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Thread: Another Cheap Laugh Thread

  1. #196
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    After I retired, my wife insisted that I accompany her on her trips to
    Unfortunately, like most men, I found shopping boring and preferred to get
    in and get out. Equally unfortunate, my wife is like most women - she
    loves to browse. Yesterday my dear wife received the following letter from
    the local Target.

    Dear Mrs. Samuel,
    Over the past six months, your husband has caused quite a commotion in our
    store. We cannot tolerate this behavior and have been forced to ban both
    of you from the store. Our complaints against your husband, Mr. Samuel,
    are listed below and are documented by our video surveillance cameras.
    1. June 15: Took 24 boxes of condoms and randomly put them in other
    people's carts when they weren't looking.
    2. July 2: Set all the alarm clocks in Housewares to go off at 5-minute
    3. July 7: He made a trail of tomato juice on the floor leading to the
    women's restroom.
    4. July 19: Walked up to an employee and told her in an official voice,
    'Code 3 in Housewares. Get on it right away'. This caused the employee to
    leave her assigned station and receive a reprimand from her Supervisor that
    in turn resulted with a union grievance, causing management to lose time
    and costing the company money.
    5. August 4: Went to the Service Desk and tried to put a bag of M&Ms on
    6. August 14: Moved a 'CAUTION - WET FLOOR' sign to a carpeted area.
    7. August 15: Set up a tent in the camping department and told the children
    shoppers he'd invite them in if they would bring pillows and blankets from
    the bedding department to which twenty children obliged.
    8. August 23: When a clerk asked if they could help him he began crying and
    screamed, 'Why can't you people just leave me alone?' EMTs were called.
    9. September 4: Looked right into the security camera and used it as a
    mirror while he picked his nose.
    10. September 10: While handling guns in the hunting department, he asked
    the clerk where the antidepressants were.
    11. October 3: Darted around the store suspiciously while loudly humming
    the 'Mission Impossible' theme.
    12. October 6: In the auto department, he practiced his 'Madonna look' by
    using different sizes of funnels.
    13. October 18: Hid in a clothing rack and when people browsed through,
    yelled 'PICK ME! PICK ME!'
    14. October 21: When an announcement came over the loud speaker, he assumed
    a fetal position and screamed 'OH NO! IT'S THOSE VOICES AGAIN!'

    And last, but not least:
    15. October 23: Went into a fitting room, shut the door, waited awhile,
    then yelled very loudly, 'Hey! There's no toilet paper in here.' One of
    the clerks passed out.

    If you don't send this to 12 of your dearest friends, your property taxes
    will go up, your stocks will go down, and your middle will spread. (How's
    that for a curse?!?) What? It's already come true? Then send it
    anyway--you've got nothin' to lose!

  2. #197
    Mastermind Natalka's Avatar
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    The Politically Correct 12 Days Of Christmas

    On the 12th day of the Eurocentrically imposed midwinter festival, my Significant Other in a consenting adult, monogamous relationship gave to me:
    TWELVE males reclaiming their inner warrior through ritual drumming, ELEVEN pipers piping (plus the 18-member pit orchestra made up of members in good standing of the Musicians Equity Union as called for in their union contract even though they will not be asked to play a note),
    TEN melanin deprived testosterone-poisoned scions of the patriarchal ruling class system leaping,
    NINE persons engaged in rhythmic self-expression,
    EIGHT economically disadvantaged female persons stealing milk-products from enslaved Bovine-Americans,
    SEVEN endangered swans swimming on federally protected wetlands, SIX enslaved Fowl-Americans producing stolen non-human animal products,
    FIVE golden symbols of culturally sanctioned enforced domestic incarceration, (NOTE: after members of the Animal Liberation Front threatened to throw red paint at my computer, the calling birds, French hens and partridge have been reintroduced to their native habitat. To avoid further Animal-American enslavement, the remaining gift package has been revised.)
    FOUR hours of recorded whale songs
    THREE deconstructionist poets
    TWO Sierra Club calendars printed on recycled processed tree carcasses and…
    ONE Spotted Owl activist chained to an old-growth pear tree.

