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Thread: Chat-a-Thon 2017-18 Thread!

  1. #3541
    Canadian Guru dededi's Avatar
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    Good morning everyone. @avoncallingu, I had a similar problem years ago went right to the top to finally get satisfaction ,took about 3 months of pissing them off. Name:  decd387d8c9beda2c4916f3fd0781cda.jpg
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    Last edited by dededi; Wed, Jul 19th, 2017 at 11:10 AM.

  2. #3542
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    Hi everyone hope u are all having a good day. @avoncallingu I agree with Lynn that the real estate agent needs to pick up the tab. I don't thing its right that u should have to take such a big loss since its not your fault @danger_dan congrats on the move take it easy u have lots of days to get the house ready to your liking. Went to the doctor in regards to my swollen feet the doctor said its cellulitist never heard of it before was given a prescription for some cream to see it it will help in the next 24 hrs. Have to educate my self on this

  3. #3543
    Mastermind Natalka's Avatar
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    @flemeth - I sure hope that clears up for you quickly.

    Cellulitis can be very dangerous if not caught and treated well early. I first got it on my abdomen seven weeks after I had our son - and it recurred several times over the next 10 years or so. That first time I ended up in the hospital for treatment. The other times I had it, I had to go to the ER every eight hours to have IV antibiotics. Luckily I haven't had it for years, and am always scared it will come back - not only because it was very painful, but it's potentially life-threatening as well.

    Big for you!

  4. #3544
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    Thanks @Natalka I am hoping that it gets better quick.too

  5. #3545
    Canadian Guru avoncallingu's Avatar
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    Flemeth, my dh got celulitis from a little scratch on his eyebrow. I hate to say, but it took 24 hour IV antibiotics to clear it up. If the cream doesn't work right away, Don'tt hesitate to get back to your doctor asap.

    We have had a quiet second half of the day after a challenging first part of the day. I have set up Sadie' s crate and put her in it for "rests" while I have been puttering around the room. My aim is to get her used to being there-cosy- so when I leave she won't feel stressed and bark, upsetting the neighbour.

    She sleeps in that crate all the time with the door open when she stays with my friend.

    Last night, she must have been hot on the bed, cause she came and gave me a little lick at 3:30 and got down to sleep on the floor for a while.

    I have discovered that all the cupboards that my friend so nicely put my dishes away in, are really quite yucky andd so I started cleaning them out today.

    The dishwasher looked like a can of coke had been sprayed all over the front of it and was fiendishly yucky in all the cracks and crevices- That's what old toothbrushes and elbow grease are for !l

    Pretty tired. Going to go and 're-introduce a nice crate to a certain young lady.

    Sleep well!
    Here's to all you great SC'ers
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  6. #3546
    Newfiescreech Newfiescreech's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by avoncallingu View Post
    Flemeth, my dh got celulitis from a little scratch on his eyebrow. I hate to say, but it took 24 hour IV antibiotics to clear it up. If the cream doesn't work right away, Don'tt hesitate to get back to your doctor asap.

    We have had a quiet second half of the day after a challenging first part of the day. I have set up Sadie' s crate and put her in it for "rests" while I have been puttering around the room. My aim is to get her used to being there-cosy- so when I leave she won't feel stressed and bark, upsetting the neighbour.

    She sleeps in that crate all the time with the door open when she stays with my friend.

    Last night, she must have been hot on the bed, cause she came and gave me a little lick at 3:30 and got down to sleep on the floor for a while.

    I have discovered that all the cupboards that my friend so nicely put my dishes away in, are really quite yucky andd so I started cleaning them out today.

    The dishwasher looked like a can of coke had been sprayed all over the front of it and was fiendishly yucky in all the cracks and crevices- That's what old toothbrushes and elbow grease are for !l

    Pretty tired. Going to go and 're-introduce a nice crate to a certain young lady.

    Sleep well!
    yes !! Always try keep old toothbrushes.. great for those kinds jobs .. yeppper got put some that extra elbow grease .. but now Avon take it easy too sweetie don't want you getting sick ..have wonderful evening and Take extra care yourself sweetie
    ROMEO, 22hicks, Lynn49 and 2 others like this.

