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Thread: Chat-a-Thon 2017-18 Thread!

  1. #14296
    Mastermind Shwa Girl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Natalka View Post
    @GoJays - aw, so very sweet!

    My niece in Edmonton has a beautiful bunny, she lives in a townhouse.
    I have never touched a bunny.... well, I came close, our former kitty Taffy had bunny fur - a trademark of ragdolls.

    My husband noticed a baby bunny on our street yesterday, no idea where it came from. It was gone by the time I went to see it.

    Well, i need to go try have a nap, or at least just be on the bed for a while. I am not horizontal as much as I should be. I need to smarten up because I do not want to get swollen legs and feet again!

    Hope you all have a good aft!

    Attachment 351767
    With construction near by, we inherited a baby bunny in The Shwa, last year. He eats the grass and our raspberry leaves. Funny, he doesn't seem to like dandelions.

  2. #14297
    Canadian Guru avoncallingu's Avatar
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    Good morning! Pounding head this morning! I'll be OK soon thanks to pharmaceuticals.

    They are building a Tim Hortons directly below us. Wish they'd hurry up and finish! Who knew so much banging and thumping and beeping backing up trucks went into it!

    Got Tootie's beautification booked. Next mine.

    Looks like nice weather today. Hoping everyone can get their planting done and relaxing started for the weekend.

    Up and atum, Atom Ant! I can remember the quote but not the cartoon.

    See y'all later!

  3. #14298
    Mastermind Natalka's Avatar
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    Good morning! TGIF to those of you marking the end of the work week!
    I look forward to weekends too because I see more of my husband and usually my son.

    So one of my nieces who got engaged last fall is planning the wedding for a year from now. No way would I have waited that long!
    I don't know whether the other niece has set a wedding date - that is much more complicated since she is in Medicine Hat and he lives in Eastern Europe.
    The aforementioned niece and her man are both from Saskatoon.

    Ah, weddings! Unfortunately, if I stay the way I am now, there is no way I can attend them. I already missed two weddings from my husband's side of the family.

    Hope you have a Fab Friday!

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    Last edited by Natalka; Fri, May 24th, 2019 at 12:57 PM.

  4. #14299
    Misanthrope GoJays's Avatar
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  5. #14300
    Misanthrope GoJays's Avatar
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  6. #14301
    Smart Canuck
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    Nat-can your son and husband take you in a wheelchair to a wedding? Or can some type of Handibus transport you? 2 years ago I adopted the motto "come hell or high water" and made it to my daughters grade 12 grad on morphine and in a wheelchair pushed by DH. It was the only way I could attend due to a back injury and I have no regrets. In any case I hope you continue to improve and I applaud your determination to keep walking! Enjoy your weekend.

  7. #14302
    Misanthrope GoJays's Avatar
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    It's been very quiet here today.

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  8. #14303
    Misanthrope GoJays's Avatar
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  9. #14304
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    Good morning all my SC friends
    Its Saturday and I guess everyone is sleeping in.

    It would be raining later here today. Will get my major groceries done today . Also have an appointment today . Hoping it rains after I am done. Going to walk my Thor now he is whining.
    Enjoy your Saturday all

  10. #14305
    Canadian Guru avoncallingu's Avatar
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    Big thunder storm woke me up but i'm going back to sleep if I can. Taking Nephew to his practice today if they don't cancel.
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  11. #14306
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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    Good morning!

    Big rain overnight into this morning, but Accuweather is promising it'll stop in 36 minutes.

    We have a 70-year old guy's b'day party with our street and a few other older couples on other streets who know him. I made a nice big coleslaw..the organizers just asked for appys and sides.
    There'll also be a DJ, so I'm assuming there'll be dancing later, also. Not me, however.
    It starts early, 4pm......we'll have a little to eat, visit to be polite enough, then head to the kids' trailer for a steak dinner.... We'll head back later to listen to some music, but we'd rather be with the kids p,aying Phase 10, or that dice game.

    Other than that, a gorgeous day yesterday, hopefully no rain this afternoon.

    Ok! Time to hop into a shower and get on with the day!

    Enjoy your day, everyone!!!

  12. #14307
    Misanthrope GoJays's Avatar
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    Two more tournaments delayed. Sitting at home waiting for updates.

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  13. #14308
    Misanthrope GoJays's Avatar
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  14. #14309
    Mastermind Natalka's Avatar
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    Good morning, Happy 🐈 urday!

    Yes, I suppose I slept in until 10, however I was up all night and went to sleep after five. Odd, bad, and hurting - weird things preventing me from sleeping. I was SO disturbed, because this has not happened for months and months.
    Hoping I feel okay during the day, and if I feel sleepy, I will sleep.

    Rain is spitting, not much will come of it. If this keeps up, we will be in another drought situation, which isn't good for anyone.

    Hope you all enjoy the day!

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  15. #14310
    Canadian Guru avoncallingu's Avatar
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    Came out to see my friend do a demo of her felting and art at a local gallery and to do some grocery shopping. As we were chatting the sky darkened and a huge thunderstorm is happening. But I am enjoying a lovely homemade magpie and salad at their shop. It's very good.

    It has stopped raining so I should scoot over to the grocery store.

    See ya!
    Newfiescreech, Natalka and Lynn49 like this.

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