  3. #198
    Mastermind Natalka's Avatar
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    <!-- END HEADER.PHP --> <!-- BEGIN HOME.PHP --> <!-- Begin conditional statement --> <!-- optional content for /page/2/ and up goes here --> <!-- End conditional statement --> ( BE SURE TO READ IT ALL – THIS IS GREAT!!!!!!! )

    Tequila Christmas Cookies:

    1 cup of water
    1 tsp. baking soda
    1 cup of sugar
    1 tsp. salt
    1 cup of brown sugar
    1 tbsp. lemon juice
    4 large eggs
    1 cup nuts
    2 cups of dried fruit
    1 bottle tequila

    Sample the tequila in a large glass to check quality.
    Take a large bowl, and check the tequila again, to be sure it is of
    the highest quality. Pour one level cup and drink.
    Turn on the electric mixer. Beat one cup of butter in a large fluffy bowl.
    Add one teaspoon of sugar. Beat again.
    At this point, it’s best to make sure the tequila is still OK, so try another cup.
    Turn off the mixerer thingy.
    Break 2 leggs and add to the bowl and chuck in the cup of dried fruit.
    Pick the frigging fruit and the damn cup off the floor.
    Mix on the turner. If the fried druit gets stuck in the beaterers, just
    pry it loose with a drewscriver.
    Sample the tequila to check for tonsisticity.
    Next, sift two cups of salt, or something. Check the tequila.
    Now shift the lemon juice and strain your nuts.
    Add one table.
    Add a spoon of sugar, or somefink. Whatever you can find.
    Greash the oven.
    Turn the cake tin 360 degrees and try not to fall over.
    Don’t forget to beat off the turner.
    Put the bowl through the window, finish off the booze and make sure to
    put the dirty stove in the dishwasher.


  4. #199
    Smart Canuck LoRaOz's Avatar
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    A man moves into a nudist colony. He receives a letter from his grandmother

    asking him to send her a current photo of himself in his new location.

    Too embarrassed to let her know that he lives in a nudist colony,
    he cuts a photo in half and mails it.

    The next day he discovers that he had accidentally sent the
    bottom half of the photo. He's really worried but then
    remembers how bad his grandmother's eyesight is,
    and hopes she won't notice..

    A few weeks later, he receives a letter from his Grandmother.
    It says: "Thank you for the picture.
    Change your hairstyle... it makes your nose look too short." Love, Grandma

  5. #200
    Mastermind Natalka's Avatar
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    The Twelve Days AFTER Christmas
    By Frederick Silver and shared by surfer Jennifer H.

    The first day after Christmas, my true love and I had a fight
    And so I chopped the pear tree down and burned it just for spite
    Then with a single cartridge, I shot that blasted partridge
    my true love, my true love, my true love gave to me

    The second day after Christmas, I pulled on the old rubber gloves
    and very gently wrung the necks of both the turtle doves
    My true love, my true love, my true love gave to me

    The third day after Christmas, my Mother caught the croup
    I had to use the three French Hens to make some chicken soup
    The four calling birds were a big mistake for their language was obscene
    The five golden rings were completely fake and they turned my fingers green

    The sixth day after Christmas, the six laying geese wouldn't lay
    I gave the whole darn gaggle to the A.S.P.C.A
    On the seventh day, what a mess I found
    all seven of the swimming swans had drowned
    My true love, my true love, my true love gave to me

    The eighth day after Christmas, before they could suspect
    I bundled up the eight maids a milking, nine pipers piping, ten ladies dancing, eleven lords a leaping, twelve drummers drumming (Spoken: "Well, actually, I kept ONE of the drummers" ) and sent them back collect
    I wrote my true love, " We are through, love! "
    And I said in so many words,
    " Furthermore your Christmas gifts were for the birds! "

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  6. #201
    Mastermind Natalka's Avatar
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    New Years Resolutions for Pets