  7. #3547
    Newfiescreech Newfiescreech's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Natalka View Post
    Go to your profile page, click on Settings from the top menu.
    Then on the left side, under My Settings, click on Edit Signature.
    What you currently have as your pic will show in the box, you can just click on backspace to erase it.

    To put in a new pic, you can copy and paste one from a site, or upload one from your computer.
    Just watch what size it is, there's a limit.
    Thanks soooo much for your help Natalka!! Sure appreciate 👍😘
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  8. #3548
    Newfiescreech Newfiescreech's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Newfiescreech View Post
    Need some help SC family .. how do I delete this photobucket at end of my posts .. It was my signature newfiwscreech ..first when I join sc someone was doing our signature and it been there ever since .. Thanking you in advance for your assistance 
    Thanks so much ladies .. Natalka, dededi and walkonby..for your assistance in helping me with this photobucket
    ROMEO, 22hicks, Lynn49 and 1 others like this.

  9. #3549
    Newfiescreech Newfiescreech's Avatar
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    Name:  IMG_1691.jpg
Views: 142
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    Name:  IMG_1689.JPG
Views: 145
Size:  218.6 KB

    caplin rolling in on beach here in Newfoundland
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  10. #3550
    Canadian Guru cabmonk's Avatar
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    Jerry Seinfeld can be such an ass lol, but it's what gives him his sense of humour. An old lady stops him and JB Smooth and says it's my birthday I'm 85. He says congrats and she tells him a joke. He then asks if she'd like to trade her death pendant (she's wearing this huge thing around her neck) with JB Smooths bow tie. She says oh no it's really old to which Jerry says oh really, was it on the titanic lol.
    Anyway hope everyone is having a good week.
    Newfiescreech, 22hicks and dededi like this.

  11. #3551
    Canadian Guru avoncallingu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Newfiescreech View Post
    Name:  IMG_1691.jpg
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    Name:  IMG_1689.JPG
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    caplin rolling in on beach here in Newfoundland
    Is this a normal occurance? I know when I was a little kid that at a certain time of year, people could just wade out into Lake Erie with a bucket and scoop up smelt. Hardly " fishing" - but very productive. My family (probably my mum) didn't like smelt.

    Do people eat the Caplin or do the wash up already dead? (Couldn't think of a more " delicate" way to say it.)

    Woke up early this morning - a friend is coming over later to take away some of the empty boxes for her nice and also help me. I need to rearrange a few things and also clean out cupboards before putting things away.

    I bought tickets to 2 plays at Stratford as a gift for my one friend and that is coming up on Saturday. Romeo and Juliette and also The Pirates of Pensance. Looking forward to the break.

    How are your feet this morning, flemeth?

    Waiting for the morning smile from dededi.

    Hope everyone has a great summer day! We are due for some thunderstorms today.

    Take care!
    22hicks, Lynn49, cabmonk and 2 others like this.

  12. #3552
    Mastermind Natalka's Avatar
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  13. #3553
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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    Good morning!

    Packing up for camp today, so of course it's cloudy.

    @Newfiescreech, I did a little research and watched a video of those caplin.....really interesting how they come onto the beach to spawn....but do they then die or do they return to the sea? Do people still collect them like we do our little smelts here when we dip nets into some rivers and haul buckets of them up to clean and fry? Oh those fun days into late nights when we lived on the island...big smelt parties! @avoncallingu, I loved those crispy critters!!

    @flemeth, I hope that cream works for you, but like Avon said, if you don't feel it's doing a darn thing, head into emerg or your doctor for a more intense antibiotic therapy. All the best, Hon.

    Okay, must run....have a lovely day, everyone!!!
    Last edited by Lynn49; Thu, Jul 20th, 2017 at 09:19 AM.

  14. #3554
    Canadian Guru dededi's Avatar
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    Good morning everyone. Name:  271189-Here-Is-Your-Cup-Of-Coffee.jpg
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    Last edited by dededi; Thu, Jul 20th, 2017 at 10:28 AM.

  15. #3555
    LIVE EVERY MIN. 2 THE MAX 22hicks's Avatar
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    Hello every1.
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