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Thread: "Fall" into September Savings

  1. #721
    Smart Canuck
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    Natalka I can't believe the price of ground beef, thank goodness for the odd sale and pink stickers!Also blessed with a husband that hunts so we mostly eat ground venison. It is going to be a long winter with the prices of meat and vegetables. My family laughed at me in July when No Frills had whole round roasts for 1.99 a pound, I bought 12!!Kept 7 and gave my 3
    daughters two each for the freezer...there aren't laughing now!

  2. #722
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    Quote Originally Posted by sweet sparrow View Post
    Thanks everyone. Sometimes I just feel at wits end.

    Next month is thanksgiving and we'll certainly be counting our blessings. No one is seriously ill currently, our car runs, and we can feed LO. As Dorey said in Finding Nemo, "just keep swimming, just keep swimming..."

    I'm not looking forward to the cooler weather. The daycare is 40 minutes away and I'll be walking as much as possible to save on transportation costs. We're thinking of moving her to another daycare which is almost an hour away. I'm thinking I'll start taking the bus as soon as it gets dark when I take her home. We've searched for closer daycares, but no luck yet.

    Happy birthday and happy anniversary, coupon girl!!

    saundyl, hope your pup is feeling better.

    Mrs. Sunshine, sorry for the family drama. Hopefully, things can be resolved before Christmas and your efforts won't be wasted.

    SassyAshley, a great big hug, right back at you. Thanks.
    Sweet Sparrow this sounds like an impossible situation and so wrong I can't believe the lack of respect of your husbands time and money. However I think I do have a solution, have your DH inform his boss that you and he have decided to over haul you're finances and have chosen to do away with any credit cards and debit cards you carry and are using a cash only system for your families expenses, all other expendable cash is going into unaccessable account to kick start your retirement savings, so from now on a company credit card is required end of story. I highly doubt if he looses his job over this someone will be standing in line to pay their bills for them as I am sure EI would be very interested to know his reason for leaving...also the labour board would be a good option.
    Last edited by thriftygranny; Tue, Sep 23rd, 2014 at 09:28 AM.
    saundyl, Andit, Natalka and 7 others like this.

  3. #723
    Must Coupon, Must Save :) SassyAshley's Avatar
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    Good Afternoon Everyone,
    Happy Birthday/Anniversary Coupon Girl

    I got a lot done yesterday which makes me happy. I started working on one of the 5 million piles in our living room, did not get the whole pile cleaned up but a chunk of it is cleaned up. Would like to get as much moved out the dumpster as I can before the bad winter weather hits and getting to the dumpster gets dangerous.

    Also did 8 jars of homemade apple sauce and somewhere between 15 to 20 jars of bruschetta Salsa, which is really just Brushetta in a Jar. I have not tried it yet but it smelled so good well it was cooking.

    Dinner alone tonight so need to figure out something to make for just me, so not in the mood to cook. We were supposed to write a meal plan yesterday but between all of the canning and cleaning that did not get done. Will have to see what I can do tonight for a meal plan, I am starting to notice our meat supply is getting low on certain items. We are back to either Chicken or Pork which means pretty soon the whining for Beef will start so I need to try to get as creative as I can as I believe there is only one more pack of ground beef left. Will have to see how much ambition I have tonight to dig in the freezers and see what I can come up with. I think the good news is we have a few cheap steaks in there so if I do this right I should be able to buy myself a week or two before anyone notices how low we are getting on certain things.

    Hope everyone has a great day.
    2022 is going to be my year, the year I find organization in my life and the year I focus on myself,
    follow along as tackle day to day life and whatever else 2021 throws at me:

  4. #724
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    TG-I couldn't agree with you more. I think that is a great idea and Sweet Sparrow if your DH is fired for not paying company expenses the company will have a lot of explaining to do. I sure hope SS your DH can resolve this issue.

  5. #725
    Bean bun going offline Ciel's Avatar
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    Found 30 cents on my Saturday walks. Had another dime with me-was able to get a can of Vess pop on Saturday night for 38 cents at Dollarama when I really needed the quick energy.
    Given that some of the SCers are finding good deals on clothing at Value Village/Talize, I plan to see in Oct when HST payment comes if I can find a jacket or pants or top for myself.
    2021-Bring on the sunshine, sweets & online shopping.