    1. Have a torrid one-night stand with a street mutt.
    2. Try to understand that the cat is from Venus and I am from Mars.
    3. I will no longer be beholden to the sound of the can opener.
    4. Circulate petition that Leg Humping be a juried competition in major dog shows.
    5. Call PETA and tell them what that surgical mask-wearing freak does to us when no one is around.
    6. Take time from busy schedule to stop and smell the behinds.
    7. Hamster: Don't let them figure out I'm just a rat on 'roids, or they'll flush my ass.
    8. Always scoot before licking.
    9. Grow opposable thumb; break into pantry; decide for MYSELF how much food is *too* much.
    10. Get out of the castle more, maybe swim counter-clockwise this year.
    11. January 1st: Kill the sock! Must kill the sock! January 2nd - December 31: Re-live victory over the sock. AND the Number 1 New Year's Resolutions Made by Pets...
    12. I will NOT chase the damned stick unless I see it LEAVE HIS HAND.

  7. #202
    Mastermind Natalka's Avatar
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    A Cat's New Years Resolutions

    My human will never let me eat her pet hamster, and I am at peace with that.
    I will not puff my entire body to twice its size for no reason after my human has finished watching a horror movie.
    I will not slurp fish food from the surface of the aquarium.
    I must not help myself to Q-tips, and I must certainly not proceed to stuff them down the sink's drain.
    I will not eat large numbers of assorted bugs, then come home and puke them up so the humans can see that I'm getting plenty of roughage.
    I will not lean way over to drink out of the tub, fall in, and then pelt right for the box of clumping cat litter. (It took FOREVER to get the stuff out of my fur.)
    I will not stand on the bathroom counter, stare down the hall, and growl at NOTHING after my human has finished watching The X-Files.
    I will not use the bathtub to store live mice for late-night snacks.
    I will not perch on my human's chest in the middle of the night and stare into her eyes until she wakes up.
    We will not play Herd of Thundering Wildebeests Stampeding Across the Plains of the Serengeti over any humans' bed while they're trying to sleep.
    Screaming at the can of food will not make it open itself.
    I cannot leap through closed windows to catch birds outside. If I forget this and bonk my head on the window and fall behind the couch in my attempt, I will not get up and do the same thing again.
    I will not assume the patio door is open when I race outside to chase leaves.
    I will not intrude on my human's candle-lit bubble bath and singe my bottom.
    I will not stick my paw into any container to see if there is something in it. If I do, I will not hiss and scratch when my human has to shave me to get the rubber cement out of my fur.
    If I bite the cactus, it will bite back.
    When it rains, it will be raining on all sides of the house. It is not necessary to check every door.
    Birds do not come from the bird feeder. I will not knock it down and try to open it up to get the birds out.
    The dog can see me coming when I stalk her. She can see me and will move out of the way when I pounce, letting me smash into floors and walls. That does not mean I should take it as a personal insult when my humans sit there and laugh.
    I will not play "dead cat on the stairs" while people are trying to bring in groceries or laundry, or else one of these days, it will really come true.
    When the humans play darts, I will not leap into the air and attempt to catch them.
    I will not swat my human's head repeatedly when she's on the family room floor trying to do sit ups.
    When my human is typing at the computer, her forearms are *not* a hammock.
    Computer and TV screens do not exist to backlight my lovely tail.
    I am a walking static generator. My human doesn't need my help installing a new board in her computer.

  8. #203
    Canadian Guru Woofy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LoRaOz View Post
    A man moves into a nudist colony. He receives a letter from his grandmother

    asking him to send her a current photo of himself in his new location.

    Too embarrassed to let her know that he lives in a nudist colony,
    he cuts a photo in half and mails it.

    The next day he discovers that he had accidentally sent the
    bottom half of the photo. He's really worried but then
    remembers how bad his grandmother's eyesight is,
    and hopes she won't notice..

