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Thread: "Fall" into September Savings

  1. #661
    Must Coupon, Must Save :) SassyAshley's Avatar
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    Update on my Advil purchase, I just went to put it away and pulled all the SpinUWin stickers to see they are expired. I have now sent an email saying how disappointed I am in the fact I never saw any of these packages until the promotion was over and that the expiry date is on the back of the sticker and you do not know it is expired until the product is purchased (Unless they want us to rip their boxes in the store to check). As well not so sure I would have been inclined to purchased 3 boxes if I knew SpinUWin was not valid because in all honesty I was hoping to get the coupons for later purchases as lets face it Advil is no longer cheap and in a house where we go through a lot of any savings help a lot.
    2022 is going to be my year, the year I find organization in my life and the year I focus on myself,
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  2. #662
    Canadian Genius LuvToUseCoupons's Avatar
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    Hi All,
    Good morning.
    Trying to do a light shop today, as last weekend was a heavy shop.
    Want to get a few things from Walmart.....if there's any left, and want to pick up some of the fries and onions rings too. Away from that, I just need bread, fruits and juice. That should be good until Friday.
    FBM thanks for the price on the Tylenol at Walmart, I shall pick some up when I go out. Then I'll be all set in case any flu/colds/fever etc. comes this way.
    Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend, and to those that are under the weather, take care of yourself.
    Andit, Crochetlady, Ciel and 2 others like this.

  3. #663
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    Just got back from the beach. Took the boys out before it rained so they could explore/ skip stones. We had to make a run for it because it started to pour but at least they got out for a bit. House is nice and clean. Made sure to clean up before we left. Have laundry going. Ds and his friend are cuddled under a blanket on the couch watching a movie. Took out chicken breast from the freezer. We are making chicken tetrizini for dinner . Mine and Youngests new fav. His friend will be here too and said he would like that. If not taco leftover it is (which will be what my oldest will be eating since he does not like pasta). Will grab a large bottle of wine from wine rack and put in the fridge. Deserved I think after last night lol. Will go to grandmas house this afternoon for a visit and help put crib together for niece. Nice for my sister when up visiting with baby. ( she is up today for a few days) so I get to snuggle baby

  4. #664
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    Had another pick up today $3 for toddler winter boots. I'm on a role. $5 last night for 3 too small shirts of ds

  5. #665
    One Awesome Domestic Diva MrsSunshine's Avatar
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    great day so far. dh/ds are gone to see E.T.
    im cleaning, painting patches here and there and doing laundry.
    beautiful day the windows are open. not sure how much longer we'll be able to do that..
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  6. #666
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    Ashley you got some great deals there-have a great day in memory of your nana
    -jasper will take you up on that offer -but I have no coupons for the tylenol-may buy buckles cough candy

    well was up at 5.00 this morning nose congested-went back to sleep and daughter called at 8.30 nd woke me "I thought you got up early"yes but I am sick "still"was he comment
    -well i made some homemade chicken soup at 10.00-ate it at 1200-put 2 cloves of garlic in for flavour carrots ,onions-so good I was -I am gonna knock this outta me
    -my dentist called cause my gum surery Is on wednesdy i told her I will let her know how I feel Monday
    -but guess what I am feeling a bit better

  7. #667
    One Awesome Domestic Diva MrsSunshine's Avatar
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    coupon girl ... if you can stand the taste.. try Buckleys. whenever anyone in our family has a cold coming on. one teaspoon of this stuff the first day. BAM kicks its butt!
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  8. #668
    Contradiction in progress sweet sparrow's Avatar
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    Thank you all for the advice on reaching out to my newly unemployed friend and his family. This week, I invited them to come by as we had some lovely ice cream in the freezer that we "really needed help with". That part is true. We only have a small freezer on top of the fridge so it's premium real estate. No response at all. I partly think I won't see him until he finds a job so he doesn't feel like he can't provide for his family. I wish people wouldn't think like that. We didn't offer money or supplies, only some time spent together in a show of support. I'm still glad I did it though. At least the invite leaves the door open in case he does want to visit.

    Financially speaking, I'm pretty embarrassed to be hanging out with you ladies. We've been going through some tough times since DH has been working at his current position (nearly a decade).
    One of my fears is that our LO will be supporting us in retirement.

    I don't mean to bring everyone down. Sometime soon, I'll have LO packing our boxes to donate to Operation Christmas Child. She loves putting things in boxes and everything in the boxes was purchased on sale, free, donated, or from the dollar store. It may take another $20 this year to fill them, and then some extra for the shipping costs. We won't go into debt to give to others, but it's a real sense of joy to be able to give to others and focus less on your own issues when there doesn't seem to be anything that can be done.

