for next week!!

    If I don't have a chance to get on here again, I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend, and don't do anything that I wouldn't do.......... wait a minute, what am I talking about? I'm a single mom of a 3 year old, I don't do anything!!!

  8. #34703
    80s Sitcom Trivia Guru truenorthstrongnfree's Avatar
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    Back in high school, I worked for Parks & Rec. After my senior year, I worked in their day camp program, which involved an overnight at Heart Lake up here in Brampton. The overnights were ALWAYS fun, and filled with practical jokes galore. I never got pranked myself, but I was involved in a couple of classics:

    One of our co-workers was affraid of snakes, so we hauled out the garden hose while she was sleeping, draped it over her, then started gently pulling on it. I've never seen anyone scream that loud, jump that high or run that fast out of a dead sleep in my life.

    There was a group of hikers who would finish their weeklong hike at the camp. One night, as they were sleeping, we positioned floodlights just outside the opening to one of the counsellors' tent, and shouted "CAR!!!!" The end result was practically the same as the snake above.

    Yet another night, someone discovered that throwing processed cheese slices like frisbees made a sound similar to bats flapping above. He managed to clear the people gathered around the campfire, but when we woke up the following morning, there was a pound of cheese on the other side of the camp.
    What do the Toronto Maple Leafs and the Titanic have in common?

    They both look good until they hit the ice.

  9. #34704
    Evelyn ecat444's Avatar
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    Actually one of the worst things about camping is when you have to go in the middle of the night and its pouring rain!

    That would have been pretty gross Driver, a tent is no place to throw up!

    "These Aren't Pillows" I have seen that movie, Trains, Planes and Automobiles with J. Candy and S. Martin a few times, pretty funny!

  10. #34705
    Smart Canuck tad01's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by driver_91 View Post
    Looks like camping may be the topic of the day! I love camping.
    My favourite camping story is from one of the first times we went.
    In a tent in Kirkland lake. Bear trap in the site next door 'cos they'd been having trouble with one particular bear.
    My eldest was 3-ish second son only six months. 3 yr old was worried sick about the bear, claimed he'd seen it. (He hadn't, 'cos he wasn't out of our sight all day.) So. 3:30 in the a.m. he wakes from a nightmare about to be sick! overtired parents only half awake,scramble to open the tent n get outside. Wife grabs the bottom of two zippers and rips upward to open. not realizing she was closing it at the same time as she was opening! gets the zipper to the top and shoves the kids head out, she thought, actually he smooshes into the still closed door, and pukes like Linda Blair in The Exorcist. Coating just about everything in the tent.
    So now we all have to go out in the dark. After a few minutes we realized it wasn't dark. Looked up and the whole sky was filled with Aurora. WOW! It was so bright you could have walked in the woods without a light.
    First time I'd seen it. Amazing. And we'd have missed it if not for My son being scared sick.
    What a great story!

    Two summers ago, I decided to take the kids to Rondeau Provincial Park for two weeks.

    Day 1: First time ever taking out my new RV. Blow a tire on the 401 halfway there.

    Day 2: My daughter burns her arm on the bbq.

    Day 3: We were all riding our bicycles to the Visitor Center (amout a 6km ride each way). My son cuts me off. I ride right into his bike, go over the handles and land on my head (first time I had ever worn a bike helmut). Get a concussion.

    Day 4: We decide to go fishing. I am casting off the pier. My son beside me with his rod in hand. My daughter decides to fish from the other side of the pier. After awhile, my daughter starts to yell "Dad, dad! Come here!!!). I go running across the pier, only to see my daughter with her fishing rod held high in the air. Reeling in. Only when I get beside her do I see what she has on the end of the line..... a seagull! Darn thing came out of nowhere and stole my daughter's bait and got caught! It was horrifyingly transfixing. lol. I thought for sure that she wouldn't fish again after that. Later in the day we did go back fishing and she caught the largest fish of the whole trip. She caught a 14" catfish.

    But wait. There's STILL more! lol. Soooo, at twilight my kids ask to go fishing again. So, down to the long pier we go again. This time, my daughter and I are at one end of the pier and my son sidled over to the other side. I'm fishing away. Some folks are just going for an evening stroll, walking along the pier and looking at the stars. Next thing I hear is a huge splash. Then the couple walking along the pier says "Hey. There's a young boy in the water!" I come running over and can already see that my 6 year old son is no longer on the pier. (Now my son has had swimming lessons for a couple years and can swim better than I can. I've always been a sinker.) I look over the pier and there he is in the water with a sheer look of terror on his face. He is still holding the fishing rod. The couple are just staring at him with interest. I tell him to swim to the ladder (about 5 feet away). He just looks up at me with the terror in his eyes and says he can't. So, I can't swim. I have no idea how deep the water is. But heck, that's my son in there! So I jump right in beside him, holding as big a breath as I can. Only to land in nipple-high water. I walk him over to the ladder and we get out. He was scared for awhile, but he did start chuckling about it as we made the long walk back to the campsite in our drenched clothes.

    Day 5: An accident free day! Spent the day at the pier, swimming and fishing. I caught 28 fish!

    Day 6: Another awesome day of fishing and swimming. Amazing weather. Got a little sunburn, but hey, this is what camping is all about! This trip just might turn out great anyway!

    Day 7: Hmmm, maybe I spoke too soon. Day started off great. Bright and sunny day. We decide to go for another bike ride to the visitor center (we tried to do this every two days, a great scenic ride and fantastic exercise). We watched them feed some mice to a snake and a turtle. Pretty cool.

