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Thread: Chat-a-Thon 2017-18 Thread!

  1. #15796
    Mastermind Natalka's Avatar
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    If you can spare five minutes, please watch this.
    Yes, it made me cry, but it's so beautiful and the story so well told.

    A group from Ukraine on AGT

  2. #15797
    Canadian Guru cabmonk's Avatar
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    I said I was going to post a video but I had to load it to YouTube first lol.
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  3. #15798
    Misanthrope GoJays's Avatar
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  4. #15799
    Misanthrope GoJays's Avatar
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  5. #15800
    Easy Glider GoodBoy's Avatar
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    Who knows ... but I Would Rather Be Someone's Shot of Whiskey, Than Everyone's Cup of Tea
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    Wacky Wednesday to all! More rain. That is all.
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  6. #15801
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    Good morning all
    Lots of rain last night and it’s still raining. Today will be a very busy say since I have lots of errands to do and a Dr appointment. I have a book that needs to be returned at the Library so I will be getting it finish before I ventured out. @walkonby hope Murphy is feeling better. Will be thinking about you and the family
    Have a great day all

  7. #15802
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    Good morning all
    Lots of rain last night and it’s still raining. Today will be a very busy say since I have lots of errands to do and a Dr appointment. I have a book that needs to be returned at the Library so I will be getting it finish before I ventured out. @walkonby hope Murphy is feeling better. Will be thinking about you and the family
    Have a great day all
    Newfiescreech likes this.

  8. #15803
    no more door to door! :) walkonby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cabmonk View Post
    I said I was going to post a video but I had to load it to YouTube first lol.
    hey skinny mini!! Woo hoo @cabmonk , you are a beast! Love it.

    I saw this clip from my news feed and chuckled. The background music was the best part......

    Wrt to our sweetie pie Murphy, well we are now waiting on another phone call from the Hospital to tell us whether his creatinine levels have dropped more in the last 24 hr period or whether they have leveled out, the latter being the worst scenario.
    We were all able to visit and cuddle with him at 4 a.m. today ( at the mercy of my shift workers for the ride there ) and gotta say I was very comforted by the care and professionalism of this facility.
    Staff are so accommodating and generous to grieving owners. Mad respect from me, their job cannot be easy, I'd be a giant puddle of walking tears if I ever worked there.

    Charles R.I.P. passed October 29th 2024 52 years old

  9. #15804
    Mastermind Natalka's Avatar
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    @walkonby - so great to know Murphy is being cared for so well.

    Good day, everyone!

    Hoping today is better than the last two; I am ever the optimist!

    Wishing you all a wonderful Wednesday!

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  10. #15805
    Mastermind Natalka's Avatar
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  11. #15806
    Canadian Guru avoncallingu's Avatar
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    I'd like to order some blueberries, please.😊

  12. #15807
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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    @Natalka , I do hope you're much improved today, and omgoodness...THAT bouquet is what I want for Christmas!! Lol...I even tease my DH by saying I would love a big hunk of genoa or soprasetta for Christmas!! All to myself!!

    Sad news from Thunder Bay, my cousin's son passed away two evenings ago from his long battle with cancer; he leaves behind his wife and little daughter. It's so terribly unfair that two brothers have each lost their sons as well as a brother a week ago.

    Still busy between camp and home and recovering from that campground party Saturday evening...I can't believe I danced until 10:30! DH and I even jived like we were still in our 20s, lol!! Everyone was up dancing, partners or not, mostly in circles, omgosh it was fun!

    Cute story, DD took my hand to a slow dance which wasn't unusual, we've waltzed and chatted before, but this time I said I didn't know the song and she said, 'oh, yes you do!', was Ed Sherran's "Thinking Out Loud" (thank you, Walks, I didn't know the name), about "loving you until you're 70" and she laughed as we waltzed and said, "You've only got a month left, Mom!!" Hahaha!!! Such a little brat! Good times.
    Only 2-3 weekends left, but OH, what a gorgeous summer we had!!
    @walkonby , I hope you do get to snuggle Murphy later today, what he must be going through not being with everyone who loves him, but thank heavens he's receiving such wonderful care. I hope he's home very soon and in great health once more.

    Take good care, everyone and give your kids extra tight hugs today and just be thankful......

  13. #15808
    Mastermind Natalka's Avatar
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    @Lynn49 - so sorry about the loss in your family...

    Oh, I will bet you were the hit of that party.
    And so sweet about you and daughter dancing together!

    I only danced with my Mom once, at our wedding; it was so nice to have an unwinding time with her to chat then amidst all the wedding hoopla.

    Well, I had a big bout of nausea come not long after I posted here earlier, so I went to bed for a bit to do some exercises and listen to the radio. Felt okay enough to eat some lunch, so I had corn on the cob and toast. No foods really appeal to me these past few weeks, so I found it very odd that I gained a pound since last week.

    I will take my noon meds then try to have a nap.

    Wishing you all a good aft!

  14. #15809
    Mastermind Natalka's Avatar
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    Last edited by Natalka; Wed, Aug 21st, 2019 at 03:27 PM.

  15. #15810
    no more door to door! :) walkonby's Avatar
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    oy!! that meat bouquet looks droolingly yummy! Also I second the order on some of those blueberries as well! ha ha
    Rotten that your appetite is what it is atm @Natalka but you still sound in pretty decent spirits despite everything you have tossed your way. Must be love that keeps ya on track! Hope you get some relief very soon.

    My sympathies @Lynn49 with the passing of your cousin's son, a young father and husband....honestly nothing makes any sense when it comes to who cancer selects. ((hugs ))

    The most updated news about Murphy is the phone call I received at noon saying he is the same, stable that is. The creatinine level dropped! ( still very high, but better than it was!! ) I was thrilled to hear that news, which means he can get another 24 hr dose of the IV fluids in him and lets hope tomorrow they phone and say it dropped even lower!!

    I kept busy painting all day to avoid crying. It worked and now the front hallway baseboards, trim and 4 various closet and other doors are all bright white again! Now i am questioning why we bought such a large can of the blue paint that I did the garage door, front house door and flower boxes with.......geesh!
    There is still so much left.
    I made DH chuckle by telling him not to be surprised when he returns from work to see every one of our many flower baskets, the square wooden tops decorating the walkway, the recycle bins and maybe even the new railing all painted blue! ha ha
    I was joking of course, but can ya imagine the overkill?

    Just hoping I can find something suitable to slap some of this half and half paint on in the backyard. It can be used on both metal and wood.....hmmmm, maybe I'll paint my 3 seater swing with it?? From drab brown to pretty blue?? I can be dangerous with a brush in hand, nothing is safe....ha ha

    Charles R.I.P. passed October 29th 2024 52 years old

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