    As for the challenges, I've cleaned out my bag, but I've yet to go through my files. Laundry must happen first!
    Last edited by sweet sparrow; Mon, Sep 22nd, 2014 at 01:55 PM.

  9. #669
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    sweet sparrow thank you for being so honest first off that's hard to do sometimes( I feel like sharing now)
    -my hubby and I went thu hard times when our adults kids were little he was laidoff or on strike about 6 times -we even put off having our daughter til the strike was over in 82-guys lost their homes- we just focused on day to day-in fact when my son was 4 hubby was off for almost a year-so I went out and got a job at k-mart(if you remember that store)and he was for 10 months (mind you he could never do pigtales right (my daughter would tell me when i got home) but hey he went on school bus trips-you step up and we traded roles for those 10 months- i think the kids loved it

    -see marriage has ups an downs-financial and other wise -just when you think everything is okay -It takes a turn
    -my life may take a finincial hit next year(the job where my hubby put in a hard 30 years )we may lose some benefits and even money from his pension -I dont want to dwell on it but still thankful I coupon get deals ,shop year round for xmas

    -man this is nothing compared to what my dear mother went thru -she lived thru the depression-didnthave a doll as a little girl or xmas stocking ( I made sure i filled her stocking the almost 7 years she lied with us-she was like a little kid opening that stocking ,lost her mom at age 2( in childbirth)my mom lived with the odd rat when she had 2 boys from her first marriage(and her first hubby died-back then they got 10.00 a week-but hey i just talked to her old girlfriend last month she is 89-and se had told me mom was so creative back th -she made earrings from beads,crocheted dish cloths an sold them for money -not that I am comparing my mom's life to ours -but take one day at a time
    Last edited by coupon girl; Sun, Sep 21st, 2014 at 08:18 AM.

  10. #670
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    -going to Toronto to see daughter and her hubby today-I am feeling my strength come back
    -she was talking so candid to me yesterday-she Is concerned about our finaincal future next year-she is treating us to lunch today -gee It Is so nice to see adult kids care about us -it warms my heart-we raised them right(mind you it wasn't always easy-this I for you younger girls with little ones or teenagers)

  11. #671
    Cat Trainer (Trainee??) Andit's Avatar
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    Good (dark) morning, everyone.

    Luckily, Lily dog and I ran outside for a quick dash when the rain slowed a bit - right now it sounds like a hurricane outside the window. Poor girl was not a happy camper that she couldn't see any neighbours out and about.

    Had energy to burn yesterday - not only did I schlep 10lbs of beets home and make 1 jar of pickled beets (it's going to take a while to go through the whole bag - eeeek!), I took Quincy cat out for a bit of fresh air. It was beautiful and sunny, but I still found it quite cool with the non-stop wind we had, so I put a coat on the boy (grr, every time I tried to take a pic of him, he turned his head to see what else was going on around him - usually he mugs for the camera).

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    Think I`ll play a bit on here before I get back to the beets. On the plus side, I discovered that Lily dog LOVES them, so someone`s getting a healthy treat (let her think it`s junk food ).

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day.
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  12. #672
    Smart Canuck
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    Sweet Sparrow-that is the pits! Could he get a company credit card or a cash advance or would he lose his job? If so is there a labour relations board that would support him in resolving it? Good luck!

  13. #673
    Must Coupon, Must Save :) SassyAshley's Avatar
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    Good Morning All,
    (((hugs))) sweet sparrow

    I am pretty happy with what I got done yesterday, I got the front hallway cleaned yet again (boxes now make it to the front hall but do not get broken down or put in the box to be taken out), Laundry is done and out away, as well everything has been put into my stockpile to to try and clean up the floor.

    I am trying to figure out if I can fit my health walker in my stockpile room, I need to start working out again, my infections keep coming back and they keep blaming my weight (not sure I buy this I lost 70 lbs 5 years ago I have since put back on 20 lbs but when I was the 70 lbs heavier I was not getting the infections) but needless to say unless I lose some weight and still prove I am getting the infections the doctor will not do anything or if I am wrong and they stop I will just be happy. Not to mention it seems like lately money is just flying out of my bank account, with the infections back it is $40/treatment that is not covered and now I am freaking out I am becoming immune to the treatments as the doctor said if this keeps up not only will I have to double dose but I may have to start doing back to back treatments which will be $80/treatment. I have been looking up natural remedies but I am now so confused and afraid to try most of them.