  6. #726
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    Home from work and already got things done. Kitchen tidied. ( I will eat later). 1 bathroom cleaned. All garbage and recycling out to garage. Laundry in the wash. Now to put away clean laundry then help DS go through all his clothes and get rid of what he won't wear. Save some for youngest and get rid of the rest. Off I go!

  7. #727
    Canadian Genius Crochetlady's Avatar
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    Had an appointment this afternoon to get the last of three eye injections. Dr. was so pleased with the results of the scan that he didn`t do it. I finally start on maintenance injections next month. Who knew the picture of the eye should look like a perfect donut.

    We`re getting low on ground beef also. This week Zehrs has extra lean on for $3.99 lb. I have a PC Plus offer for meat...5000 points wus $30 so I will be taking advantage of that.
    Andit, Natalka, Angela273 and 4 others like this.

  8. #728
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    Laundry put away. Continuing in laundry room and hope to put away as it dries. Went to GT and used the last of my $1 off Cavendish coupons. Added another 6 bags of fries and 4 onion rings. We should be good till Spring I hope! Moved reuse able bag full of fries to my moms freezer and found 4 bags of janes chicken bites bought last year for a deal so Ds was happy lol. Think a nice hot bath is in order tonight

  9. #729
    Canadian Genius LuvToUseCoupons's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sweet sparrow View Post
    Sometime soon, I'll have LO packing our boxes to donate to Operation Christmas Child. She loves putting things in boxes and everything in the boxes was purchased on sale, free, donated, or from the dollar store. It may take another $20 this year to fill them, and then some extra for the shipping costs. We won't go into debt to give to others, but it's a real sense of joy to be able to give to others and focus less on your own issues when there doesn't seem to be anything that can be done.
    We do this too, sometimes we even get a letter back saying "thank you".
    The one we won't forget was the little boy who wrote us to say "thank you, and that he couldn't believe that someone so far away was thinking about him, how his Mom was in a wheelchair, and how far he had to walk to school, when you get a letter like that regardless of what you might be going through you realize how blessed you are.

  10. #730
    Canadian Guru jasperandchar's Avatar
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    Natalka good for your husband for speaking up and the rain cheque was a bonus! Hope you had a wonderful dinner and visit with Milan and goodness gracious that price for ground beef was outrageous.
    2019 is the year that we continue to save before we buy!!!

  11. #731
    Canadian Genius LuvToUseCoupons's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jasperandchar View Post
    Yes another person who accepted the challenge, thanks for taking part and let me know when you are done, I think I said atleast a month but it's your own timeline

    Freezers and space are a never ending battle and the ice build ups . My problem is that my stand up needs to be defrosted but where you put all the stuff while it defrost but I will accept your challenge when you decide to do yours, let me know or post on here, I think there are quite a few that need to do this BUT have been putting it off (for some strange reason)
    J&C wait until it winter, that's when we usually defrost ours. Then you just put everything in the snow and summer cooler outside .

  12. #732
    Canadian Guru jasperandchar's Avatar
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    crochetlady how wonderful about your eye injections and starting eye maintenance!
    2019 is the year that we continue to save before we buy!!!

  13. #733
    Canadian Guru jasperandchar's Avatar
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    Ashley congrats on all the canning you are doing, great to make all this stuff that is healthy and for later use. And awesome that you are tackling your living steps
    2019 is the year that we continue to save before we buy!!!

  14. #734
    Canadian Genius LuvToUseCoupons's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jasperandchar View Post
    The onions rings are amazing but for freezer space take them out of the packaging as it's just a small bag with about 12 onion rings in each box, saves tons of room and you can fit a lot more in the freezer.

    Yeah another person who accepted the challenge, hoping you find everything you need BUT ask for a rain cheque if they are out (just my 2 cents).
    Yes Nancy, I found out that the box was very big, compare to how many you actually get, so I'll have to try and get some more as I need all 4 bags to make one meal .
    Unfortunately my Walmart doesn't give rain check for there anniversary sale .

  15. #735
    Canadian Guru jasperandchar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LuvToUseCoupons View Post
    J&C wait until it winter, that's when we usually defrost ours. Then you just put everything in the snow and summer cooler outside .
    brilliant thanks for the suggestion it's s
    2019 is the year that we continue to save before we buy!!!

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