    A few weeks later, he receives a letter from his Grandmother.
    It says: "Thank you for the picture.
    Change your hairstyle... it makes your nose look too short." Love, Grandma
    It's a little mean, but it's so funny!
    At the right time, a kind word from a stranger, or encouragement from a friend, can make all the difference in the world. Kindness is free, but it's priceless. ~ Doe Zantamata

    "And it's always the right time!" ~ Woofy

  9. #204
    Smart Canuck miztia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Natalka View Post
    New Years Resolutions for Pets AND the Number 1 New Year's Resolutions Made by Pets...
    1. I will NOT chase the damned stick unless I see it LEAVE HIS HAND.
    haha that one almost made me choke, cause the dog falls for it every time. So mean.. but yet so damn funny

  10. #205
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    What did the Englishman say when he found his wife in bed with three men?

    Hello, hello, hello.

  11. #206
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    A local United Way office realized that the organization had never received a donation from the town's most successful lawyer. The person in charge of contributions called him to persuade him to contribute.

    "Our research shows that out of a yearly income of at least $500,000, you give not a penny to charity. Wouldn't you like to give back to the community in some way?"

    The lawyer mulled this over for a moment and replied, "First, did your research also show that my mother is dying after a long illness, and has medical bills that are several times her annual income?"

    Embarrassed, the United Way rep mumbled, "Um ... no."

    The lawyer interrupts, "or that my brother, a disabled veteran, is blind and confined to a wheelchair?"

    The stricken United Way rep began to stammer out an apology, but was interrupted again.

    "or that my sister's husband died in a traffic accident," the lawyer's voice rising in indignation, "leaving her penniless with three children?!"

    The humiliated United Way rep, completely beaten, said simply, "I had no idea..."

    On a roll, the lawyer cut him off once again, "So if I don't give any money to them, why should I give any to you?"

  12. #207
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    A policeman was patrolling a local parking spot overlooking a golf course. He drove by a car and saw a couple inside with the dome light on. There was a young man in the driver's seat reading a computer magazine and a young lady in the back seat knitting. He stopped to investigate. He walked up to the driver's window and knocked. The young man looked up, cranked the window down, and said, 'Yes Officer?'

    'What are you doing?' the policeman asked. 'What does it look like?' answered the young man. 'I'm reading this magazine.' Pointing towards the young lady in the back seat, the officer then asked, 'And what is she doing?' The young man looked over his shoulder and replied, 'What does it look like? She's knitting.'

    'And how old are you?' the officer then asked the young man. 'I'm nineteen,' he replied. 'And how old is she?' asked the officer. The young man looked at his watch and said, 'Well, in about twelve minutes she'll be sixteen.'
    Last edited by DH666; Sat, Jan 2nd, 2010 at 10:58 PM.

  13. #208
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    Two hydrogen atoms meet. One says "I've lost my electron," The other says, "Are you sure?" The first replies "Yes, I'm positive."
    DaveP likes this.

  14. #209
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    A vulture boards an airplane, carrying two dead raccoons. The stewardess looks at him and says, "I'm sorry, sir, only one carrion allowed per passenger."

  15. #210
    Canadian Guru Woofy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DH666 View Post
    A local United Way office realized that the organization had never received a donation from the town's most successful lawyer. The person in charge of contributions called him to persuade him to contribute.

    "Our research shows that out of a yearly income of at least $500,000, you give not a penny to charity. Wouldn't you like to give back to the community in some way?"

    The lawyer mulled this over for a moment and replied, "First, did your research also show that my mother is dying after a long illness, and has medical bills that are several times her annual income?"

    Embarrassed, the United Way rep mumbled, "Um ... no."

    The lawyer interrupts, "or that my brother, a disabled veteran, is blind and confined to a wheelchair?"

    The stricken United Way rep began to stammer out an apology, but was interrupted again.

    "or that my sister's husband died in a traffic accident," the lawyer's voice rising in indignation, "leaving her penniless with three children?!"

    The humiliated United Way rep, completely beaten, said simply, "I had no idea..."

    On a roll, the lawyer cut him off once again, "So if I don't give any money to them, why should I give any to you?"
    Ouch... that's one nasty lawyer!
    At the right time, a kind word from a stranger, or encouragement from a friend, can make all the difference in the world. Kindness is free, but it's priceless. ~ Doe Zantamata

    "And it's always the right time!" ~ Woofy

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