    As well I have knock knees which everyone in my family is bothering me about as it seems like my one knee has shifted even further in over the last 6 months and is causing me more pain (I am trying to ignore it) and the more people talk about it the more is seems to bother me. Well my Step Mom and Sister have started going to this trainer who as my sister put it accosted me, my mom and step mom in Costco (he over heard them talking about my knees) and now they are trying to talk me into going to see him as he says he can fix my knee but for me the issue is the $$$$ to do so, it is like $70/session plus he is an hour from where I live so that would also be time (if I go to see him after work that is my whole night) not to mention the gas $$$$ to go. Now Mom has joined the bandwagon and wants me to take money out of savings to do this even though I keep telling her I am trying to keep both of us afloat without going into my savings which is all we have if something happens (ie washer or dryer breaking and we need a new one). Just getting frustrated with the fact it seems like no matter where I turn right now other people are telling me how to spend my money. Not to mention I do not want to go into details but some people have found out what is in my savings so now every time I talk about money and watching what we spend I get reminded of how much is in my savings and why am I being so cheap, I have money. Hello have we met me I always worry, I always freak out especially where money is concerned as we never know what tomorrow will bring and right now if something happens I am the only one who can bail us out.

    Sorry for my rant, I just feel like no one is listening to me or seeing where I am coming from. In the past Nanny has always bailed Mom and me in extension out washer broke, she had it fixed or bought us a new one and now she is gone so it is all on me since Mom cannot do it and now I am freaking out. It is one thing to have to take care of myself but when someone is also involved who does not seem to get it ad just keeps telling me I have money, spend it.

    Alright off to start cleaning I keep getting reminded the house needs to be cleaned before we can turn the rads on.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day.
    Andit, Crochetlady, Ciel and 2 others like this.
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  14. #674
    Canadian Guru jasperandchar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SassyAshley View Post
    Good Morning All,

    Coupongirl hope you feel better soon

    MrsS hopefully they compensate you

    WOW what an insane week, work is completely insane right now, word is out prices are going up plus we are booking (buy skid lots get rock bottom pricing) so this week has been insane, we are running around like chickens with out heads chopped off.

    Not too much has gotten done around the house as we are adjusting to mom working and cutting back on take out and eating out. As well Thursday after work I went and got my hair cut, it was getting super unmanageable, all I could do is put it in a ponytail. I also had to run and grab a bag for my cousin's wife baby shower, which worked out as Dollarama is right down the road from where I got my hair cut. Present was given to my brother who will give it to my Step mom to take the shower.

    Went shopping last night as there is no shopping today. We will be going this afternoon to sprinkle my grandparents ashes and than we will be going out to dinner for my bros Bday since he will be away on his Bday setting up our new location with my Dad.

    Hope everyone has a great day.
    Wowzers Ashley I got tired just reading your weeks adventures....sounds like you definitely had your plates full.

    Wishing you a quiet Sunday and hopefully this week is more stress free
    Andit, Crochetlady, Ciel and 2 others like this.
    2019 is the year that we continue to save before we buy!!!

  15. #675
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    Money is extremely tight here too. DH has been off work on LTD since June (he was off work in Nov and returned to work in March for 3 months and then got pulled off again) which is a $600 a month hit for us. Plus we are used to him getting an "extra" paycheque around christmas time (he's paid bi-weekly so twice a year there is 3 paycheques in a month) and a christmas bonus which neither one he will be getting this year. He will also not be getting much of a profit sharing bonus in March because he has only worked 3 months this year. I've luckily picked up an extra daycare child so for now I will be making more money with my daycare business then ever before. So starting this month I will be bringing in an extra $600-$700. But like SassyAshley I am worried because you never know what tomorrow may bring. I am self employed and my income is not guaranteed plus I need to save for income tax. So as much as I'd like to pay more down on debt or have more spending money I think it would be best for me to save the extra money in my tsfa for now just in case.

    On another note, while my oldest DD was at a birthday party yesterday I completed my filing challenge and cleaned up at least 4 years worth of papers I have filled a recycling bin half full with papers that don't need to be shredded and another equal size pile of papers that DH is going to burn since we don't have a shredder. My next filing goal is to get all my daycare paperwork in order for 2014 income tax so that I can work on it in January. And I still have to clean up my coupons (I have a stack of inserts on my kitchen counter that I haven't gone through).

    I'm also going to do a no spend challenge for the next 2 weeks. The only exception would be gas (as DH needs to go to multiple appointments) and bananas (daycare kids eat bananas with breakfast everyday). Our fridges, freezer and pantry are pretty well stocked so I think we can do it

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