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Thread: November frugal friends (2014)

  1. #241
    Mastermind Natalka's Avatar
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    Crochetlady, I do hope you can get some much needed rest. I will keep you in my prayers, and hope that you get some relief.

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  2. #242
    Mastermind Natalka's Avatar
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    Our son came over for supper and a visit, so it's nice to have that mid-week.
    He also was kind enough to help me with some computer thingees I needed help with - a few oddities which popped up after a recent update that I wanted to get rid of.

    So I made a big supper, with lots of extras so he had enough to take home for a few meals, as well as some other goodies.
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  3. #243
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    So my actual "teaching" day went smoothly. The teacher didn't text me the info about being on supervision until it was dark outside. Until last night, I hadn't realized that my heavy winter accessories (scarves, leather mitts) hadn't been unpacked. I thought they were in the closet, but I guess they are still somewhere in the shed. So I ended up getting wind burn on my cheeks because it was dang cold out there. The one school that booked me for Nov 27th called and left me a weird message cancelling the booking. Whatever, I had already turned down work for that day and 1/2 later a Catholic school texted me. I booked that morning and another morning in town. No extra early drive in the winter. *shrug* I received 2 phone calls from a school 1hr away, but I was already booked or it was the one day this month that I don't have childcare (so I tentatively booked a volunteer speaking event instead). Later in the afternoon a teacher at the school I was at asked if I was available for a 1/2 day tomorrow, but I was already booked for the rest of the week. Even though it is unfortunate that I was already booked, it is nice to be wanted. I left new business cards in the mail boxes of all of the teachers at that school, about 25. I'll have to get more printed because I only have a few left. I saw that some other subs had also left their business cards. *shrug*

    LO was terribly upset tonight. I checked his teeth and sure enough he had recently cut a molar, it had been a bump for a long time. The tooth is now out on one side and has a point on the other side. He still has 3 more molars before he is done with his baby teeth. He is finally down for the night, so I should probably get ready for bed soon. He had me up at 6:30 this morning, it has become his new regular time for about a month now. I was up too late last night, so I should probably try to catch up on some sleep. I'm teaching Band and Arts Ed. tomorrow at a Catholic school, it shall be interesting. It is the first time that I am in for this teacher this year.
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  4. #244
    Contradiction in progress sweet sparrow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jasperandchar View Post
    So don't worry if I'm not on for a few days it really will depend on my mood.
    I hope you're feeling better soon. We'll be thinking of you too.

    Quote Originally Posted by thriftygranny View Post
    Awe thanks Nancy and he is counting the days, we have to travel an hour for his surgery so i really hope the roads are good that day, we had rain yesterday and I just shoveled about 8 inches of snow that is still falling.
    I hope all goes well for the surgery.

    Quote Originally Posted by Crochetlady View Post
    i really need your prayers tonight. saw the dr, this morning and got the expected news...all my neck and head pain is not from crocheting too much. my latest bloodwork results show my inflamation levels are through the roof. thought it would be simple...go on anti inflamatories but he said my kidneys couldn`t tolerate the hit so for the first time in my life i`m on prednisone. i`m also on morphine for the pain but it`s not helping much. tonight i can`t even lay my head on the hurts too much. i can expect my blood sugars to go wonky and will gain a bunch of weight...neither of which i need.
    Oh Crochetlady, I hope the pain goes away and things improve. I've been there where you're not well enough to sleep and it's just awful.

    Quote Originally Posted by SassyAshley View Post
    Kind of feeling like when it rains it pours around here. I have been stressing out about money because our fees are doubling plus we are going into winter so our Hydro will sky rocket. Well my Mom found out on Friday she is being forced to choose one job, she currently teaching cake decorating plus work in the store as an associate (she is currently working in framing as they are short staffed) but as of January 1st this will no longer be allowed you can either be a teacher or associate but not both. My Mom is barely making it by each month money wise working both and now she has to choose one. Neither option will pay her bills especially since come January the hours in store will drop and by the time the full time staff get their hours the part timers (which is my mom) are lucky to get 4 to 8 a week. Just seems like no matter what I do right now it feels like our house is bleeding money quicker than I am bringing it in. Things keep coming up that cost $$$ we do not have and it seems like every time I turn around I see something else we need to do that yet again is going to cost $$$, I have no idea how we are going to get through the next few months without using my savings to cover costs especially with Christmas coming. My pay just does not seem to be covering everything and I am just lost at what to do to get extra $$$ as it is I cannot remember the last time I did not have OT pay on my paycheck. Just feeling frustrated and feel like I cannot say anything to anyone here because they look at my savings and point this out which yes we have to fall back on but I also know just how quickly this money could be gone. I have been here once as a teenager and ended up going through all of my savings because everyone keep telling me I had the money to cover it and before I knew it my savings were gone and we literally had nothing other the our weekly pays which were not enough to cover our living expenses.
    Thanks for sharing SassyAshley. Right now, I just feel like I can't win too.

    We wanted to get decent winter tires. After some research, we found the top rated tire to be Michelin XIce. We weren't able to get the best price because DH works 100 km away. They were $100 more than the quote I got from another tire place, but the cheaper place didn't have any appointments available until next week. It's snowing where DH works now. So, I told him that his safety was worth more than $100. DH asked if it was possible to get the tires on by 5 PM, when he leaves for work. To book the appointment, he called long distance with our home phone. Because we have no long distance plan, we're going to be charged a connection fee, plus whatever exorbitant rate Bell charges. I'm afraid to look. He wasn't able to use our computer, which would have been free because LO was asleep and they would have been closed by the time she woke up.

