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Thread: Chat-a-Thon 2017-18 Thread!

  1. #14326
    Canadian Guru
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    Good morning all.
    I did not make it to the grocery yesterday didn’t want to venture out in the rain. So today will be a day with lots of running around to do a few shopping deals.

    I did keep my DR appointment though. It was just follow up on some test that I did. I guess when you aged it’s a lot of things the DR wants to check for.

    Hope everyone one had an awesome day yesterday.

  2. #14327
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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    Good morning!

    A great party last night, then to the kids', sitting by the fire, then indoors for euchre...probably a perfect night here. One of many, I hope. However, something bit me on the top of my hand that left a tiny little shiny bump, and my hand is swollen. Very weird. Sometimes there's just too much nature here.

    Theres a tiny little girl here, same age as our GS, related to the owner, who has decided that she's his "protector", lol, needs a few big hugs before she goes home for the night, said "Thank you for letting me have smores with you." To which GS replied, My pleasure." Then hugs to my DD....just the sweetest little peanut! This is the 2nd summer they've hung out together...she just follows gs and his friends, eh?

    I think this is a spider bite....

    @Newfiescreech , I haven't seen that message...enjoy your Sunday!
    Ok! Yep, just went to check on my reps, got that database message you posted. It's not us, lol, its them, hahaha!

    Toodles for now, have a lovely day, everyone!
    Nice and sunny here
    Last edited by Lynn49; Sun, May 26th, 2019 at 10:41 AM.

  3. #14328
    Canadian Guru
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    It’s super hot out not my kind of weather. Went out to try walking THOR and I am sweating even in short sleeves and capris.

  4. #14329
    Canadian Guru
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    Quote Originally Posted by Newfiescreech View Post
    Attachment 351785

    Hey ..just wondering if anyone else is receiving this message ..when they check their likes or reps ..i can see who gave me likes but reps or messages I can’t see ..any help will be wonderful..thanking you in advance ..this been going on for week or more now .
    @Newfiescreech this has been going on for over a week now. Hope who ever is responsible to get it fix get it done. I did a few trades and can communicate with any one. Just keeping my finger cross that the received them

  5. #14330
    Newfiescreech Newfiescreech's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by flemeth View Post
    @Newfiescreech this has been going on for over a week now. Hope who ever is responsible to get it fix get it done. I did a few trades and can communicate with any one. Just keeping my finger cross that the received them
    Good Afternoon Flemeth..Thanks so much for letting me know.thought i was they only one having trouble .sure hope they fix this problem soon .have a wonderful day and Thanks again sure appreciate
    wendymac, Lynn49 and dededi like this.

  6. #14331
    Newfiescreech Newfiescreech's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lynn49 View Post
    Good morning!

    A great party last night, then to the kids', sitting by the fire, then indoors for euchre...probably a perfect night here. One of many, I hope. However, something bit me on the top of my hand that left a tiny little shiny bump, and my hand is swollen. Very weird. Sometimes there's just too much nature here.

    Theres a tiny little girl here, same age as our GS, related to the owner, who has decided that she's his "protector", lol, needs a few big hugs before she goes home for the night, said "Thank you for letting me have smores with you." To which GS replied, My pleasure." Then hugs to my DD....just the sweetest little peanut! This is the 2nd summer they've hung out together...she just follows gs and his friends, eh?

    I think this is a spider bite....

    @Newfiescreech, I haven't seen that message...enjoy your Sunday!
    Ok! Yep, just went to check on my reps, got that database message you posted. It's not us, lol, its them, hahaha!

    Toodles for now, have a lovely day, everyone!
    Nice and sunny here
    Thanks so much Lynn ..sure appreciate..have a wonderful day..ohhhh right now it’s 21 degrees outside get my butt outside ..soak up some those UV Rays ..our luck it will snow ⛄️ i better run now lol Thanks again sweetie
    wendymac, Lynn49 and dededi like this.

  7. #14332
    Newfiescreech Newfiescreech's Avatar
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    Name:  5D7D9886-10FE-4D84-9D5A-4A41B9AA3D20.gif
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    wendymac, Natalka, Lynn49 and 1 others like this.

  8. #14333
    Special Agent Gibbs kool_105's Avatar
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    omg.. someone save them, we need to save them all lol

    wendymac likes this.
    Putting the fun back in dysfunctional

  9. #14334
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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    Here we go, @GoJays !!
    Something we suspected all this time!!!

    wendymac, Natalka and GoJays like this.

  10. #14335
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Newfiescreech View Post
    Thanks so much Lynn ..sure appreciate..have a wonderful day..ohhhh right now it’s 21 degrees outside get my butt outside ..soak up some those UV Rays ..our luck it will snow ⛄️ i better run now lol Thanks again sweetie
    @Newfiescreech ...for the b'day party at camp last night, they had cod and salmon flown in from "the east coast"...not sure where, but OMGoodness...that cod was incredible! I had some of the salmon (I'm not usually a fan), but so mild yet flavourful!! I wish we could fly that in all the time!! You're so lucky!!
    Newfiescreech and walkonby like this.

  11. #14336
    Mastermind Natalka's Avatar
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    About the site messages, lots of people are having trouble. We have brought it up in a Site Problems thread here, I tagged Fallen Pixels - who said she contacted Boo about it, but she hadn't heard from him.

    Leave a note here
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  12. #14337
    Mastermind Natalka's Avatar
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    Hi, everyone!

    Crazy day - I did sleep a decent amount overall, but it was at odd times overnight then into mid-morning. I have some aches and pains which I am not thrilled to have, but so goes the battle.

    Hope you are all doing well!

    Name:  facebook_1558906524902.jpg
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    This hit home for me. As a kid, I got used to being called by any or all of my three older sisters' names, before being called my name.

    Sometimes it was only partial, so it would be "Mar.... Ang... Jo... Uh..Natalie!"
    Older sisters are MaryAnn, Angela, Joanne. At least I was never called my older brother's name, Morris!
    wendymac, Lynn49 and GoJays like this.

  13. #14338
    Misanthrope GoJays's Avatar
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    wendymac, Natalka and Lynn49 like this.

  14. #14339
    Misanthrope GoJays's Avatar
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    wendymac, Natalka and Lynn49 like this.

  15. #14340
    Smart Canuck
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    I've got hummingbirds! I was almost certain I did because the level of the hummingbird feeder went steadily down, but I never fully believe in their presence until I get a visual. And I did. The buzzing little thing even dive bombed me when I got too close to the feeder. I always think that's funny. Like those chihuahuas that throw a barking fit and snarl at you. The Spring is beginning well.
    Natalka, Lynn49 and JadeAngel like this.

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