I received alot of the same coupons then found quite a few that someone had thrown out including a 10.00 coupon for Robaxacet. Used it when it was on...
Decided to attend my sisters church this am as my DH was working. Afterwards I thought that while I was at the other end of the city I would run into...
Great. I got mine also. A few days after I received them I found some that were thrown in a recycling bin. The one for 10.00 off Robaxacet caught my...
I did this twice yesterday. Brought out the coupons after receiving the 10.00 giftcard. Went back today and used one giftcard on 3 cases of gingerale...
The dog chow was on rollback tonight at WM. The regular price for the 2kg bag is 5.88 and its on for 4.88-3.50 coupon=1.38. Picked up 3 and may have...
Guess what I failed to mention was that I had already contacted the foodbank to see first of all whether they had refrigerators and second, was there...