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Thread: Chat-a-Thon 2017-18 Thread!

  1. #11911
    Misanthrope GoJays's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lynn49 View Post
    She DOES that, right?! It's always...."then something outrageously inappropriate happened...." and then {{{poof!!}}} she's gone.
    Seriously....when if ever, will she get to the juicy bits?!! Honestly.
    Perhaps they're 'R' rated and she decided to protect us and our delicate ears...?
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  2. #11912
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GoJays View Post
    Perhaps they're 'R' rated and she decided to protect us and our delicate ears...?
    AH! That must be it. I mean...we may enjoy wine now and then but that's really the only vice we have!
    I mean...compared to her.....seriously....
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  3. #11913
    Mastermind Natalka's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GoJays View Post
    Don't leave us hanging, @Natalka.... do tell!
    Quote Originally Posted by Lynn49 View Post
    She DOES that, right?! It's always...."then something outrageously inappropriate happened...." and then {{{poof!!}}} she's gone.
    Seriously....when if ever, will she get to the juicy bits?!! Honestly.
    Quote Originally Posted by GoJays View Post
    Perhaps they're 'R' rated and she decided to protect us and our delicate ears...?
    Quote Originally Posted by Lynn49 View Post
    AH! That must be it. I mean...we may enjoy wine now and then but that's really the only vice we have!
    I mean...compared to her.....seriously....
    OMG, you guys have made my night!

    Too many interruptions here, at odd times, nothing planned.

  4. #11914
    Mastermind Natalka's Avatar
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    Again, I was all ready to dish, but night nurse came. Her name is Holly and she is a keeper.
    Ok I give up, she's back.
    Will finish tomorrow.

    Goodnight all!

  5. #11915
    no more door to door! :) walkonby's Avatar
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    What a humdinger of a thread that was!! I love when I am planning on going to bed but then think " I'll just check in on the chat thread first. " Always good for chuckles!!

    First of all let me wish you a Very Happy Birthday @avoncallingu !! I also hope your symptoms subsided long enough to enjoy your party lunch? There was something planned I remember reading.

    Oh and @cabmonk I can only imagine the pain you are in after having 3 teeth removed! yes! use those pain meds for sure. @flemeth ty very much for the super kind words of encouragement.....I will think only positive thoughts for your next dental appointment ....a surgeon?
    I consider it a good day when I can sort through/toss/keep and and file about 6 months worth of paper everything that piles up on my computer desk.
    Hooray! i also consider it a win that I only forgot to do ONE thing today and that was pick up a book that I had on hold at the library...I'll go tomorrow.

    The wine memes are great!! @GoJays and @Lynn49 keep the pressure on Nat!! We need to know the details!

    Goodnight all!! Sweetest of Dreams.

    Charles R.I.P. passed October 29th 2024 52 years old

  6. #11916
    Canadian Guru cabmonk's Avatar
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    What's crazy, I had given up on ever getting my $100 tangerine account bonus for transferring my direct deposit. Then today at 9pm I get an email that I got my bonus so I can buy some more soft foods.

  7. #11917
    Canadian Guru avoncallingu's Avatar
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    Yay, cabbie! That came at the right time! Tomorrow is hump day. I will call Buffalo Social Security office to see whether they are open for business.

    May have to make a trip to Niagara Falls. It would be a good test of whether my apartment is somehow contributing to my asthma. Handy man came today but we could not figure out the air intake system. He did put new fluorescent lights in my kitchen, however, and now I feel like I am on Broadway! Have the new carbon monoxide detector plugged in. The garage door opener got stuck as I was going to take my Brother home. No one could get in or out. I called the management company who said they would put a temporary fix on it for tonight and then get it fixed tomorrow.

    Other brother came and picked him up to take him home.

    Got a sweet rendition of "Happy Birthday" from my grand-daughter today. They have all been sick too -thinking it was the Norwalk virus. Good thing that I am not going there, I guess.

    Well, should bid you goodnight. Hoping all the pains go away. LYNN- that's crappie about your scammers!

  8. #11918
    boogey-man slayer danger_dan's Avatar
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    @avoncallingu , Happy Belated Birthday.
    I'm sorry I missed posting.
    Newfiescreech, Lynn49 and cabmonk like this.

  9. #11919
    boogey-man slayer danger_dan's Avatar
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    Good morning everyone.

    As for today...I say 'bah'.
    Some days...I really wish it would be alright to use this mug at work...(censored to maintain our family friendly rating)
    Today is one of those days...

    Name:  61GUTkLRySL._SY587_.jpeg
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  10. #11920
    Misanthrope GoJays's Avatar
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  11. #11921
    Misanthrope GoJays's Avatar
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  12. #11922
    Canadian Guru avoncallingu's Avatar
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    Good morning folks! Thanks for the wishes, Dan! Love the bear pictures!

    Apparently the snow came and it's supposed to get colder as the day goes on. Hello winter!

    Lots to do today if I have the energy.

    I think that I may be on the hunt for alternative accommodation. Looking back, I have not been very healthy since I moved in here. I REALLY DON'T want to move!!!!

    A certain girlie needs me to get up and take her for a walk.

    Hope your day unfolds in a pleasant way!

  13. #11923
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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    Good morning!

    I slept in until almost 10 again; I guess my hybernation is comfortably in place.

    @avoncallingu , I've also been concerned about your health lately, even mentioned it to my DH the other day. Seems it's one thing then another, from head to toe, as the saying goes, but for you, it's quite literally what you've been experiencing. The thing that you're bothered with that your home may be contributing to would be your breathing problems and I can't believe the guy couldn't figure out your air system! So how long has it been, then, that it's been checked at all?! Is there some way you could ask (demand) that they get a professional in to check your air quality and fix it?
    Jeepers I hope you don't have to move again!

    @Natalka , enjoy your pampering today...., and ignoring @GoJays ' and my inquisitions. Heh, hey... Any test results, yet? Hope it's sunny out your windows today, also!

    Ok, enough babbling. Dang cold today, but sunny, getting even colder over the next few days. My hybernation continues.

    Have a lovely day, everyone!

  14. #11924
    Misanthrope GoJays's Avatar
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  15. #11925
    Misanthrope GoJays's Avatar
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