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  1. #21556
    Canadian Genius Love2save's Avatar
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    NS there may be others but none as good!!

  2. #21557
    Smart Canuck amycrows's Avatar
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    Jode so sorry about your loss and hope amidst all of this you can clear up the financials for the family so the bums of the family don't get anything or more than they deserve.

    This is another reminder to us all to make sure our wills are there and up to date based on life changes so the idiots in our families or even worse the government doesn't get ahold of it all

  3. #21558
    AWESOME ONE NSangel's Avatar
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    amy, why don't you look for another job? and just put up with it for now? i wouldn't want to continue to work there. the stress isn't worth it. but i would make sure i had something lined up.

    will you be my friend? please?

  4. #21559
    Smart Canuck zoodle's Avatar
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    Jode..........when my mother died, which was a few years ago ..her estate was father got half and the other half was devided equally between the three of us children.........I do not know if this has changed in the last few years or not...........hope this helps ((hugz))

    Life is Good

  5. #21560
    Smart Canuck amycrows's Avatar
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    NS I think I am going to do what you suggested.

    Hubby got his new job which means downtown. Its a sweeeeeet job for us all but now that only makes me avail to work the weekends so I don't know how many people will hire me. Hubby will be taking the train downtown and not even sure what time he will get home. Right now it is not for the money (but it could always help us) but for me to get out and do something for me and by myself without kids or anyone.
    Sigh...Im so happy about this new job for hubby, totally hope it works out for him and all of us and maybe that means in a few years we can the bigger house we will need.

  6. #21561
    AWESOME ONE NSangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Love2save View Post
    NS there may be others but none as good!!
    you aren't supposed to tell me. ever see the matrix? some ppl just don't want to know what the reality is!!!

    will you be my friend? please?

  7. #21562
    Boo Radley Conspirator roseofblack25's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NSangel View Post
    lol. they're holding her hostage at work

    your right. and we do. but for some reason, it seems to work when it comes from someone else

    not to get you guys worried or nothing..but (because of recent events), if say p&p went belly up like the pink oinker, how did you guys want to stay in touch? should we have an alternate room? maybe call it "disgruntled members of p&p". or what?

    i do have a very bad feeling, and we need a plan ppl!
    uh oh what makes you think its going the way of the other sites?!?!?! please fill me in

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  8. #21563
    Boo Radley Conspirator roseofblack25's Avatar
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    oh and if that ever does happen *knock on wood* I can just change the title of the thread to whatever you guys want it to be and we can continue to hang out in here LOL

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  9. #21564
    AWESOME ONE NSangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by amycrows View Post
    NS I think I am going to do what you suggested.

    Hubby got his new job which means downtown. Its a sweeeeeet job for us all but now that only makes me avail to work the weekends so I don't know how many people will hire me. Hubby will be taking the train downtown and not even sure what time he will get home. Right now it is not for the money (but it could always help us) but for me to get out and do something for me and by myself without kids or anyone.
    Sigh...Im so happy about this new job for hubby, totally hope it works out for him and all of us and maybe that means in a few years we can the bigger house we will need.
    there are lots of jobs that hire ppl just for weekends, and will work around your schedule. you said you did customer service? so why not a call ctr? i don't know what other fields your interested in. but parttime jobs are out there. and if you don't need to work there. don't. it's making u miserable. we can hear it. it loud and clear. and that's not good for you or the family

    Quote Originally Posted by roseofblack25 View Post
    oh and if that ever does happen *knock on wood* I can just change the title of the thread to whatever you guys want it to be and we can continue to hang out in here LOL
    kewl. sounds like a plan. i just meant that, with them reiterating the terms and condtions (check that out), then them uping the amts for prizes, lowering the pts for voting/entering contests and not giving pts at all for ratings, i just think it's going down the crapper. and they still haven't paid us for those past contests. but it's still not the end of january. if we're not paid by then, i'm really going to worry.

    will you be my friend? please?

  10. #21565
    CaLoonie lol am loony stardreamer7880's Avatar
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    Your very welcome Robor you'll find we don't get all bent out of shape like others do, comes from caring about the family we have here on this thread! Some very terrific people here.

    Good grief Amy I'm with NS find something else it isn't worth it to get minimum wage and be treated like animals, heck animals get treated better by these people i'd guess.

    Got to the drs and they told me it would be an hour and a half told me that was very unusual but lol just my luck that they were tied up with a very long xray today. Probably were doing a MRI or bone scan anyway they wanted me to come back but explained that I had no ride and dh couldn't bring me back this week so they didn't go to lunch as soon as they usually do and stayed to do my xray thankfully would of hated to wait until 1pm for them to come back.
    Thank you nikks lovers worked in lower case

  11. #21566
    Must clean ears!! smb127's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NSangel View Post
    our school started a new program (suppoesd to be all schools) ours is calling it smokey smiles. they get smiley faces for doing things right. ryan says he earned 3 and they only started yesterday. i think they are giving more out to the *ahem* behaviourally challenged ones, but anyone can earn them. supposed to be sumthing the schoolboard implemented, and i think it's an awesome idea! i guess alot of kids are struggling with behavioral issues. am so proud of our schools for addressing the issue.
    They do this at our school. In JK and Sk and G1 they had to tell the teacher when they 30 stickers and then they could claim a small prize.

    In one the DD's classes they got fake money to but prizes with, teaching them money at the same time.

    Just yesterday Edwin came home with his filled sticker page.

    Also, every month the post in the newsletter the kids of the month from the privious month. Gives them something to strive for.

    Quote Originally Posted by roseofblack25 View Post
    oh and if that ever does happen *knock on wood* I can just change the title of the thread to whatever you guys want it to be and we can continue to hang out in here LOL
    Good idea, I would hate to have to find the thread somewhere else!!

    So our passes are working again, TG - I didn't want to stay here tonight.

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  12. #21567
    Boo Radley Conspirator roseofblack25's Avatar
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    true but maybe they just have to do all that because of the economy maybe the sponsors arent giving them a ton of things to give out anymore so they have to up points to keep them around longer...but ya they are getting kind of unreliable hopefully nothing happens to them I would freak lol have too many points saved up on there for something good to have them go under now

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  13. #21568
    Boo Radley Conspirator roseofblack25's Avatar
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    ya we wont have to find a new home we can just continue to spam the old one 1438 pages and counting LOL no way we are abandoning ship now

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  14. #21569
    AWESOME ONE NSangel's Avatar
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    longs they give us notice so we can cash in.

    will you be my friend? please?

  15. #21570
    Boo Radley Conspirator roseofblack25's Avatar
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    true but if that is the case they need to get some friggen good prizes up so we can cash in LOL

    Search and win with SWAGBUCKS!

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