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Thread: Points And Prizes - Sheknows
Thu, Jan 22nd, 2009, 08:51 AM #21526
thank you for all the new words........
Thu, Jan 22nd, 2009, 08:56 AM #21527
Thu, Jan 22nd, 2009, 09:03 AM #21528
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This week's code word is INVITATION for 450 points! Redeem your points now. Good thru 01/23/09
from Singles and Dating newsletter
LOVERS didn't work for me either
Thu, Jan 22nd, 2009, 09:12 AM #21529
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This week's code word is BRIOCHE for 450 points! Redeem your points now. Good thru 01/23/09
from ChefMom newsletter
Thu, Jan 22nd, 2009, 09:13 AM #21530
i think the word LOVERS should be valid today,didn't work for anyone
Thu, Jan 22nd, 2009, 09:20 AM #21531
thanx for the words leftie,rep'd you
Thu, Jan 22nd, 2009, 09:22 AM #21532
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Thu, Jan 22nd, 2009, 10:04 AM #21533
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hi everyone, I'm just back for a half hour then I have to scram for the day. I really need the help of some of my Canadian friends.
Jim's (dh) mom went into the hospital on Saturday and had passed away by Sunday evening. His dad is a mess 'cause they were married for 50 years and they did everything together. She was extremely stubborn, kept her pain to herself and REFUSED to go to the hospital. Today is the funeral so I'll be quite red eyed when I get home.
Now here's what I need advice on. On Monday I was told (I'm not sure how accurate all this is though) that neither of them had a will and all the property, vehicles etc were in her name. My understanding is that her estate will go to probate without a will but her eldest son is saying no, everything will get tranferred to his father. I do taxes but have never done estate taxes so I'm really unsure here. None of the family is really educated but they all act as if they know everything about everything. You can't talk to his father because he's always right. I want to help because I have a feeling I'm going to get roped into this and I want to be prepared.
I know death brings the worst out in people and my main beef right now is that Jim has 4 brothers, 3 are bums, we are just barely getting by financially and the older brother is basically doing (and paying) everything for his dad. He's exhausted which is to be expected but now he wants financial help from us. His dad is getting some money from OAS but it's peanuts and he's claiming 'poor'. I know this is bs because he told me 3 months ago that he was willing to pay up to $10,000 cash for a used car. A week later he bought one. Jim got put on the spot and bought a wreath for the service. It wasn't a lot of money and that's definitely not an issue but I heard him talking to his brother about them ripping up his dad's kitchen floor, installing a new sub-floor then tiling it. wtf?? where is the money coming for that if you can't pay for your wife's funeral?
Anyway, I know that's just the beginning of things and I'm going to get labelled the selfish b***h and I don't care. We can't afford to take on 'sympathy' debt because I've already filed bankruptcy and there's no way I'm going to let Jim do it too.
Has anyone here been through this before?
Thu, Jan 22nd, 2009, 10:11 AM #21534
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Jode - sorry for yours and DH loss. I have not been through this and I stand to be corrected but I believe everything she owned and also owes goes to her husband. Would be a different story if they both passed at the same time. When the dust settles and your FIL is ready to deal with issues his priority should be to get a will drawn up for himself. Even when people don't have much they likely have a few things that he might like to pass on to specific family members
Thu, Jan 22nd, 2009, 10:24 AM #21535
good morning all.thanks for the words.
Thu, Jan 22nd, 2009, 10:25 AM #21536
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haunish, how is your daughter doing? I made it to page 1423 so I still have a lot of pages to read before I know what's going on. We have an aloe plant here and whenever the kids get cut we cut a piece off and put the juice directly on it. It's the ugliest plant in the house and that's pretty much the only reason we have it. They know it won't hurt like other cleansers. We also use polysporin but they don't like us rubbing it on a fresh wound.
DS likes to taunt the cat and luckily ours has no front claws. When the cat does scratch him - tough luck - he got what he deserved.