    In the afternoon the weather turns. A huge thunderstorm passes through. It didn't last too long, so the kids ask to go fishing. So back to the pier. I'm casting away and everyone else on the dock are talking about the storm and pointing at the bank of clouds behind me saying 'oooh, that looks like another storm coming'. I reply that that storm behind me doesn't really concern me too much. When they asked me why, I replied 'well, I'm a little more concerned about that tornado behind you'. Yep. A tornado! Pretty awesome to see it form and dissapate twice. It looked to be about 5km away so I wasn't too concerned. They did verify it on the radio news the next day.

    Day 8: Another gorgeous day.

    Day 9: Kids took part in a fishing derby. Had a great time.

    Day 10: Beautiful morning, so we decided to take another bike ride to the visitor center to watch feeding time again. About half way back, the clouds come in and it starts pouring. Nowhere to stop, we paddle on. Return back to the camp completely drenched again.

    After the rain, fishing again. My 6 year old catches himself an 8" large mouth bass. Biggest fish he has ever caught and he is thrilled.

    Day 11: Bike ride to the visitor center to watch the Blandings Turtle eat a mouse. Another great day.

    Day 12: Hmmm. We might actually survive this trip! Yay!
    Decided to take out the rubber boat that I bought. One of those huge inflatable things. My daughter talks me into paddling it all the way across the bay. Long, long go but we made it. Hmmm, shoulders seem a little stiff now tho. Not used to that rowing motion. And of course, paddling back is against the wind. A great big wind. Dang! Three rows forward, slide back two. Took ages to get back!

    Day 13: Yikes! My shoulders are killing me! Gorgeous day tho, so we went for a nice bike ride through one of the trails.

    Day 14: Decided on another ride to the visitor center. My kids wanted a picture under the road sign "Brake for Snakes". After I took the picture, my son asks to take a picture of my daughter and I under the sign. He aims the camera, goes to push the button, and drops the camera on the road. Dang. Lens is busted. No more pictures.

    Continue our bike ride and go along the Marsh Trail. First time ever that I see bald eagles flying overhead. And my camera is broke.

    After a nice day we return to the camp and set up a fire. Throw out my back while chopping wood (upside was that I forgot about my sore shoulders!).

    Day 15: We're all alive! Our last day! After packing up the tents and all the gear, the kids ask to go for one last swim before the long drive home. I drive to the pier and we all go for a quick dip. I tell the kids that the bank of clouds coming in will only give them about 5 minutes more. About 3 minutes later I tell them that the storm is just on the other side of the bay and will be here in one minute (huge thunderstorm across the bay and we are in sunshine). Kids get out of the water after a couple more dives. I tell them it will be here in 30 seconds. 20 seconds later, they come out of the water and we race along the pier to get to the RV before it hits. The first of the drops hit our back as we reach the RV. I run inside... my daughter runs inside... my son come charging up as fast as a 6 year old's little legs will carry him. He jumps into the RV and slams the door...right on his finger! It starts swelling faster than his eyes are swelling with the tears.

    Well, you just KNOW the vacation HAD to end with at least one more accident! lol

    The next year I took the kids to Mexico.

  11. #34706
    CaLoonie driver_91's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SillyLoocie View Post
    I am in repping jail but.........

    Many of you have given me rep so very many times,
    & as you may have gathered, I like to rep you in these rhymes,
    I would rep you on a saturday night
    & rep you as you dance by the brilliant moonlight,
    I can rep you this way & also that,
    & rep you as you step up to bat,
    I could also rep you from a tippy canoe,
    & rep if your undies are powder blue,
    I’ll rep you for baking a delicious meal
    & rep you cause reppin’ is simply ideal,
    Remember that rep is something earned,
    Cause what you give out is always returned,
    So thanks to all who have repped me so sweetly,
    This rep is for you & I give it completely!

    Wonderful rep SeussieLoocie
    I like it every way I can
    I'd like it in a big tin can
    I like it on the forum here
    And to you I raise a nice cold beer!

  12. #34707
    Canadian Genius kenrod's Avatar
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    Good afternoon fellow Canucks!

    Just wanted to express my appreciation for the words, trivia and reps. Unfortunately, I repped myself back into the penalty box, but I did get a bunch of you. I'll get the rest of you later on.

    Yeah, I'm not much into camping. I used to go more often when I was younger. I have even gone winter camping at Silent Lake Provincial Park between Peterborough & Bancroft) several years ago. It wasn't as rough as it sounds, the yert (a round Mongolian tent) had a woodstove in it.

    These days, my idea of roughing it is going to a Motel instead of a Hotel. I think my wife got me into that kind of thinking. She has minimum standards on the hotels she will stay in. A Holiday Inn is about the minimum we are "allowed" to stay in, but an Intercontinental or Hyatt Regency is about the standard.

    Fortunately there are web sites like Hotwire or Priceline where we can afford those 5 star hotels at a 3 star price.

    Oh well, lunchtime is almost over. I have to step outside for some "dessert" before I have to get back to work. Race you all later for the 4:15 word!
    Last edited by kenrod; Fri, Feb 5th, 2010 at 08:40 PM.

  13. #34708
    Frosh Canuck gtown gal's Avatar
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    Good Day All.....thanks to all for the codes & reps. Sorry I have not been able to contribute lately however I do really appreciate all of you! I'm off for a week vacation be back next Sunday, hope you all have a great week.

  14. #34709
    Evelyn ecat444's Avatar
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    That sounds like quite the camping trip Tad01!

    I think the worst parts are your son slamming the car door on his finger, ouch!!! I've imagined the pain from that and hope and pray it will never happen to me. Throwing the back out must have been awful too, you need your back for a lot of things. Geez.

  15. #34710
    Smart Canuck Wallie's Avatar
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    Enjoy your weekend everyone , I am out of here

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