    DH takes the car in this morning and calls at 5 PM. The car hasn't been worked on at all, and didn't get onto the hoists until 6 PM, making him very late for dinner (missed it completely) and almost didn't get to see LO before her bedtime. When he gets home, he realized that the tires installed aren't Michelin's at all, but say Goodyear on them. The invoice says Michelin and we were charged for the Michelin price. So, another expensive call to the shop so they don't think he switched them out when he got home. I'm thoroughly not impressed at having to pay over $700 for the wrong tires and being two hours late to get home.

    Yesterday, I went out to get nine boxes of free cereal. Sobey's had Kashi's Chia Nutty Flax for $2 and I had $2 off coupons. I went after LO was asleep in the rain and the managers had left for the day. Because there was no manager to ask, they wouldn't accept my Websaver printables. I pointed out the unique identifier but they said they needed approval. I stopped in at the SDM on the way back to pick up some Vector cereal for $1.99 (personalized coupon) and submit for the CO51 rebate. I scanned the receipt in today, when LO was awake, but the offers were gone. Instead of picking up nine boxes of free cereal, I paid $20 for them.

    Thank goodness today is over.
    Andit, Natalka, ROMEO and 7 others like this.

  5. #245
    Contradiction in progress sweet sparrow's Avatar
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    Oh yes, and to top that all off, I found that I forgot to take out the cloth diapers out of the dryer yesterday and they're still wet today. Ew.
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  6. #246
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    up early so I can get ready to babysit today-loving it keeps me young
    -crochet lady don't know if mentioned it take care hon

    -son has no margarine -I guess when you work 12 hours and daughter-in-law is full time -I will take them one of mine
    Andit, Natalka, ROMEO and 5 others like this.

  7. #247
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    Good morning I've been up since 5am too. Have a good day everyone
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  8. #248
    Cat Trainer (Trainee??) Andit's Avatar
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    Good morning, everyone.

    Lily dog decided it was too cold to sit outside and spy on the neighbours, which suited me just fine. Who turned up the AC???? It should not go from late summer to early winter temps in the span of a few hours! Grrrr. Think I need a tropical vacation. Or some island rum. Or both.

    Brats went back to bed, they were not impressed that I was grating orange rind for cookies for later (both hate the smell of citrus, so it's a good thing neither has scurvy ). I suspect I will have 2 very eager helpers when I start grating the cheese later on.

    Anyone else in a lackadaisical mood these days? There's so much to do, and so little motivation. Or energy. If only the brats' enthusiasm were contagious, life would be perfect. Who am I kidding, it's pretty darn good. Only thing missing today is a bit of sunshine to get myself in gear and get started. Maybe I'll go watch an old tv show from my misspent youth and get energized. Something with pretty boys so I can drool.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day.

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  9. #249
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    Good day! Busy night tonight getting ready for weekend away in a hotel for a hockey tournament. Put a bunch of drinks in the freezer for ice packs and will pull the cooler out tonight. Will be frying up eggs tonight for quick egg mcmuffins in the hotel room for breakfast. Will figure out tonight what else I will bring to make our meals healthy and not depending on going out too much.
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  10. #250
    Cat Trainer (Trainee??) Andit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crochetlady View Post
    Thanks for the info on Pred. None of my Drs. have ever put me on it because of my weight and then later because of diabetes so this is a last resort. Hopefully it will be a temporary thing. I`ve started with 50 mg for 3 days and decrease by 10 mg every 3 days til I get down to 5 mg daily. I have to call on Monday to let him know if it`s helping.
    2 more bits of advice (fwiw):

    1 - make sure you follow doctor's orders to the letter - don't ever quit Pred cold turkey, side effects are not pleasant to say the least

    2 - if the doc puts you on Pred long term, make sure you get annual bone density tests and that they keep an eye on you - Pred can lead to osteoporosis (for me, dialysis started the process, pred just added to the mix, I'm in a sort of limbo/remission type thing right now thanks to a course of pills and some bone-builders (rocaltrol) to keep things in check)

    Hopefully the Pred can kick-start things to getting you feeling better.

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  11. #251
    Contradiction in progress sweet sparrow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andit View Post
    Anyone else in a lackadaisical mood these days? There's so much to do, and so little motivation. Or energy. If only the brats' enthusiasm were contagious, life would be perfect. Who am I kidding, it's pretty darn good. Only thing missing today is a bit of sunshine to get myself in gear and get started. Maybe I'll go watch an old tv show from my misspent youth and get energized. Something with pretty boys so I can drool.
    Not sure if this will work for you, Andit. If not, I'm sure the other ladies can help.

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  12. #252
    Mastermind Natalka's Avatar
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    ^ Sigh!

    - or, there are others - feel free to add your faves!
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  13. #253
    Canadian Genius Crochetlady's Avatar
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    Can`t believe it...I slept through the night! The only down side to that is I missed taking the dose of morphine so the pain is bad again this morning.
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  14. #254
    Canadian Guru jasperandchar's Avatar
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    Andit you are not alone dh, me, bil, friends on fb are all feeling draggy these days with no motivation or interests for that matter.
    Andit, Crochetlady, Ciel and 2 others like this.
    2019 is the year that we continue to save before we buy!!!

  15. #255
    One Awesome Domestic Diva MrsSunshine's Avatar
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    ((hugs)) ladies. to those who need them. including me. still battling with my back.
    i really need to consider seeing my dr. about long term help.
    if im like this now every winter, what am i going to be like in a few years.

    been going all day. can't wait for tomorrow. spending time with dh, preparing for the weekend.
    btw.. its snowing here.. all keep it though, i know some of you would like that
    Be Strong
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