Someone else commented about their cat and pills. Last year my cat was at the vet and flat out refused to take the pill they gave him so they had to use (ok, this may be gross to some) ever had a vaginal infection and had to use monistat? The vet had to use a plastic 'inserter' to get the pill to the back of his throat. The vet left the room and when he came back my cat did a couple grunts and basically puked out the pill. The second time he put it further back and it stayed down. I had to hold the cat tightly while he did it so when he asked me if I thought I could do that on my own I flat out said no. I told him I'd come back and he could force it down his throat. Besides, I wasn't going to pay for the 'pill inserter' if I was only going to use it once.
NS, the paediatrician put ds on Ritalin on top of his Concerta. His meds wear out after school but by 9pm he's got diarhhea(sp?) of the mouth and I can't get him to settle down and go to sleep. He's only been on it a few days but it seems to be working. I don't know how you do it with Ryan each day but I'm sure I would have cracked a long time ago. You amaze me girl!
Tonight I'll read some more pages 'cause I want to know how LOLcat is doing. Harley, Rebate (and to those I missed) how is everyone feeling? There's been so much sickness around.Last edited by jodew71; Thu, Jan 22nd, 2009 at 10:27 AM.
Thu, Jan 22nd, 2009, 10:33 AM #21537
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morning everyone, thanks for all the new words today.
jodew71, she is better her face is starting to heal, but the swelling sure doesnt wna to go away, hopefully that does soon, she ended up with a black eye from the ones by her eye, and her cheek this morning is a lovely shade as well. I miss her bubbliness though, hopefully comes back when shes feeling better, its so quiet, dh was trying to make her smile at supper yesterday and nothing...hopefully soon it comes back know it will be abit but the things you miss.
Hope you have a good day everyone
Thu, Jan 22nd, 2009, 11:07 AM #21538
Jode, as far as I know, your father-in-law will get everything. Also, don't forget to apply for death benefit ($2500), he will not get it unless you apply for it. Call up CPP/OAS as he is will also get survivor benefit.As for the tax return, when you fill it out next year (for 2009), just write on the front "Final Return" and enclose a photocopy of the death certificate, all her T4s, T5s, T4OAS etc. Estate returns only gets complicated when there is large amounts of money involved and a lawyer ends up doing it.
Thu, Jan 22nd, 2009, 11:19 AM #21539
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Good morning everyone. Getting ready to go jump in the shower and off to get my hip xray. lol well wouldn't of had to wait quite that long NS the xray people come in at 8am so I would of had to wait an hour for them to get there and then however long until they were ready for a patient probably would of been out by 8:30 but am glad I dont' have to wait for that hour before they even come in. Would of been much easier on dh not having to come pick me up as well as bring me home but very glad he decided I needed some extra sleep. I sure hope the injections help I'm so fed up with this and the constant pain from the hip has caused the pain to go around from the groin area where the actual hip joint is to the sciatica region in me buttocks lol. It's causing pain down the back of my thigh especially probably it's the muscle spasms that are grabbing me all the way around. Ok I'm off to the shower bbl hopefully no later then 11 I really don't want to hang out there any longer then I have to so hoping dh doesn't get stuck in the middle of something and can't come right back for me when I'm ready.
Leftie thanks for the words this morning, lovers didn't work for me either hope it'll work today like nikks thinks it will. I almost have enough points to get what I want it was still there so come on words lol need about 10,000 points to get it.
Jode huggggggggs sorry for your loss and hope things go smoothly with your inlaws. ~
Thu, Jan 22nd, 2009, 11:20 AM #21540
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Jode so sorry for your loss. I agree with everyone else that everything should go to the husband, of course I am no authority by any means. I also agree that it would be a good idea when things settle a bit to have your fil draw up a will so that everything will be distributed according to his wishes. When my husband's dad died a few years ago, we went thru a lot with his brother & sister. Family members can be so cruel when there is money involved.
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